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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone.


As the rain had stopped mid morning, I decided that after lunch I would go for a short walk, somewhere between two and two and a half miles, which I managed in about 45 minutes. The weather was cool but I soon warmed up. I took the two photos below whilst I was out.






Later in the evening I enjoyed a bottle golden sheep, whilst Mrs W once again had brandy and coke.


Time for bed, goodnight all.

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Back from a good evening at the club.  We've been working on creating mudbanks in the river, perhaps I should have asked Richard (HH) to come and help.


Goodnight all, in 10 minutes I will have reached the age that the Beatles sang about, I have been informed by the boss that we are off out for breakfast.



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A busy day at the new workplace.


A couple of satisfied customers - as I'm on customer support, that makes me happy (as well as the boss...). More product familiarisation and more still to come.


Then a quick visit via the warehouse on the way home.

A couple of hours with chop saw, circular saw and battery drills and we have a 4m long packing bench virtually completed.


No need for any complicated joints or measurements!

There is a lower shelf to complete the structure.


A slightly wider "order assembly" bench should appear sometime next week. All the wood has been pre-cut.


Another full day Saturday with tidy up at wife's work, collect Junior NB's car after having a bit of welding carried out after a MOT fail, driving lessons, then watching a home ice hockey game with Junior.


I need to make time for some modelling..........


Have a good Saturday folks.








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Back from a good evening at the club.  We've been working on creating mudbanks in the river, perhaps I should have asked Richard (HH) to come and help.


Goodnight all, in 10 minutes I will have reached the age that the Beatles sang about, I have been informed by the boss that we are off out for breakfast.



Happy birthday Jamie. I guess its not 9 so happy 64th. Have a good day.

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As usual my truck started first time today but when I put it into reverse it would not budge. Managed to get it to lurch forward a couple of inches, but that was it. It seemed that one of the rear wheels was wedged.


After a lot of faffing around I managed to get the offending brake rotor (disk) off and discovered that the friction lining on one of the brake shoes in the parking brake had unglued itself and had, in fact, wedged the parking brake on. (The parking brake is a small drum brake that's integral to the rear disks.)


New brake shoes have been acquired but so far I have not been to remove the old shoes. Internet research suggests the easiest way to do it is to remove the wheel hub with the half-shaft. This involves opening up the rear differential  :O

Edited by AndyID
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  • RMweb Gold

A busy day at the new workplace.


A couple of satisfied customers - as I'm on customer support, that makes me happy (as well as the boss...). More product familiarisation and more still to come.


Then a quick visit via the warehouse on the way home.

A couple of hours with chop saw, circular saw and battery drills and we have a 4m long packing bench virtually completed.


No need for any complicated joints or measurements!

There is a lower shelf to complete the structure.


A slightly wider "order assembly" bench should appear sometime next week. All the wood has been pre-cut.


Another full day Saturday with tidy up at wife's work, collect Junior NB's car after having a bit of welding carried out after a MOT fail, driving lessons, then watching a home ice hockey game with Junior.


I need to make time for some modelling..........


Have a good Saturday folks.




For a moment I thought that you had started another layout albeit not very portable!

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A busy day yesterday, up at 2am to put another cost of white on the warehouse then up at 5am to add filler for the roadcsurface then add brick paving around the station building. I used a Gorilla glue but this time it started losing out of the Styrene joints.. I decided to let it set and then cut the excess off.


Car loading took a bit longer as having 24 foot of layout the two add on building parts stock over night bags and four of us in the car made it a bit tight but we got everything in.


A stop at Banbury to seee the Norh box still standing but looking a bit sorry as the windows and steps have been removed with the windows boarded up.


A good run to the convention venue in Meriden near Solihull and layout set up. One big error is that e touch screen can't be used as I picked up the wrong PC power pack. Not going back to get it.


We were set up by early afternoon and then it was time to play a few alternative touch screens but they won't play ball so far. A few late arrivals with their modules so we left them to i and headed to the pubs for food and beer.


Just deciding if we get up early for breakfast then spend a bit of time at the layout prior to opening today.

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So much to do, so much to see! Forgot to take the step stools to our show yesterday, they are now in the back of the car. Odd bits of rolling stock to go in our display case also in the back of the car. Do I eat breakfast here or at the show?? Decisions, decisions...


Lunch will be at the show ..main course, pudding and a tea or coffee £5. Or perhaps a light snack is in order?


Enjoy you day!



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Good morning one and all


Felicitations to Jamie on l'anniversaire.  Think of it as being even younger than me.  My take on age is increasingly one of putting the mental above the physical.  I shall continue to mis-spend my youth but confess that it is increasingly overdrawn.


By accident I took a book with me to the surgery yesterday awaiting the pleasure of Sister Diabetes.  This was fortunate since the time for my appointment came and went, as did the other patients in the waiting room.  It seems that my Type 2 is more or less under control although one of the readings was a bit high for no apparent reason.  In the fervent hope expressed by both of us I must have an extra blood test in early January on top of the regular one in April and the one in November for Professor Oncologist.  Meanwhile I am still here.


After clinic I embarked on the fodder run.  I took the bus which goes the long way round to Tesco and of which the unpunctuality can be chronic.  Departure time came and went.  Far from immediately the driver started the engine and off we went, only to wait for two minutes or more at the next stop.  As we negotiated the narrow estate roads we had to wait for oncoming traffic again and again, incurring further delay when the man in the electric chair wanted to alight.  The driver was a tad sluggish in sorting the ramp.  Guess what: nearly five minutes late at Tesco, almost all of it avoidable.


Tonight there is a concert at a nearby theatre featuring Gigspanner, the band formed by Peter Knight, late of Steeleye Span.  Gosh, you cry, something to do in Bedford on a Saturday night.  Indeed.  On too many Saturdays if I am not out and about elsewhere there is nothing better to do than go to the pub or watch Casualty.  Does this reflect badly on me or the town, or both?  Discuss.


Best wishes to the missing, to all travellers and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving and depressed.   Oh, and don't forget to put the clocks back.   Someone else may need them.  Boom boom.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Still dark but dry here and there may be some bright or sunny spells today.

Many Happy Returns Jamie. Hope you enjoy your breakfast and the rest of the day.

As usual watched rugby last night. A good close game between Northampton and Gloucester. Further matches to watch later today and tomorrow.

I'm off  to the Wimbledon show at Carshalton today where hopefully I might bump into (not literally but with my record who knows?) one or two RMwebbers. I believe Bill (bishop) will be there with his layout and Smiffy lives in the area although I haven't seen any posts from him (among others) for a few days.

Tea must be taken to The Boss to get at at least 1 brownie point before I embark on this long journey today. (approx 7/8 mins by car) Usual caveat that no purchases are planned. :nono:  :scratchhead:  :dontknow:  :pardon: 

Have an extremely good day one and each,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a slightly grey village on the morning when my age, once again becomes the square of a single digit.  Thanks for the good wishes.  The boss is still abed but I am assured that we will be walking to a nearby establishment for breakfast in due course.  I have also been warned to be ready to leave the ancestral pile at 5.30pm prompt.  The day will bring what the day brings.  Apart from that I will do me best to enjoy the day.  I may even get chance to go to the Leeds show either today or tomorrow afternoon.


Regards to all, and as they used to say on Hill Street Blues,  Let's be careful out there, especially GDB.



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Mornin' all, and happy birthday to Jamie.


Plants have now been installed in the garden, following some intense bashing with sledgehammers and spikes to break up some of the ground. 

Next door's cat appreciated the work the MiL put in to clear the border of weeds leaving it as nicely crumbled soil ready for use. 


It seems that the weekend has been packed out in advance with a variety of social activities, so this is probably the last free moment until Monday morning, when I head back to the office!

Good grief....just as the modelling mojo was returning. 

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Good morning from a decidedly dull Somerset.


We are back from our stay in Folkestone, which was very pleasant - with lots of dry and sunny weather.


The 1430 from Paddington was full on leaving London, with virtually all seats reserved in second class; so heaven knows how 'turn up and go' passengers felt. They probably paid twice as much for their tickets and then had to stand.  I hope the 800s will have about 12 coaches, or be running every 15 mins to Temple Meads otherwise the problem is unlikely to go away.


The GWML electrification progress is very intermittent, with some stretches wired between Slough and Didcot but others not. West of Swindon there were only a few isolated masts. Mrs Jonny did remark on how obtrusive she thought the overhead knitting was. The cables all seem to be thicker than on HS1 through Ebbsfleet.


Although most Folkestone rail travellers seem wedded to the class 395s on the St Pancras run, we went back by 375 to Charing Cross. I much prefer the 375s; they have big wide windows and many seats are aligned with the windows and with tables. Maybe not so good when packed with commuters but in the off peak they are very light and airy and a great way to see the scenery, which is most attractive in Kent at this time of year.


I would gladly sit on a 12-car pantographed 375 from Paddington to Bristol once electrification is complete, rather than take my chances on some airline-seated train and find myself next to a pillar, and with no knee room.


We also had a trip on a Stagecoach Gold service to Canterbury (free with a bus pass - what's not to like?). Very pleasant with high backed leather seats and air conditioned double-deck buses running every 15 minutes.


I have bought a large collection of b&w loco photographs at auction, although they are at present entrusted to Royal Mail 48 delivery; but if any are of historical livery interest I will share them on the relevant threads.


Now to put my feet up for a few days before I visit my Dad in Norfolk from Thursday.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Hope you're all going to have a nice day. I am so far, cruising around on 1350 with this kind of view:




Weather remains wet and unstable, but as long as I'm dry, I'm not too bothered.


Cheers, folks...

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...visiting Root One without actually going in the restaurant is a disaster and deprivation on an epic scale, it's unheard of (until today). However various G word labours later I was duly informed that we need 'another big blue pot to match the two we bought today so we'll have to go back to Root One tomorrow morning'. Ah - so a proper good breakfast of a decent size would appear to beckon and you might not necessarily hear from me until later in the day if we really do 'get up and go early'.

I wonder if there is a Root Sixty-Six?

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Morning all. Happy Birthday to Jamie. I hope you have an enjoyable day. Chrisf: I hope you enjoy the show this evening. To all of those venturing to exhibitions this weekend I hope you have an enjoyable visit and the wallets take the appropriate damage.

In terms of exhibitions this weekend is my calm before the storm. I am not visiting any! However next weekend there is the mini exhibition at Derby Silk Mill Museum on Saturday. This marks the "temporary" closure of the museum's model railway whilst I renovation work takes place. The railway will be operating and there will be some visiting layouts too.

On Sunday it is the Burton Rail-ex event at the National Brewery Museum. It is always an enjoyable show. It also represents the final chance to pass out leaflets for our exhibition which takes place two weeks today! Better get the floor plan finished.


Yesterday proved to be quite mixed. We went into Derby to view the history of children's television exhibition at the museum. It was ok, with some memories evoked. Most of the exhibits were replicas although there was an original Colonel White puppet from Gerry Anderson's Captain Scarlet which was the highlight for me.

Amber became very restless so we cut short the planned shopping trip and skipped the pub lunch. This did not help Sarah's dark mood. Fortunately my parents came to the rescue in the afternoon and had Amber to stay for a couple of hours so we could do some discrete Christmas toy shopping. We made sure a pub lunch was thrown in too. I think the time together did us both good, and Amber enjoyed a busy afternoon with her Nanna.

Last night I caught up with my old friend Mark. A couple of drinks in the pub, made more enjoyable by the fact Hobgoblin was the guest ale. It may be the reason for the headache this morning. The ale consumed this week has not helped the bladder issues either. I must remember to balance the beer, coffee and tea with water!


Enjoy your day.

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Morning all. An overcast morning again but it should at least stay dry.


I was going to head into Exeter today but due to this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-37809584 being ongoing, I'll avoid the area.


A couple of items to obtain after a coffee, some for modelling and also some food.


Jamie - Happy Birthday


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all, been away from here for a few days, as I have just been too busy to post!  It is a grey drizzly day so far, so today's planned activities will have to wait.


I had my last guarding session of the season on the Ratty on Wednesday, and I will miss this over the winter.  The railway was very busy, with it being half term, and one train had to be extended from the usual 8 coaches to 10, to accommodate the demand.  This led to some serious slippage for Northern Rock, as the conditions weren't the best for heavy trains, but the timetable was just about maintained.


The window company also put in an appearance this week to try to seal our long-time leaking window.  Sadly, they failed, and will return next Wednesday to remove the window, as there was clearly either a manufacturing or installation fault.


The house next door has just been put up for sale, and we are now fearfully waiting to see who will buy it.  We are already having issues with the neighbours who are above and behind our house, and more neighbour issues would be a nightmare.


Happy birthday to Jamie!

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's raining, it's been raining since last night and shows no signs of stopping. Mrs W did us breakfast in bed this morning, a nice weekend treat for us both, it'll be my turn tomorrow, which will also mark our 38th wedding anniversary, where does the time go?


Not a lot planned for today, although a MERG order arrived this morning, so I may well be busy with the contents.


We still have roses blooming so I went into the garden earlier and took a couple of photos.




Although not a rose, I couldn't resist taking this one



Happy birthday Jamie.


Andy. Try a glass of water every time you have a tea or coffee, it works for me.


Back later.

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