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  • RMweb Premium

A bt more than a tad breezy the nearest weather station to home is reporting 60mph but Norwich airport only 45mph,

 I hope it drops I need to load some sheets ply on the roof of the landrover later...


I can see the headline now.


"Norwich airport closed by low flying Land Rover............"




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A VERY good family party was held at Mrs NBs workplace last night.

So good that Mrs NB got into a bit of gin drinking race with nephew and his GF

So good that Mrs NB hasn't been seen much today.

We stayed the night and once we got home about 11am, Mrs NB took herself back to bed.


Whilst Mrs was sleeping off her hangover, Junior and myself ventured into Preston for various supplies - cake making and modelling respectively.  We arrived back home at 3pm to find Mrs NB still in bed!

This has been the subject of some amusement between Junior and myself - I think it's quite probably the first time that Junior has seen her mother suffering from the demon drink. 


Three more days off for me, so hopefully there will be some layout wrangling accomplished.


Hump day already - where does the time go?


Have a good one folks.




Keep us informed whether Mrs NB arises before you return to work
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I slept well last night despite Eleanor and a wunny dose, I'll have to get some more tissues today as yesterday evening I went through half a box. Hope you get well soon Dom and the same for other ailing ER's.

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Many Happy Returns Mike.


I had chicken pox as a child and I've had shingles 3 times which I believe is very unusual so don't know whether I'd need the jab or not.

I had chickenpox three times as a child (I caught it, then #1 Sis caught it and I caught it again, then #2 Sis caught it and, naturally, I caught it again!) - and shingles as an elderly adult (where I caught that one I don't know!) - they insisted that I should have a shingles jab as I passed my ¾ century


Delighted to report that Eleanor passed by well to the south of the Cromarty Firth, and my sleep was undisturbed - have to take SWMBO to visit Dr Fang as she developed a nagging tooth during the break, and I have to visit him myself tomorrow for a regular check.

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It's that time of year for New Year resolutions.

I am going to start a slimming club. Slimming Weld seems to charge an inordinate amount and has membership charges and fines. Mine will be much cheaper.

Weekly charge will be £3 by PayPal. You email me your weight, PayPal me and I tell you that you are fat (no politeness here, I am providing a service, cheaply).

Huge benefits all round. Far cheaper than a fat club, you save on subscriptions, no need to get rained on every wet Thursday evening as you can stay on your armchair. I get incredibly rich and each week you will know where you are. Fat, overweight, plump, cuddly, however it's worded I am quids in.

Send contact details written on the back of a £10 note and I may/may not respond

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Currently we have bright sunshine but still a bit on the blustery side and the sunshine is forecast not to last (accurately it would seem according to what happened as I tryped that).  No visible signs of outdoor damage and even the stack of garden chairs is still a vertical stack but far more importantly 3rd mugatea of the day has just been poured.  No plans have been decided upon for the day - or so i am informed - and i do have a couple of birthday books to devour - the second volume of Derek Huxtable's labour of love about the Taunton to Barnstaple line and laddo's surprise gift of 'Trains de France, 1960s' a companion volume to the 1950s version he found for me last year which has some very tempting views in it.


Have a good day one and all and may Eleanor not treat you harshly plus best wishes for early improvement to all who are suffering etc.

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  • RMweb Gold

Got a message from Steve earlier that his parcel would be delivered tomorrow so that left me and The Boss free to do as we like......


.....so we went to Sainsbury's!  :banghead:

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Good picture - are there going to be trains too?

Not down there I hope....


Greetings all from a very blustery LBG. Belated birthday congratulations to the Stationmaster and wishes for a speedy recovery to those who are ailing - Ian Abel, Tony S, Dom, Mrs Simon G ...the list goes on. I guess it is the time of year.


Have a good day all

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  • RMweb Gold

Got a message from Steve earlier that his parcel would be delivered tomorrow so that left me and The Boss free to do as we like......


.....so we went to Sainsbury's!  :banghead:

Well there's a surprise.  :laugh:

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That is definitely a photo where you have to do a double take, what a wonderful image Shortliner....and I can't be the only one looking at the Greyhound bus thinking of Simon & Garfunkel's wonderful song 'America'...!


DIY update - I still hate it with a passion but seem to be getting stuck into it with uncharacteristic gusto all the same. I must be ill! 'Operation Skirting Board' is now a rip roaring success, despite my Rolls Royce Merlins (ie: nostrils) clogging up with dust, but a quick sortie over the picture rail and a recce mission behind enemy lines to devise an attack on the door frame should see the battle at least half won. I've asked the top brass to smoke me a kipper for tomorrow's breakfast, just in case...


Hope it hasn't been too gusty wherever you are, we've been reasonably ok here.

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Shock horror. My gad has been zooked and my flabber has been ghasted.

I phoned the gp and as usual I asked for the triaged call back.

Imagine my shock to be only offered an appointment today.

Edited by lightengine
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  • RMweb Premium

Good picture - are there going to be trains too?


Only on a day with the letter K in its name ;)


Seriously though - great job on the station even if we lost the historic "Central Side" roof and I hope the direst prognostications of the Thameslink Doomsayers, extended dwell times royally stuffing up attempts to run 20 or more trains per hour, do not come to pass.


Safely returned from my day out in Paradise very strong icy winds and managed to avoid the effects of those winds upon the rail not-work.  Virginia Water and Fulwell (the latter at the level-crossing access to the Depot Upon the Hill of Strawberries) were blocked by natural events as I left but other than the Kingston Roundabouts taking displaced Shepperton branch passengers whose services were cancelled there was no effect upon my travels.  I suspect more is yet to be ventured upon us as the wind eases and trees find themselves insecure.  



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I ended up not venturing out but not because of the weather.


Dad decided to chase the bin down the road and took a tumble. Only a few bruised ribs but definitely not able to do as much as usual.


Another attempt for the van will now happen tomorrow afternoon.

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  • RMweb Premium

Quite blustery here as well, and I did find it rather interesting to see that the same storm system has a different name here: Burglind. I can literally imagine the Valkyries riding in… :jester:


I'm reading the Black Forest is under a persistent rain warning with precipitation of 70 to 120 litres per square metre being predicted, while the south of Bavaria is to expect up to six inches of snow.


Thankfully, the meds I was prescribed seem to begin having an effect. Dinner tonight will be home-order Indian food, and I do indeed hope that the spices may burn off some of the bugs also!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening Awl.

Stop press!!! I saw an orange ball in the sky for a minute or two.


More flood warnings have been put out.


Sheets of plywood were safely loaded up onto the landrover and very well tied on, and safely delivered home, getting them off was more interesting in gusting 40 mph winds, I was propelled towards the railway shed rapidly each time.


While loading up a cockwomble carefully parked his big Volvo with the white line up the middle of the car.


Stop press HMG have confirmed that I will still be a basic tax payer next tax year, Even with my RAF pension. What they haven't said is what they are doing between now and April.

Edited by TheQ
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Shock horror. My gad has been zooked and my flabber has been ghasted.

I phoned the gp and as usual I asked for the triaged call back.

Imagine my shock to be only offered an appointment today.

Well today hasn't gone exactly to plan. 


For the last few days I've had a tightening of the Chest whenever I do things like bending down, getting dressed etc. Peter BB and a couple of others said to me at Club last night that I didn't look to well.


This morning it got a lot lot worse, and I was having trouble drawing even half a Lung of air, let alone a full lung of air, it was as if I was wearing a strait jacket but with no pain, just a tightness and difficulty breathing.


So I rang the Doctors for an appointment. Hahhahahhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhoooooooohahhahhah   :no:    :no:    :no:    :no:

Nothing today Mr Peters, we might be able to fit you in next week, unless you feel it's urgent.


I have a tightness of the Chest, no real pain, just a tightness and difficulty breathing.


Leave it with me Mr Peters, I might be able to get a Doctor or Duty Nurse to ring you.


About an Hour later, I had a call from the Duty Doctor.


What appears to be the problem Mr Peters?


I have a tightness in my chest and difficulty breathing, it's not constant but keeps coming an going every half hour or so.


How quick can you get here Mr Peters?


About 5 minutes.


Come down strait away, I'll have a Nurse ready to do an ECG.


So I did, the Nurse did the ECG, and then she said; wait outside and the Doctor will see you soon.


Just a few minutes wait, and the Doctor called me in.


ECG was fine, luckily, and it's just a chest infection, so now sitting down with Brian Blessed's Autobiography, and resting.


Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.   :sungum: 

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Evening all. Rather chilly here as one of the main fuses in the consumer unit  - the 63A one, has tripped and won't reset. Hence, we're down to minimal gadgetry and no heating. A sparks is due tomorrow. 

I was going to replace it myself but, of course, the consumer unit is a particular brand whose fuses aren't stocked by our local diy emporium. So, the pragmatic thing to do is wait till the sparkie turns up at £90 per hour - i do hope its just the fuse. :)

Also swmbo discovered a pin hole sized leak in the base of the kitchen sink which had allowed water to drip down into the cupboard below. 

So, all told, a day of delights. 

Better post this now as the fish will want their tank heater switched on - and the  wifi router is using their heater plug space. 


Edit: Just seen the pictures of the new London Bridge station - for once we have a station that looks as new and shiny as most of Dom's photos! 

Edited by AndyB
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