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Afternoon all


Mike, glad that you're up and about today after yesterday's fainting episode. Take care old son.


Amazed to hear the Curry's story - perhaps they've woken up at last to the news that the customer is king and good service is all. That way word of mouth from the customer is just as good as advertising.


Am still baffled by Gavin's (Black Marlin) "hello to Jason Isaacs" or maybe am just dimmer than usual. Good tale about the snake, though but.


Warm here today with a hint of rain. Busy day doing my mum's and our shopping then getting the turf laid, which arrived at 0905 this morning - and the text said that it would be between 0910 and 1110. Good service.


Anyway, enjoy a leisurely few days, Mike, and a good evening to all



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I’m easily baffled at the best of times but when it comes to Facebook the scope for bafflement is infinite.  On Monday I posted something about marching at Bristol Pride last Saturday.  I know that some FB friends have seen it for they have responded with ‘likes’.  One, though, had not seen it, though he tells me that he can see it if he looks for it in my profile but has not yet responded to the far from subtle hint that I would like him to like it.  I’ll get him to explain it to me.  Maybe.  Did I ever tell you that I hate technology? 





Chris, from recollection and observation the algorithm appears to sort of works like this. (Please note the "appears" and "sort of"!) 


If you like or comment on a particular friend's posts then it is more likely that more of their future content will appear in your feed than a friend's posts who you don't rate or comment on. Not sure what the half-life of a "like" or "comment" is within the algorithm. In a sense it is reflecting the relative interest you show in all of your friends' posts and promoting those where they detect a closer association, as judged by your likes or comments. 


There's also the small matter of when and how frequently people access their facebook account - I'm guessing that if someone only uses it infrequently it will only show the last few hours of posts. 


Hope this helps. 

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A more measured day at work, steady away which is OK on a Wetkneesday. 


Not too hot either which is a relief.  Little else to report really.


81C, Narrow Planet are the business - you won't be disappointed.  All my live steamers have their plates.

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Afternoon all




Amazed to hear the Curry's story - perhaps they've woken up at last to


Am still baffled by Gavin's (Black Marlin) "hello to Jason Isaacs" or maybe am just dimmer than usual. Good tale about the snake, though but.




I smiled at the snake story. Especially as the team were looking for sea snakes and bandy bandy snakes are:


Only mildly generous unlike their aquatic cousins and


Are land based burrowers and don't venture into the sea.

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Hope your aircon is working well with drive you've got!




Not too bad a journey. I'm not a fan of aircon preferring an open window. An incident on the A1 near Tuxford ahead of us sadly claimed the life of a truck driver. Condolences and thoughts to those involved.

Some folk were stuck up to 6 hours in the southbound queue. They cut the central barrier to release the traffic northwards. We were fortunate in that diversions were in place and only added 20 minutes to our trip.


A nice steak has just been consumed at Middletons Grill in Colchester.


Catch up tomorrow



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Good evening everyone


Well, we had a good day at Tatton Park Flower Show, in our opinion, the show gardens were not as good as previous shows, but then again that’s all a bit subjective anyway, there also seemed to be less trade stands too! I managed to get one or two things that I was looking for, namely some very long sleeved gauntlets, for when I’m pruning roses and a pair of long handled secatures, which hold onto whatever is being cut. It seemed to be a bit quiter on members only day and we were there a lot longer than we usually are, but a good time was had by us both, we’ll go on members day next year too!


Tomorrow I’ll be busy putting away all the stuff I got from the shed yesterday, then potting up the plants we bought today.


We’ve walked quite some distance today and are both rather tired so we’re having an early night.


Goodnight all.

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I smiled at the snake story. Especially as the team were looking for sea snakes and bandy bandy snakes are:


Only mildly generous unlike their aquatic cousins and


Are land based burrowers and don't venture into the sea.


Its amazing how much is still to be found down  here. For instance, Peacock Spiders - how were these not noticed until about 10 years ago?  and they live across southern Australia including Sydney.


and  Its not as if they go out of their way to be camouflaged!




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' Evening all from red dragon land.

A bit damp when we left for West Shore this morning and a few spots of the wet stuff when we got there.  Thankfully, it was short lived.

Ray and youngest started connecting up the two signals that will control trains in the station and entering the station - drive into unloading bay where passengers get off, then pull forward into loading bay where next group of passengers get on. 

I quietly went off to get at those awkward to reach brassy bits in Speedy's cab - I limited it to the top bits (those around the fire door were a bit too far gone for this occasion and cleaning materials I at hand).  Then, I spruced up the nameplates on the two electrics.  Finally, I put a good shine on the hose clamp that secures the spark arrestor in Speedy's chimney.

Counting down the days to our Grand Opening on Saturday.


' Night all and nos da.

Thinking of Mike, in particular , take care everyone and look after yourselves.



PS I must remember to clean the spark arrestor.

I must remember to clean the spark arrestor.

I must remember to clean the spark arrestor....



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Good morning one and all


Mission impossible wasn't quite so impossible yesterday and I travelled successfully to and from Harpenden by Thameslink.  On the outward leg a purposeful stride took me to a strategically placed bench on Harpenden Common within sight of the pub ahead of opening time.  Lunch was convivial and the meeting interesting, though I suspect that the third pint of Spitfire was a mistake.  The return to Harpenden Hauptbahnhof was more of a trudge.  Today I must decipher my scrawl and produce a brief note of the conclave.


AndyB, your insight on the way that Facebook functions was most helpful.  As it happens, my opposite number is also baffled by how it "works" and I may send him what you posted if that's OK.  What is not OK is that he has not cluck "like" on the post that I wanted him to like.  No doubt I shall have to live with that and other thoughtless behaviour over the years.


Today I will wash both serviceable pairs of jeans.  It would be wise to go clothes shopping sooner rather than later given my forthcoming holiday.  Perhaps it serve me right for choosing bottom of the market stores but I deplore the apparent disappearance of zip flies and the proliferation of awkward fly buttons.


Warm thoughts to Andyram, Andy P, Robert, Simon, Debs, Tony and Aditi, Mal and all who are in distress or missing.



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And for my birthday today I shall be umpiring a U15 county girls match with a mad Australian.




A whole team of girls against a single Australian? Hardly fair!

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Morning All


Happy birthday, Barry.


Meeting with solicitor this morning, to amend first drafts of wills, as they still don't reflect our wishes, and we do wonder whether our original instructions were not as clear as they could have been. 


Generic greetings are, of course, on offer, and also a hope that Debs returns again soon.


Regards to All


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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here..

A pretty good nights sleep of 5 hours in bed and maybe another  dozing on the sofa..


I awoke to see it very misty outside, At least I was hoping it was mist, By the time I went on Patrol with Ben the Border Collie, it had lifted a little, and was confirmed as mist.. On the radio they said, on the coast road at Sheringham there was lots of smoke on the road from grass fires.


Meanwhile I was panicking, I reached in my pocket and no passcard. since the pass is also the door key it's not good to lose it. I searched the house, the garden where we'd be rubble dumping, the land rover and the front of the car where I'd been sitting. No luck, So I had to go to work.  Once there, I opened the passenger door behind the driver to pick up my bag and... there was the passcard, vertical, hard against the "chassis rail" below the door.. it must have come out of my pocket while I was driving hoe last night, and slid back against the side of the rail...


Yesterday's Barbeque at work went reasonably well, though number of attendees were down. I won two pens and two keyring bottle openers on the silly games (company branded of course).. The food was reasonable though nowhere as good as my brothers party at the weekend.. I had to cut short and head for home early as we had the rubble to move...


I've lost lots of brownie points... I told her last week about the event, But I didn't remind her yesterday, so she was sat at home wondering why I was late and she was getting hungry. Anyway we went and loaded up with rubble, went to put the tarpaulin it was sitting in inside the club to find.... another dozen bags of rubble. So we drove back and unloaded, then I returned to the club while SWMBO had her evening meal..

The Rubble was loaded and two old kitchen tops put on the roof of the landrover, we found those inside as well, near to three new uncut plastic wrapped kitchen tops.


 I've emailed the organiser to say I have them, just in case they had Ideas for them...

The landrover unloading can wait till Saturday morning..


I'm waiting for a special cable someone has borrowed before I can start work..


Time to,..... Search for a replacement tablet for SWMBO for the one she lost..while I wait..

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Good morning everyone


The sun is shining, something that it wasn’t doing a lot of yesterday. Once Sheila has gone to her Zumba class I’ll make a start on putting the fold up chairs and trucks back in the shed, once I’ve given them a sip e down first. Then I’ll put away my new tools etc and then do a bit of repotting of our plant purchases before removing the last bit of soil from the few remaining sods.


Hopefully all this will be done before dinner so that I can spend the afternoon in the workshop.


Baz. Happy birthday.


Back later

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Happy Birthday Barry.


Today I am taking the NB clan on a train ride to the Capital.


Hopefully catch up later


Have a good Thursday folks.




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....Meeting with solicitor this morning, to amend first drafts of wills, as they still don't reflect our wishes, and we do wonder whether our original instructions were not as clear as they could have been. ...

To be fair, the common precedent clauses that are available in many standard practitioner reference books aren't always flexible, and some improvisation may be needed. The important thing is that your wishes and intentions are clear to see on a reading of the draft.


I had one who wanted to set up a trust to support the education of his child. Then I realised he didn't have the money to put aside....

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