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Farish announcements - 2011

Andy Y

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Magnificent seven to become nine

Bachmann’s Graham Farish N scale rangedelivered 7 new motive power items during 2010 and now we are aiming to betterit by two.


Nine new models of locomotives and multipleunits are announced for release during the next 18 months. The 2011 nine are:


*LNER A1 Class4-6-2 including the new build ‘Tornado’ version


Powerful 4 axle tender drive mechanism with phosphor bronze pick up bushes, fully detailed locomotive body including cab interior.Tender mechanism fitted with 6PIN NEM DCC decoder socket. Locomotive hasdriving wheel pick up via phosphor bronze pick up bushes. Tender bodiesfor ‘Tornado’ and original build, tender frames with axle or roller bearing boxdetails. Disc or spoke tender wheels.


Recommended Retail Price £136.10 (‘Tornado’ £148.30)




*BR Standard Class5MT 4-6-0


Loco with driving wheel pick up via phosphorbronze pick up bushes, 6PIN NEM DCC tender drive with phosphor bronze pick upbushes offering one of three versions oftender bodies ( BR1, BR1B orBR1C), fully detailed locomotive body including cab interior.



Recommended Retail Price £121.60




*Class 350/1 and350/2 ‘Desiro’ 25kV overhead 4 Car EMU


4 Car unit with NEM close couplings between cars(except powered bogie and outer cab ends), cab units (DMOS1 & 2) with 6PINNEM DCC socket, running lights set to day light condition, illuminatedcab destination light. PTOSLW unit with powered bogie and 6PIN NEM DCC decodersocket plus provision to fit an ESU sound decoder with speaker housing at nonpowered end. Non electrical working pantograph which can be set in araised or lowered position. Prototype interiors for 350/1 and 350/2 versionswith 3rd pick up shoe detail for the 350/1 version. Detailed underframe equipment.



Recommended Retail Price £150.05




*4 Cep (Class 411)third rail DC 4 Car EMU


4 Car unit with close coupling mechanism with NEMcouplings (except powered bogie), powered MBSO with drive mechanism, 6 PIN NEMDCC decoder socket with option for sound plus two speaker housings andilluminated train head code box. Non powered MBSO with 6 PIN decoder socket andIlluminated train head code box. Fully detailed interiors and under frameequipment


Recommended Retail Price £151.90




*Original buildversion of the Class 08 diesel shunter


Original build version with wooden cab doors,footplate mounted left and right battery & exhauster boxes, radiator ladderand bonnet details. Option to fit EZ Mate II magnetic buckeye couplings.



Recommended Retail Price £68.80. Weathered version(371-022) £72.25




*War DepartmentAusterity 2-8-0 heavy goods locomotive


Loco driven model with detailed die-cast body, drivingwheel pick up with phosphor bronze pick up bushes, 6PIN DCC PCB mounted in thetender with fixed wire link to the locomotive, detail variations for BR regionsincluding GWR version.



Recommended Retail Price £129.70. Weathered version(372-427) £136.20




*Midland Pullman


6 Car DMU with close coupling mechanism with NEMcouplings (except powered bogies), 4 axle powered car with twin flywheels, 6PIN NEM DCC decoder socket with provision for sound and illuminated cab ends. Fullydetailed interior and under frame equipment.



Recommended Retail Price not yet available




*Class 20 (all newtooling for body and chassis)


All wheel drive with 6PIN NEM DCC decoder socket,working lights for headcode or disc versions, bogie and battery box detailvariations, cab detail with large or standard sized windows. Separate fandetail mounted under the etched grille.



Recommended Retail Price £93.15. Weathered version(371-032) £97.85




*LNER J39 Class0-6-0 tender locomotive


Loco with all wheel pick up with phosphor bronze pickup bushes, 6PIN NEM DCC tender drive with phosphor bronze pick up bushes,offering one of two styles of tender body (stepped sides or flat sides) andfully detailed locomotive body including the cab interior.


Recommended Retail Price £78.25. Weathered version(372-403) £82.15




Additionally the previously announced Ivatt2MT 2-6-0 Class tender locomotive will be progressed and released during thenext 18 months.


Graham Hubbard, Managing Director ofBachmann Europe told us “Graham Farish hasbeen the leading British N scale manufacturer since 1970 and we aim to keep itthat way. To deliver seven magnificent items of motive power for N scalemodellers in 2010 was a remarkable achievement and now we are trying to beat it”.




More coaches and wagons from Farish

Further items of rolling stock will beadded to the Graham Farish N scale range over the next year.


The first of the new retooled Mark 1coaches were released during 2010 and four new types are being added to theexpanding range. These include BCK, FO, RMB, BG and GUV, all of which are nowin the tool room. A new close coupling Commonwealth bogie has also beendeveloped.


New wagons (all new tooling) include a 10Tmeat van, SR pill box brake van, 12 Ton Eastern Region vans, BR LNER high sidedopen wagons, JJA auto-ballaster hoppers, PCA cement wagons (new tooling toreplace previous versions), FNA Nuclear Flask wagon, Presflo cement wagons andSPA coil carriers.




Graham Farish - New releases of existing products

The following are new items for 2011(some existing toolingwith livery or running number changes). Items in bluerepresent new tooling since the last catalogue.


*This model has beenpreviously announced but not included in a previous catalogue


Graham Farish



Train Sets



370-255 Colliery Classic Freight


370-060 Digital Commuter





Great Western Railway / BR Western Region locomotives



371-908 GWR Class 57xx No. 5757 in BR blackwith late crest





London Midland & Scottish Railway / BRLondon Midland Region locomotives



372-207 3FJinty No. 47472 in BR black with late crest


372-054 3FJinty No. 44330 in BR black with late crest


372-154 3FJinty No. 48750 in BR black with early emblem


372-479 Jubilee 4-6-0 No. 45596 in BR greenwith late crest




London & North Eastern Railway / BR Eastern Regionlocomotives




372-080 A1 Class No. 60163 in BR Doncastergreen


372-801 A1 Class No. 60156 in BR green withlate crest


372-802 A1Class No. 60147 in ‘North Eastern’ BR green with early emblem


372-075 ClassB1 No. 1000 ‘Springbok’ in LNER green


372-076 ClassB1 No. 61139 in BR lined black with early emblem


372-077 ClassB1 No. 61251 ‘Oliver Bury’ in BR lined black with late crest


372-078 ClassB1 No. 61321 in BR lined black with late crest weathered


372-401 J39No. 64960 in BR black with early emblem


372-402 J39No. 64791 in BR lined black with late crest


372-400 J39 No. 1856 in LNER lined black withflat sided tender

372-403 J39 No. 64841 in BR blackwith late crest weathered





British Railways Standard Class locomotives

372-725 Class5MT No. 73068 in BR lined green with late crest


372-726 Class 5MT No. 73158 in BR lined blackwith late crest

372-727 Class 5MT No. 73082 in BRlined black with early emblem


372-728 Class 5MT No. 73014 in BR lined greenwith late crest


372-425 WD Austerity Class No. 90732 in BRblack with early emblem

372-426 WD Austerity Class No.90566 in BR black with late crest

372-427 WD Austerity Class No. 90201in BR black with late crest




Diesel locomotives



371-053 Class 04 No. D2290 in BR plain green


371-051B Class 04 No. D2294 in BR blue with wasp stripes


371-020 Class 08 No. 13029 in BR black withearly emblem


371-021 Class 08 No. 13365 in BR green withearly emblem


371-022 Class 08 No. D3729 in BR green withwasp stripes (weathered)


371-030 Class 20 No. D8000 in BR green


371-031 Class 20 No. 20192 in BR blue


371-032 Class 20 No. 20063 in BR blue


371-105 Class 31 No. 31602 in network rail yellow


371-587 Class 46 No. D186 in BR blue livery


371-825A Class 47 No. D1745 in BR two tone green with illuminatedcentre head code box


371-828A Class 47 No. 47403 ‘The Geordie’ in BR blue

371-354 Class 60 No. 60054‘Charles Babbage’ in BR Railfreight

Petroleum Sectorlivery


371-395 Class 66 No. 66843 in Colas Rail yellow, orange & black





Diesel Multiple Units




371-503 Class 101 Two Car DMU in BR Express Parcels livery


371-512 Class 101 Three Car DMU in BR green


371-740 Midland Pullman (6 car) in Nanking blue livery


371-741 Midland Pullman (6 car) in BR blue withyellow ends




Electric Multiple Units




371-702 Class 350/1 (4 car) No. 350 102 inLondon Midland livery

371-700 Class 350/1 No. 350 111‘Apollo’ in Silverlink livery

371-701 Class 350/2 No. 350 238 inLondon Midland livery


372-676 Class 411 CEP (4 car) in late SRmultiple unit green with whistle


372-675 Class 411 CEP (4 car) in late SRmultiple unit green with yellow

warning panels


372-677 Class 411 CEP (4 car) in BR blue/greylivery











Network Rail Yellow Coaches




374-040 BR MK1 Generator Van


374-086 BR MK1 Gauging Gen. & Staff Coach


374-190 BT MK1 Gauging Main Data Coach






British Railways Mark 1 Coaches




374-311A Mark 1 brake end in BR crimson


374-312 Mark 1 brake end in BR crimson


374-010A Mark 1 SO Second Open in BR crimson / cream


374-035 Mark 1 BG Full Brake in BR crimson /cream


374-060A Mark 1 SK Second Corridor in BR crimson / cream


374-081 Mark 1 BCK Brake Corridor Composite inBR crimson / cream


374-185A Mark 1 BSK Brake Second Corridor in BR crimson / cream


374-815 Mark 1 FO First Open in BR crimson /cream


374-255A Mark 1 CK Composite Corridor in BR crimson / cream


374-011A Mark 1 SO Second Open in BR green


374-037 Mark 1 BG Full Brake in BR green


374-063A Mark 1 SK Second Corridor in BR green


374-108 Mark 1 RMB Mini Buffet Car in BR green


374-131 Mark 1 GUV General Utility Van in BRgreen


374-186A Mark 1 BSK Brake Second Corridor in BR green


374-259A Mark 1 CK Composite Corridor in BR green


374-817 Mark 1 FO First Open in BR green

374-083 Mark1 BCK Brake Corridor Composite in BR green

374-014A Mark 1 SO Second Open in BRchocolate / cream

374-038 Mark1 BG Full Brake in BR chocolate / cream

374-064A Mark 1 SK Second Corridorin BR chocolate / cream

374-082 Mark1 BCK Brake Corridor Composite in BR chocolate / cream

374-109 Mark1 RMB Mini Buffet Car in BR chocolate / cream

374-189A Mark 1 BSK Brake SecondCorridor in BR chocolate / cream

374-256A Mark 1 CK CompositeCorridor in BR chocolate / cream

374-818 Mark1 FO First Open in BR chocolate / cream

374-012A Mark 1 SO Second Open in BRMaroon

374-036 Mark1 BG Full Brake in BR Maroon

374-061A Mark 1 SK Second Corridorin BR Maroon

374-084 Mark1 BCK Brake Corridor Composite in BR Maroon

374-107 Mark1 RMB Mini Buffet in BR Maroon

374-130 Mark1 GUV General Utility Van in BR Maroon

374-187A Mark 1 BSK Brake SecondCorridor in BR Maroon

374-257A Mark 1 CK CompositeCorridor in BR Maroon

374-816 Mark1 FO First Open in BR Maroon

374-926 Mark1 SLF Sleeping First in BR Maroon

374-925 Mark 1 SLSTP SleepingSecond in BR Maroon

374-013A Mark 1 SO Second Open in BRblue / grey

374-039 Mark1 BG Full Brake in BR blue / grey

374-062A Mark 1 SK Second Corridorin BR blue / grey

374-085 Mark1 BCK Brake Corridor Composite in BR blue / grey

374-110 Mark1 RMB Mini Buffet in BR blue / grey

374-132 Mark1 GUV General Utility Van in BR blue / grey

374-0188A Mark 1 BSK Brake SecondCorridor in BR blue / grey

374-258A Mark 1 CK CompositeCorridor in BR blue / grey

374-819 Mark1 FO First Open in BR blue / grey

374-928 Mark1 SLF Sleeping First in BR blue / grey

374-927 Mark 1 SLSTP SleepingSecond in BR blue / grey

374-477 Mark 1 SLEP Sleeping Carin BR blue / grey




British Railways BR Mark 1 PostalCoaches




374-133 Mark 1 GUV General Utility in RESlivery

374-900 Mark1 TPO in BR Royal Mail Travelling Post Office red

374-901 Mark 1 TPO in BR PostOffice red

374-902 Mark 1 TPO in BR blue /grey livery

374-903 Mark 1 TPO in BR RoyalMail letters red livery








373-404 31 Ton ZDA open plank wagon in Dutchlivery

377-501B 3 Plank Wagon in BR bauxite


377-025B 5 plank steel floor wagon in John Arnold& Sons livery


377-026B 5 plank steel floor wagon in Tarbitumaclivery


377-029 5 plank steel floor wagon in ShapTarred Granite livery


377-054A 5 plank wooden floor wagon in BR grey


377-055 5 plank wooden floor wagon in J Skinnerlivery


377-075B 7 plank fixed end wagon in Eales &Roberts livery


377-076A 7 plank fixed end wagon in Shaka Saltlivery


377-083 7 plank end door wagon in Crane &Company livery


377-084 7 plank end door wagon in Tir Pentwys


377-175B 7 plank wagon with coke rail in ExeterGas Company livery


377-125B 8 plank end door wagon in James &Emanuel livery


377-126B 8 plank end door wagon in Ketton Cementlivery (weathered)


377-150B 8 plankfixed end door wagon in Isleworth Coal livery (weathered)


377-151A 8 plank fixed end wagon in Musgravelivery


377-152B 8 plank fixed end wagon in Foster &Co livery


377-200A 8 plank wagon with coke rail in Birleylivery


377-204 8 plank wagon with coke rail in ThomasW.Ward livery


377-205 8 plank wagon with coke rail in Bedwaslivery


377-326A Conflat with AF container in BR lightblue


377-328A Conflat with BD container in BR crimson


377-341A Conflat with two AF containers in BirdsEye livery


373-260A 8 ton cattle wagon in BR bauxite (early)


373-261A 8 ton cattle wagon in GWR dark grey


373-262 8 ton cattle wagon in BR bauxite (late)


377-301B 20 ton ex-LMS type brake van in BR (M)grey


377-310A 20 ton brake van in LMS grey


377-525C 20 ton brake van in BR bauxite (early)


377-850 25 ton SR pill box brake van in SRbrown with white roof and

red ends


377-851 25 ton SR pill box brake van in SRbrown with grey roof and


Red ends


377-852 25 ton SR pill box brake van in BR grey


377-853 25 ton SR pill box brake van in BRdepartmental olive green


377-854 25 ton SR pill box brake van in BRbauxite


373-701B 12 ton ventilated van with planked sidesin BR bauxite (early)


373-703 12 ton ventilated van with plankedsides in BR bauxite (late)

373-725B 10 ton insulated van withplanked sides in BR white


373-726B 10 ton insulated van with planked sidesin BR bauxite (late)


373-740 10 ton meat van in BR crimson


373-741 10 ton meat van in BR bauxite (early)


373-742 10 ton meat van in BR bauxite (late)


377-975 12 ton eastern ventilated van withplanked ends in LNER oxide


377-976 12 toneastern ventilated van with planked ends in early BR bauxite


377-980 12 ton eastern ventilated van withcorrugated ends in early BR




377-981 12 ton eastern ventilated van withcorrugated ends in late BR




377-985 12 ton eastern ventilated fruit van in earlyBR bauxite


377-986 12 ton eastern ventilated fruit van in lateBR bauxite


377-227B 16 ton steel mineral wagon with top flapdoors in BR grey




377-250C 16 ton steel mineral wagon in BR grey


377-251B 16 ton steel mineral wagon in BR lightgrey


377-252A 16 ton steel mineral wagon in ZHV olivegreen


377-253 16 ton steel mineral wagon in BRbauxite


377-275B 27 ton steel tippler wagon in BR greywith Iron Orebranding


377-276A 27 ton steel tippler wagon in BR greywith Chalk branding


377-950 13 ton high sided steel open wagon withchain pockets in


Early BR Bauxite


377-951 13 ton high sided steel open wagon withchain pockets in


late BR bauxite


377-952 13 ton high sided steel open wagon withsmooth sides in early


BR bauxite


377-953 13 ton high sided steel open wagon withsmooth sides in late


BR bauxite


377-954 13 ton high sided steel open wagon withsmooth sides and wood


door in LNER grey


377-900 BAA steel carrier wagon with coils inRailfreight red & black


377-901 BAA wagon with coils in Railfreightmetals sector grey & yellow


377-902 BZA steel carrier wagon with coils inEWS livery


377-601A 80 tonne glw BDA bogie bolster wagon inRailfreight Red


377-602A 80 tonne glw BDA bogie bolster wagon inEWS livery


373-925A 30 ton bogie bolster wagon in BR gulf red


373-926A 30 ton bogie bolster wagon in BR grey


377-725 SPA wagon with steel coils inRailfreight red livery


377-726 SPA wagon with steel coils inRailfreight metals sector livery


377-727 SPA wagon with steel coils in EWSlivery


377-730 ZAA wagon in BR departmental yellow& grey

373-557 100 ton TEA bogie tankwagon in Gulf livery (weathered)


373-615C 14 ton tank wagon in Shell Electrical Oilslivery


373-653B 14 ton tank wagon in I.C.I. livery


373-775B 45 tonne glw TTA tank wagon in BP greenlivery


373-776C 45 tonne glw TTA tank wagon in Esso livery


373-777B 45 tonne glw TTA tank wagon in Shell BPlivery


373-039 PGA bulk aggregate hopper in WBBMinerals grey livery


373-800C 100 tonne glw HHA bogie hopper wagon withsliding end doors inFreightliner Heavy Haul livery


373-900D 46 tonne glw HAA hopper in Freight brownlivery


373-902A 46 tonne glw HAA hopper in Railfreightcoal sector livery


373-975A 46 tonne glw POA box mineral wagon withreinforced ends in Tigergrey livery


373-976A 46 tonne glw POA box mineral wagon withreinforced ends in ARC(tiger) yellow livery


377-577 102 tonne glw HYA bulk coal hopperwagon in GBRf coal livery


377-575B 102 tonne glw IIA bulk coal hopper wagonGBRf (VTG)


377-576A 102 tonne glw IIA bulk coal hopper wagonin Fastline livery


377-700 JJA MK2 auto-ballaster with generatorunit in Railtrack livery


377-701 JJA MK2 auto-ballaster non-generatorunit with flat top profile


in Railtrack livery


377-702 JJAMK2 auto-ballaster non-generator unit with curved top profile in Railtracklivery


373-077D PCA tapered bulk powder wagon in grey


377-926 PCA metalair bulk powder wagon in grey


377-925 PCA metalair bulk powder wagon in BlueCircle Cement livery


377-927 PCA metalair bulk powder wagons inweathered grey


377-675 100tonne JPA bogie cement hopper wagon VTG in Lafarge Cement metallic silver


377-676 100tonne JPA bogie cement hopper wagon VTG in Castle Cement grey livery


377-825 20ton presflo bulk powder wagon in Bulk Tunnel Cement bauxite


377-826 20ton presflo bulk powder wagon in Crown Cement bauxite


377-827 22ton presflo bulk powder wagon in Clue Circle Bulk Cement brown


377-828 22ton presflo bulk powder wagon in Cement Marketing Company – Snowcrete lightgrey


377-801 FNAnuclear flask wagon with flat floor, changeover valve &




377-800 FNAnuclear flask wagon with flat floor and round buffers


377-802 FNAnuclear flask wagon with sloping floor and oval buffers


377-353 Intermodalbogie wagons with two 45ft. Malcolm Logistics containers


377-356 Intermodalbogie wagons with two 45ft. Samskip containers


377-366 Intermodalbogie wagons with two 45ft. Geest containers


377-365 Intermodalbogie wagons with two 45ft. 2XL containers



N Scale Buildings and Accessories


The following are new items for 2011



Station buildings

42-065 Art Deco platform centre building


42-066 Art Deco station building


42-067 Art Deco platform end building


42-068 Art Deco subway building


42-073 Suburban station building



Lineside scenes

42-064 Art Deco signal box



Urban Scenes

42-202 Low relief terraced houses (front)


42-203 Low relief corner store


42-204 Low relief bonded warehouse


42-074 Bus Depot



On Shed

42-050 4 road engine shed


42-070 Coaling Tower


42-072 Depot crane






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Hi Gang;


A new Class 20 is good news indeed....I wonder when it will be ready??

The wooden door Class 08 survived well into the BR Blue era...so it will be interesting to see what liveries are offered.


\the inclusion of 350 Desiro is hopefully a precursor to a 320/321/322 in the future (that would involve cohesive thinking)...I'm looking forward to Bachmann's Brecknell Willis high speed pantograph on this!!!!

The 4 CEP is a natural shrinking from OO and could lead to more. Southern fans will be happy.

I can see the Blue Pullman pulling in the fans as the Prototype DELTIC has done. A sure fire winner if priced right.


Can't comment on the steam releases as not my era...but they had better make lots of 'Tornado's.......


Overall, an ambitious yet realistic programme I think. Some balanced & forward thinking from Bachmann to exploit new market areas...




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Hi again;


A quick shufty at the Bachmann website shows the following;


early 08 in black & green,

the disc 20 in green & weathered blue,

headcode 20 in BR blue,

the 31 in Network Rail Yellow,

a BR Blue 'D' numbered 46 (so no sealed beam version),

a Colas 66,

BR Blue 47 as 47403 'The Geordie',

and a Petroleum 60, 60054 'Charles Babbage'


& probably some other bits I have missed.

Coaches include new tooling BG(inc Network Rail Genny Van) and RMB...and a Mk1 SLEEPING CAR!!!


Wagons are listing AUTOBALLASTERS, FNA flask wagons and BAA/BZA steel & coil carriers & SPA coil wagons.


Could be an expensive year!!!!




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I can see a lot of "South London" suburban layouts coming out soon with the CEP on the list - pity I'd need to buy at least 9 for the project I would want to build based around the Brixton/Loughborough Junction triangles...



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  • RMweb Gold

Looking at the website, I'm going to be broke over the next 2 years!


A class 60 in triple grey at last!


Good to see a modern tooled 20


The wagon front looks fantastic too- SPAs (ditch the John Grey ones on the workbench time?), BAAs, (time for Dapol to scale down their forthcoming BBA from OO?), FNAs (although there's nowt wrong with the TPM kit), not to mention the re-tooled BGs and GUVs.


Was thinking of getting a blue/grey 101, but I'll wait for the express parcels livery one- something a bit different.


I'll find it hard to resist the 4-cep, Tornado, maybe the Blue Pullman. The colliery set with the NCB 14 and minerals looks nice too.


Lots to look forward to.....

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I knew it, just I get towards the end of a Foxhunter A1 Peppercorn kit :-(


They did exactly the same with my kitbuilt class 24, just as I neared the end they decided to announce the new one :D


Joking aside, what a great line up. Superb stuff and they really are throwing everything at N gauge, they obviously see good returns in this scale and see it having a strong future.

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  • RMweb Gold

An interesting and exciting list - I am glad to see that their website at least now acknowledges that some of the N pics shown are the OO gauge ones at present.


I guess if their class 20 has finally got the much needed revamp...then the 25 can't be far behind it ;)

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A suprisingly ambitous list for 2011 with 2 EMUs and a Blue Pullman! :O The wishlisters would never have believed it just 2 years ago. :P


The Std5 is probably the best news for me as this is a logical progression from the Black 5. I am slightly disappointed that City of Truro is not coming out yet in N but Deltic took 3 years to migrate down so there is still hope.


The other big question is where there is any news of improved couplings?

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  • RMweb Premium

I guess if their class 20 has finally got the much needed revamp...then the 25 can't be far behind it ;)




Ever the optimist Pete tongue.gif .


The 20 is interesting from a preservation point of view as they seem reasonably popular on this scene.

From a personal point of view I will be interested to see the 5mt.

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  • RMweb Gold

2011, the year of N Gauge!


A few predicable ones there, others not so much. I thought the Class 70 would have come before the Class 350 but maybe that will be the N Gauge show surprise later in the year?!


A 5MT & Tornado will certainly find a home on Ropley.


All in all, a great list for N gauge modellers, but not my wallet :D



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No sign of the class 70. gives me chance to buy other things first.

Thats because it was a 2010 announcment with a target for release within 18 months (ie by Sept 2011) - these are as stated on the Bachmann web site their "2011/12 Programme" so again a number are not expected to appear until 2012.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all,


Wow! I am really looking forward to the 350 - not least for the 25kv layout we at the Northants and Cambs NGS area group are building! Opens up all sorts of possibilities!


The 20 is welcome - and long overdue - though I am surprised they haven't also added a more modern DRS variant into the mix. It will be interesting to see if

the TPM conversion pack can be used.


And although not a new model, at least there is finally a Class 60 in sector livery!


Tornado is excellent news too - although I model the current scene I do quite like steam engines so nice to have an excuse to get one!


Although not my area or era, the 4-CEP is very welcome since it does open up a new swathe of layout scenarios - perhaps even more than the Desiro - though of

course in unrefurbished form it's only suitable for Era 5-8 modellers.


On the coaching stock front, the Mk1 generator van is an interesting choice - I'd have expected that to be a Limited Edition - and on the website they are

claiming the GUVs (like the Mk1 BGs) are blue riband models - does this mean they are new toolings? That would be most welcome!


The wagon news is also good. I look forward to seeing the Metalair PCAs to new standards; it would be nice if this would encourage them to upgrade the existing

standard and depressed centre PCAs too. Long rakes of these wagons ran across the network! The SPAs look superb - and the photo on the website appears to

show an N gauge model so these may be almost ready for shipping. The BAA/BZA steel carrier will also be welcome, and will complement the Chivers BBAs nicely.


I personally wish they'd done the STVA car carrier rather than the FNA flask wagon, since there is a good TPM kit for these, though I can see these will be

popular models.


The JJA Autoballaster they are offering is the same as that offered in OO and represents the earlier wagons converted from stone hoppers for Railtrack. The

later Railtrack ones, and all the Network Rail yellow ones, are coded HQA and are subtly different (different bogies, handrails, solebar details, brake

detailing.) These can be built from the NGS kit so again, hopefully the products will complement each other.


I am very surprised there is no announcement of a Class 70 (after the warm welcome given to the superb OO one I'd have bet the farm on that!) and also

surprised at no upgraded Class 55 Deltic (given the success of DP1) nonetheless I think this is an imaginative programme that should offer a little something

for most - if not all - of us!




Ben A.

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Thank you Farish, this is a fantastic list, never dreamt I would get so many new releases that I like - can't wait for the Blue Pullman - yippee!

The only thing missing that I thought they might do is a re-tooled class 40 as they are doing it in OO. Fabulous news :D

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