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Olympics 2012-What do You Really Think?


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Trying to keep away from politics, but I am surprised by the breadth of opinion I have encountered on the forthcoming games.


If, as well as comments, could you give a score-say 0/10 if you would really rather the games didn't happen, let alone in the UK, to 10 meaning you think it is a really good thing for sport, the UK economy and reputation.


Also any views on the new transport infrastructure and the "legacy" beyond the games.



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I couldn't give a toss about the Olympics. I have reservations about any worth the country will get out of them long term and wonder if all the investment that has gone into them wouldn't have been better spent on the NHS and infrastucture projects, including the railways.


I'm by no means anti sport but the Olympics is just one giant, corporate shindig designed to make money for multinational companies like Coca Cola. Additionally, it only 'benefits' a small part of the country too, the area that has the most money already.


Thankfully, I no longer work in London and can only wish good luck for those who do for the time the fiasco, event, is happening.


Well, you did ask...



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Guest Max Stafford

Personally, I think it's just a vanity project to fuel corporate and political egos at the expense of ordinary working people in the less important (sic) parts of Britain.

It's certainly b*ggered my summer up!



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The ticketing system has been a total farce, I bid for everything I wanted AND COULD AFFORD and got naff all. Yet some put in thousands of pounds worth of bids and got nearly everything. I managed to snag some Hockey tickets, which is what I really wanted, in the second round of sales.


I'm genuinely looking forward to it. Yes, beer will be stupidly expensive as will transport. It'll only happen once in a lifetime for me and I have to take advantage, otherwise I'd regret it.


Cost isn't everything, and cost seems to be the major argument against. The social advantages as well as the massive advert for the country it entails will be more than worth it.

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Not really fussed either way to be honest.


Though down here in Dorset, what with the sailing in Weymouth, they are making "improvements" to a certain roundabout at Canford Bottom to allow an easier journey for those visiting. However, at the moment with road closures and diversions, the traffic is horrid.



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10/10 for me despite not being a huge sport fan (except Motorsport). My kids will be 11 and 13 and enjoy sport at school etc and the opportunity (unlikely to be repeated for many years), to see such a global event close up is not too be missed. Like others I was annoyed at not getting an allocation of tickets in the lottery but have managed to get some in the 2nd phase so will be getting to visit the stadium at least once.


I do not like it being turned into a political football and corporate sponsorship with all that entails seems a necessary evil these days in virtually all top level sports. I liked the concept of amateur participation but that is long gone but it still annoys that some countries can have pro athletes with others being very part time.

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Godawful logo (probably THE most appalling part - to date - of the entire seven ring circus, WHAT were they thinking of?) but I DO really hope that all goes well, the loonies of assorted stripes and origins are kept well away and safely contained and that the UK, CH and Italy can grab a few medals away from the products of the big buck athlete factories (no country name, no pack drill...).


However, irony abounds... Living in CH it would have been easier to obtain tickets to events I would wish to see, than for the poor beleagured UK tax payer (so, had I wanted to get tickets to the games, I could have gone ahead and done so, limited only by budget, confident in the knowledge I would not be fobbed off with an opening heat of the underwater origami folding...). I would also be able to get my VAT refunded on any BRITISH Olympic souvenir (as made in China...) I might have purchased.j


As for closing off roads to create lanes to allow Olympic "officials" and "sponsors" to speed easily from their West End hotels. To the East End venues... well, as far as I am concerned they should take the bus or underground...

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  • RMweb Gold

I visited the 19548 Olympics in my pram (the rowing Gilbert!) so have a sort of 'happenstance' feeling about it all being back in Britain but then my views become very mixed. There has been a lot of transport infrastructure investment which probably wouldn't have otherwise happened - or at least not for a decade or so - and there might be some urban regeneration out of it (a very big 'MIGHT') and it's giving the armed forces something interesting and a bit different to do (I wonder how many moans there will be about the RAF Typhoons operating out of Northolt? Just imagine it - a pair of Typhoons climbing over Harrow etc on full reheat, wow - that would be worth seeing).


As far as a lot of the sport is concerned I don't care tuppence - I might watch some of the equestrian stuff and the rowing and yachting but that's about it except possibly looking at the opening ceremony. My main concern is it messing up tv programming and filling the country with umpteen foreigners many of whom I'm quite likely to finish up subsidising for a few years.

And if I'm heading north whilst it's on I shall be patronising Cross Country notwithstanding their usual shortcomings - the UndergrounD will be awful - with more 'lost sheep' than ever failing to read signs, study the maps or listen to announcements.

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Corporate sponsers seem to be Coca Cola, McDonalds, BMW and yes there appears to be an almost British one BP!

Good reason not to update the TV to recieve digital pictures as switchover in this neck of the woods is next month- I think!! :scratchhead:


And don't get me started on the alleged improvements to Dorset's roads- It will still be chaos.

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1/10 from me.


I might watch the last day or two of the athletics, but that's it.


I can't quite cope with the vast expanse of Stratford depot and works that I walked around on many occasions is now no more, and some modern monstrosity has been built on the site.

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I'm gutted I couldn't get tickets for the Fencing but am thrilled a former colleague of mine at Loughborough Uni will be in attendance as a Fencing coach. I'll be watching and wishing I'd been 1) more talented and 2) had less problems with my right knee! :)


It only comes around once a lifetime in your home country in all likelihood.

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Well, none of us know what the ultimate financial balance sheet will be when it's all over, it's too simplistic just to say the money should be spent on the NHS, railways or whatever. It's a global event and like Gordon S I'll be watching many events avidly, especially athletics because it's what I used to do, and cheering on UK participants, and hoping the whole thing goes safely and smoothly for everyone.


I didn't apply for tickets because I'm not in London and frankly you can see much more on the telly.



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It's not too important to me but wife and son are very excited about it. We were very lucky with the ticketing, applied for about five things in the hope of getting exactly one and did so. Why couldn't they have allowed ticket buyers to state an order of preference so people could request several events without risking getting all of them and being saddled with several thousands of debt?


As to the event itself, I think a lot of money has been spent unnecessarily, not least on transport enhancements to an area that hasn't exactly been short of them. So overall probably a 7/10 from me.

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