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expoEM Bracknell, 18-19 May 2013

Gee Vee

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Anyone with photos of the event? I too would love to go...Simon

Went yesterday, enjoyed the show as always, will be posting some video on YouTube with link on emgs over the next few days.

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  • RMweb Premium

Here's a clip of nothing much happening on Hope under whatsit Dinmore.



I enjoyed my first visit to expoEM , well done to all involved.

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Guest oldlugger

That's a very nice layout Neil and a good video; shame it was spoiled by the hand from the sky moving the waiting room (is that how they did it in reality?!), and the odd signal movements!




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Hope under whatsit - looked a pretty good diorama but I got rather bored waiting for something to find its way out of the rather too large and full fiddle yard. The detail on the model was really good but seeing some stock would be good. The one train that was allowed out didn't seem to know where it was due to stop being very hesitant, still the operators were really enthusiastic about the quality of the point work - and it must be said all the track looked very well accomplished - wish I could say the same about the stock.


This improved hugely as they got into the swing of things as the video posted previously shows. (I know there was an obvious cut in the video as presented).


I cannot understand how you can have too much fiddle yard space to allow the best representation of rolling stock to serve the 'diorama'.


Woodfield Road - well with all the magazine PR recently this was a must to see live. I'm sorry to say I came to the same conclusion already posted elsewhere on the forum. If someone had put up the track plan for advice mine would have been "too much crammed in spoils the overall vision" - all those parallel lines and sidings simply to fill the baseboard with track.


My opinion on looking at the layout first off was the same but operated to a timetable as a busy terminus station with the parcels depot and wagon repair shops it meets the 'always have something moving' mantra that some people see as a must do for an exhibition layout and the whole thing makes more sense.* Maybe if the timetable and track layout were also presented to the viewer it would help make sense of what everything was there for?


It attracted a lot of interest from younger viewers and that is something that is important for the future of our hobby.


*As someone invited to operate this layout I may be commenting a little unfairly but I have no other connection with the layout apart from knowing the owner.

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Just back after an excellent weekend as the guest layout, the EM Gauge Society looked after us very well. A wide range of very good layouts, I particularly liked Tiverton and the two Colenal Stephens layouts, Maidstone Road and Rolvendon.


Our c.1970ish diesel day today brought a mixed response, mainly positive although some did miss the steam - including my wife who didn't approve! I'll post some photos on my Highbury thread when I've had a chance to download them.


The trade is superb, even for a non 4mm modeller and I liked the large number of demonstrators, particularly the machining demo although sadly I didn't get time to sit down for a proper natter at any of them. I will probably be back next year as a punter - top stuff.



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Had a wonderful day. Cheers to my mate Richard for doing the driving. Thanks to all who organised the show.


Spent too much. Enjoyed the natter with all those I bumped into, even those who names I got wrong :no:

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Back earlier this evening after two very full days at Bracknell.  Having seen on this thread who else was there I was disappointed not knowingly to have made the acquaintance of Earl Bathurst, Kenton and Penrith Beacon among others!   I did meet Pacific231 though so howdy again.


I enjoyed the two lectures that I attended - David Gardner on researching GW branch lines and Roy Jackson on his modelling exploits.  Together these occupied nearly three hours.  Then there was the quick dekko at the Bring and Buy stall.  I thought it safer on Saturday to wait until the locusts had had their fill since it is possibly lacking in decorum to elbow ones way to the front as per the stereotypical image of a WI jumble sale.


The demonstrators, uniformly well chosen, appeared to be pretty fully occupied throughout both days, indicating [i hope!] a desire by those attending the show to earn new skills or just ask questions, stoopid or otherwise.  As for the layouts, I confess that Woodfield Road did not grab me quite as much as the others, which is a shame as it's not every layout that appears in the Railway Modeller and MRJ within weeks.  Would it not be boring if we all had the same taste?  Placing Rolvenden opposite Maidstone 'Road was, I thought, very clever.  Tiverton combined charm and excellence and was the worthy winner of the trophy proudly masquerading as an out of scale water tower this afternoon. 


I can't think of any obvious absentee from the trade line-up and bought everything I could remember needing and a few impulse items including two books.


Attending on both days affords the opportunity for socialising on Saturday night.  I spotted much conviviality in Wetherspoons and heard a few tales today but my lips are sealed!  The hotel did not seem quite ready for breakfast this morning but if you have to wait for supplies of bacon, eggs, beans and hash browns to be replenished they are more likely to be hot.


Well done again, EMGS - see you there next year!



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I was on door duty today. It was nice to be able to chat to loads of people including Mr Jackson. I managed to catch a bit of his lecture as well. I would like to share with you one of his observations as to how the hobby has changed. He said (the general gist) that many years ago that railway modelling was a solitary hobby. You were sat in the spare room/ attic building models that others would rarely see and you had little contact with other people. Today there is huge social network and kinship. So all that chatting and meeting people at the show is progress, and I think that it is progress for the good.


Here are some snaps I took as the show was opening today.


Hope under whatsit









A little tiny layout


OK its Highbury Colliery the guest layout.



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Thanks for the comments re the show.  Glad you all enjoyed it.  Numbers thro the door significantly up on last year which is great.


Many thanks to alll those that contributed to its success.  Of course thanks to those with layouts, demos and traders for their support but I particularly wanna thank all those that helped with the organisation of the event and to all the stewards - they are the unsung heros and without them we wouldnt have a show for exhibitors and visitors to enjoy.


My turn to relax next weekend.... at Railex on Sunday I hope.


Graeme Vickery

expoEM Manager

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I took a few pictures of Woodfield Road with my wobbly old camera. I was curious to see how the layout looked in the flesh. It has certainly got people talking both positive and negative. For that alone it gets a thumbs up from me.








I did enjoy this layout although there are lots of things that I would do differently.


Foundry Lane




Hmmm I think I might have seen this car before, was it on TV?




edit..last picture seems to gone out of sequence.


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More using my blur-o-vision camera.


Here are the Col Stevens layouts.





Sorry about this really blurry shot, I thought that it might look good under the trees by the FY. Perhaps someone with photoshop can edit it.









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Thoroughly enjoyed the show; thanks to Graeme and the Expo team for organising a fantastic event.


Many thanks to Andy (wagonbasher) and Jason (Sandside) for taking on the shunting puzzle (and three links) challenge to help me operate Foundry Lane.  Great to meet/catch up with a few people from here at the show and thanks for the comments about the layout.

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Now of interest but missed by many were these two trains on the test track upstairs.



The first was this one




This recently been re-wheeled and had some major surgery to repair the bodywork.

The loco is a true 18mm (not 18.2mm) loco which gives it age away as being early EM.

This loco has been in RM a few times but you will have to go back to the 1940's to find it first appearance. Yes these are from Metropolitain Junction!


The second train I find even more fascinating.

It is of the same vintage, late 1940's. Its (no Her) age is given away by the windows that have browned and the dirty paint. The lettering is of course by hand and the bodies are made out of cardboard! And have held their shape over the years.

This is a model that I have really enjoyed seeing not only in the flesh but running.


I give you the 4SUB from Metropolitain Junction.










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I popped in on both days.  It was a bit of a must really with the array of traders there, and that I live a 15 minute walk away.  Thoroughly enjoyed it although my time was limited.  There was a lot of excellent stock.  Especially liked Hope-under-Dimore as it is set in the period I model.  The highlight was on the Mansfield layout where they had a close coupled set of NLR stock.  Fabulous.


Very busy and hot on Saturday, much quieter Sunday afternoon.  Spent too much money but the wife did not mind as she had been out and "Had spent more" than me.  Not sure whether to be pleased about that or not.


I will be back next year, if it returns.

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Back from a very rewarding (and fun) weekend.  An excellent show indeed (what I was able to see of it, being a demonstrator) and a good chance to catch up with various people over the course of the two days.


I'm glad to have finally caught up with Ian Manderson's excellent 'Hartburn'.  The pictures of it just do not do it justice.  Good also to see 'Foundry Lane' again :)



Fantastic show. Superb layouts I did really enjoy Foundry Lane. And on a personal note enjoyed my conversation with Tim Easter and I shall try a conversion as he has described.




And likewise good to meet you Scott!  I'm only too happy to be of assistance, which is exactly what this hobby is all about :)



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Now of interest but missed by many were these two trains on the test track upstairs.



The first was this one




This recently been re-wheeled and had some major surgery to repair the bodywork.

The loco is a true 18mm (not 18.2mm) loco which gives it age away as being early EM.

This loco has been in RM a few times but you will have to go back to the 1940's to find it first appearance. Yes these are from Metropolitain Junction!


The second train I find even more fascinating.

It is of the same vintage, late 1940's. Its (no Her) age is given away by the windows that have browned and the dirty paint. The lettering is of course by hand and the bodies are made out of cardboard! And have held their shape over the years.

This is a model that I have really enjoyed seeing not only in the flesh but running.


I give you the 4SUB from Metropolitain Junction.




Thanks for sharing these Andy, a pair of lovely models which have, given their age, survived beautifully. A fine reflection on the care taken by both the original builder and their (presumably) subsequent owner(s). Proper finescale heritage. Good to see you again too.



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Guest oldlugger

Many thanks for the excellent photos brightspark, especially the ones of the vintage SR EM models. With reference to Woodfield Road, if I was the editor of MRJ this would have been on the article reject list. I'm astonished that it apparently appeared in the magazine. For starters, Hornby 08 shunters with unpainted Ultrascale wheels, no weathering and a certain American unsightly and over scale coupling does not cut it for me. The signal box has a ready to plonk look about it too. I'm sure it's a nice layout in its own right but doesn't seem to be of past MRJ calibre. My vote from the show would go to Maidstone West or Hartburn.

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