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Lunester Lounge: CLOSED


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  • RMweb Premium

I'm going off at a tangent now.

Just been doing more archive scanning and discovered a nifty way of making the tension lock couplings delayed action.. So you can uncouple using a ramp and then propel into siding and then just reverse and leave it there. Very simple mods too.


If you want to see the scan let me know and I can pm it.


Andy G

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Hi Guy and Galls, we I have now recovered and I am having a catch up on here over lunch, lots of good stuff as per. :no:


Old Lune :sungum:


P.S. Sorry no funny stories to relate today, I must still be knackered :O

No time to be knackered  :nono:  gotta get ready for the next trip  :sungum:  where are you appearing next  :no:


Its AndyP on tour  :declare:

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Nice to be able to get back in the Lounge, not that I would have been on much earlier anyway as me and the wife were looking after the Grandchildren, I'm worn out now and think I might need a lay in tomorrow morning. I know that won't happen though as the we both have our care assessments tomorrow so I need to get the chores done before she arrives, oh well maybe the next day then.


Now let's see what has been happening elsewhere.



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Evening all!


Sorry for the long post people but RMWeb disappeared up its own bottom today and I’m playing catch-up! I ‘m beginning to suspect that the service providers are Geeks ‘R’ Us and like all of that sub-species are big on promises but somewhat wanting on delivery. (Quickly adding that I attach no blame to Andy Y who has my full support in dealing with a demanding and often trying situation).


First of all, a big thank you to Andy G! Those scans are just what I needed and will help considerably.


Now the news:

This afternoon I made and ate my very first home-made Prawn Tikka Masala and, believe it or not, I’m still breathing! Yep! Nor have I burst into flames (not even smouldering!) or found it necessary to coat my face with Savlon!


Tomorrow I’m going to try chicken and add a bit more gunpowder!


Some of you may have noticed that I have added my Colour References thread to the roster and have become a fully-fledged Lunester (Stop sniggering that boy at the back!). Not much I’m afraid but its the best I’ve got just now. So I’m going to make a plea here:

As I mention in the first post the whole point of the thread was to provide colour references for all those things we use in scenics, buildings, pavements, landscape, etc., from around the country. The hope was to provide a central reference point covering the country with regional variations and suchlike of all those details we know and love to replicate (but excluding locomotives, rolling stock, etc). Unfortunately, with one exception, it flopped. So if any of you Lunesters would like to contribute please feel free to do so and help it avoid the fate of Argentinasaurus, Megotherium and Ronald Reegan, who are all lost in the mists of antiquity!


I’m amazed to note that I actually made it into the top twenty posters at No.10 no less. Another RESULT! I must have been in uber-waffle mode that day! Even more surprising that I managed to top both Andy P (which proves just how exhausting an exhibition can be though I’m sure that the Master will soon put that right) and Jason but not, of course, Jeff (THE BOSS!) I knows me place guvner! I must admit though, I’m quietly proud I finally managed to overtake Jason ( :) ). It’s amazing the number of times I’ve managed 7 posts only to find he’s stomped me with 8!


Right, enough waffle for now. I’m off to put the chauldron on and set about tomorrows curry.....Now, where’s me dragons blood.....................?

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Sorry for the long post people but RMWeb disappeared up its own bottom today and I’m playing catch-up! I ‘m beginning to suspect that the service providers are Geeks ‘R’ Us and like all of that sub-species are big on promises but somewhat wanting on delivery. (Quickly adding that I attach no blame to Andy Y who has my full support in dealing with a demanding and often trying situation).


Some of you may have noticed that I have added my Colour References thread to the roster and have become a fully-fledged Lunester (Stop sniggering that boy at the back!). Not much I’m afraid but its the best I’ve got just now. So I’m going to make a plea here:

Evening All


I was having withdrawal syptoms :O  :scared:  with no access to the forum. My post count has been hit substantialy :jester:


:jester: It's my suspicion that it has something to do with the amount of posts from the 'Lunester Fraternity' :jester:


Or it could have been Jeff expecting LOTS of posts today from The Old Lune :no:


Bill, having had a look at some of your work last night, I'm seriously impressed.


As for your plee, I will make sure that my camera travels with me so I can assist in resurecting the Colour Reference thread.


Duncan - Happier Lune

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  • RMweb Premium

I've been up in London today at the office, with only my iPhone to keep in contact, hence my absence. I did pass Southall though (which I believe Polly is using for inspiration) but was sat on the wrong side of te carriage so couldn't see what was there. Saw some 66's but...... Meh!

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all!


Sorry for the long post people but RMWeb disappeared up its own bottom today and I’m playing catch-up! I ‘m beginning to suspect that the service providers are Geeks ‘R’ Us and like all of that sub-species are big on promises but somewhat wanting on delivery. (Quickly adding that I attach no blame to Andy Y who has my full support in dealing with a demanding and often trying situation).



Those of us on Facebook got a message saying that Dediserve were upgrading the servers and that those in the London area would be affected.  Morecombe is now probably a suburb of London. 


I think there is more work coming over the next couple of days

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  • RMweb Premium

Bill - keep making the curries. Curry is simply food from heaven. I've lost count of the number of curry recipe books I've got.


If you fancy making a few variations, the latest Madhur Jaffrey curry book is excellent!


Keep the posts coming, Lunesters. I'm waiting for an email from Andy Y telling us he's closing us down!!


Btw, don't expect the Old Lune tonight. I mailed him earlier - I think he's knackered after his exertions over the weekend.



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  • RMweb Gold

Once went for a deputy headship job in Heysham. We (the wife, our son and myself) were put up for the night at an hotel in Morecambe.


Mrs WS didn't fancy living near a nuclear power station though.....


I applied for a job in Whitehaven as I just wanted the Job Description. (Don't ask)  I was not impressed by it but when the advert closed I had an email from the Head of Deaprtment in Newcastle asking me to apply and phone a colleague in Carlise to talk about it.


As I did I looked as various properties in the area and having finished talking to him I was almost set on actually applying.  The downside was at he time my wife was teaching sixth form and the nearest one was in Carsile, so was not reallt comutable.


I went home and told the family.  My two lads who were at home were up for it but my wife thought I was joking!  Needless to say I never went.

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Bill - keep making the curries. Curry is simply food from heaven. I've lost count of the number of curry recipe books I've got.


If you fancy making a few variations, the latest Madhur Jaffrey curry book is excellent!

 Totaly agree with you about the curries.


As well as the books, there are a multitude of web sites that have some cracking recipies. I got a storming Thai Green Chicken Curry recipe off the web and I haven't met anyone who hasn't enjoyed it.



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Hello again!


Where to start....




Thank you sincerely for your compliments on my small talents. People in the art community do tend to be a self-congratulatory lot (rather like Hollywood actors without the money!) so its always an honour to receive approval from people like your good self.

Earlier this evening I took part in a question and answer session via the web with a group of high school students from Kyoto in Japan. They turned out to be a very knowledgeable group and we had great fun discussing things like the differences in vampire and fairy mythology in Europe and the Far East. (Apparently most of their spirits go around with their feet on backwards, which must cost a fortune in shoe repairs!). What my influences where and where I got my inspiration which I still haven’t got an answer for, but mostly music, literature and those most amazing fairy creatures of all...our children.  We even got round to how we liked (or preferred) Hello Kitty. The general concensus was on toast with lettuce and tomato!

What surprised me above all was how well turned-out they all were despite the fact that it was, for them, the early hours of the morning! There were even two young ladies, Yumi and Momo, in full Gothic Lolita outfits who were simply stunning. (I can also confirm that Japanese girls are NOT the shy, retiring types as usually depicted on film). It transpired that they’d arranged it that way in respect of my age (Hello punctured ego). However I survived thanks mainly to the efforts of translater Rumiko (Oooh! If only I was.....quite a few years younger!




I don’t know about London but we are definitely now a suburb of Lancaster. Morecambe is one of the few towns with a fully operational town hall (beautiful building!) with a staff of three and no town council apart from representatives in Lancaster.


Hi Jeff


The curries will keep on coming. I love ‘em, though I must admit I prefer the Chinese over most of the Indian styles. I’m heading into Lancaster tomorrow so I’ll look that book up in Waterstones.



Regards to all



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  • RMweb Premium

Bill, I started out scanning just the bits that interested me (and I'm sure there are a few missed scans somewhere in those early ones!) but then thought that there might be others who wants them, hence I now scan a lot more out of each mag, certainly anything with a drawing.


I have over 6gig of scans covered a lot of the MRC's and I'm just starting the RM's. It does take a long old time mind!


If you need a drawing, let me know, I may have it!


Andy G

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Hi all, I did a entry this morning and when I whent to post it the server went down so it went into outer space and the Martians will be wondrering what the heck a Lunester is :stinker:


I tried to get on here yesterday and the server was down and then about 8pm last night I got the Mother of all Migrains, so I threw a couple of tablets down my throte and went to bed, I woke just before 8 this morning and feel much better.


Jeff, I have been absent from here and EVERYWHERE as after I got home from the show I was Knackered :no:


I have decided to reduce the number os shows that I do and to concentrate on a Home layout to play trains as that is why I buy the Dam things in the first place, Not to sit on the shelf. :senile: :senile: :senile: :senile:


I don't know who else is the same as me but now when I log on I come to the Lounge first, before I even go to my own site, :O  this Lounge is very addictive Jeff so it is working. :beee:


Hi Billy as for the shows I have coming up, well I am at Trowel, Nottingham next Sunday and then at Mansfield, Notts on the 2nd / 3rd March, both with Glen Roy.


I am off now to have a look at KL and Trebudoc and Abbotts Bridge.


Catch up again laters mayters :nono:


Daft Old Lune

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Also , just as a note, you may rember a few pages back I asked about dried Tea Leaves,


Well I have to report that after about two weeks of drying in a tin over a radiator, I then put them in my usual plastic take away container, That was two weeks ago. I had a look at them this morning to add some more and I was attacked by a wonderfull GREEN FURY MOULD climbing up the sides.




Fury Old Lune :sungum:

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Also , just as a note, you may rember a few pages back I asked about dried Tea Leaves,


Well I have to report that after about two weeks of drying in a tin over a radiator, I then put them in my usual plastic take away container, That was two weeks ago. I had a look at them this morning to add some more and I was attacked by a wonderfull GREEN FURY MOULD climbing up the sides.




Fury Old Lune :sungum:


Well Andy it just seems that they weren't quite dry enough.


I first used them back in the late 70s and had a load stored for years and I have now started to use them again, I don't know how many you had but I dry mine a few bags at a time and only in the summer when they get plenty of air and warmth through them. I then only store them when they are so dry they do not clump at all, if there is any sign of that they are left to dry even longer.


Had a good day today with meetings and also with achieving what I set out to do. unlike poor Jeff!!


Putting my feet up now with a nice mug of tea (or two) in front of the fire. Bliss :)



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Also , just as a note, you may rember a few pages back I asked about dried Tea Leaves,


Well I have to report that after about two weeks of drying in a tin over a radiator, I then put them in my usual plastic take away container, That was two weeks ago. I had a look at them this morning to add some more and I was attacked by a wonderfull GREEN FURY MOULD climbing up the sides.




Fury Old Lune :sungum:

Well I must admit I thought that was one of your more LUNEY ideas, despite the fact that several posters seemed to think it would work or they had tried it  :locomotive:

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  • RMweb Premium

I've been up in London today at the office, with only my iPhone to keep in contact, hence my absence. I did pass Southall though (which I believe Polly is using for inspiration) but was sat on the wrong side of te carriage so couldn't see what was there. Saw some 66's but...... Meh!


Thanks for your kind acknowledgement, Sandside.

I must have passed it no end of times back in ye olde days but the only things I remember seeing were the gasworks and Quaker Oats.  I didn't even know Southall had a shed till the kids gave the E.Lyons book to Ray a couple of Christmases ago.  Shows how observant I was(n't)  :no:   

I shall have to look up a 66...  :jester:  goooooogle time.....

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Southern42 said:

I shall have to look up a 66... :jester: goooooogle time.....


Hi Polly!


I really would'nt bother yourself. The 66 is a sort of corrugated shed on wheels designed by a committee of refuse collectors! Even worse, you might accidently come  upon a Class 70! Now they are scary and not for the sensitive eyes of someone raised on the designs of Dean, Collett and Churchward, etc.





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Yeppeeee I'm the top poster today, ahead of his Luneship too!


Andy Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Way to go Andy G!







Evil Thinks: CURSES, CURSES, POONS and FIDDLEPOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's It! I'm going to hide behind the settee again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hee! Hee!



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Hi all, I did a entry this morning and when I whent to post it the server went down so it went into outer space and the Martians will be wondrering what the heck a Lunester is :stinker:


I don't know who else is the same as me but now when I log on I come to the Lounge first, before I even go to my own site, :O  this Lounge is very addictive Jeff so it is working. :beee:



I think we may even have some Martians as Lunesters :jester:


I also have a tendancy to come to the loung first, :O it's worrying.


Duncan - Worried Lune

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  • RMweb Premium

This place (RMweb) is like another world, and when i was stuck in work yesterday without it I was lost. I couldn't even remember which websites I used to hang around before this place took over.


My mrs takes the p*ss out of me now too....


Andy G

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This place (RMweb) is like another world, and when i was stuck in work yesterday without it I was lost. I couldn't even remember which websites I used to hang around before this place took over.

I was in the same position. I hadn't even got the old sites bookmarked, they're on my old system which died over a year ago.



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