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Sandhurst - So long and thanks for all the fish(plates)


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  • RMweb Gold

Hi guys


i'm currently soaking up the sun (and the beer, and the wine...) in Spain so won't be doing any modelling for a couple of weeks now.

When I get back I'll get on with what I started before I left, namely the wood merchants so stay posted!

I'm also hoping to be able to get on with the wiring but can't make any promises... ;)



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Nestor, I've just read your thread via a Westerham project. It's looking great, you definitely have a way with scenery. If you want a close-up of a hop plant let me know, I've one in the back garden. :) Wherever I live I make sure to have one because breweries have played a big parts in my and my wife's lives.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi there JCL, glad you like what you see.

I can only apologise for the incredibly slow progress though haha

I'm thinking of perhaps moving to a blog with this project as it may well better suit my pace of progress. However I quite like being able to have the style of discussion available on a thread so maybe not. Either way, stay tuned for my return to England and hopefully my return to modelling....



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold


but please don't wet yourselves...


Back home and with time to model...

I today began laying gravel in the woodware area. Pretty simply just put down a layer of PVA and then a few layers of gravel over that. I've deliberately put it on thicker in places to others to try and get a rough finish. Holes in the gravel will be filled with grass. As I type, the glue has only just started drying so I will have to wait till tomorrow to continue with this. Once dry the gravel will be painted a much darker colour.

You might also notice some the beginnings of some bushes along the back of the woodware area. These are only the beginnings and will be continued either later today or tomorrow.


Here are the photos of todays progress







More to follow so stay tuned...



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but please don't wet yourselves...


Back home and with time to model...

I today began laying gravel in the woodware area. Pretty simply just put down a layer of PVA and then a few layers of gravel over that. I've deliberately put it on thicker in places to others to try and get a rough finish. Holes in the gravel will be filled with grass. As I type, the glue has only just started drying so I will have to wait till tomorrow to continue with this. Once dry the gravel will be painted a much darker colour.

You might also notice some the beginnings of some bushes along the back of the woodware area. These are only the beginnings and will be continued either later today or tomorrow.


Here are the photos of todays progress







More to follow so stay tuned...




It has bin raining a lot,while you were on hol's, time to get your finger, material's out,with your mate Mo Jo........ :paint:

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all and thank you for the kind words


Yesterday I carried on with the gravel area. This basically involved filling in some gaps and also adding a little grass to certain areas, particularly round the edges. 

I'll post some photos of this momentarily.

I'm looking forward to giving the whole thing a wash of paint to make a darker shade of basic dirt.


More to follow



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  • RMweb Gold

And here the pictures...


I realised when I was taking them that not everything has stuck down. This means that before I give the gravel it's wash, I'm going to go over the whole thing with the old diluted PVA through an eye drop. This hopefully won't take too long and I can get on...






I'm quite pleased with how this is beginning to come together but there is still a long way to go yet...



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Can I suggest that you give the area a light spray with some water and a tiny drop of washing up liquid to break down the surface tension. Then dribble on dilute PVA (or even better copydex, which stays slightly flexible and does not create a hard surface that resonates). The glue will then spread of its own accord and not cause the scatter material or gravel (chinchilla dust?) to bobble up. Leave it overnight and you will have no trouble painting it the next day. I "adjusted" the colour on quite a large patch of Vintners Yard like this, when I found that the lighting, that I had installed, caused some of the colours to look rather odd.

Best wishes


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all


Right well, there's no progress to report but I'm hoping to get something done tomorrow.

That will be it till next week however as I'm busy all weekend with friends staying so won't be able to get on with much modelling.


Aside from the layout, I've just booked my train tickets for Rmweb live and am looking forward to finally meeting some members and putting faces to otherwise obscure online names...?



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  • RMweb Gold

Hello one and all


So whilst I have brought paint for the gravel area, progress has come to a halt due my being distracted by my other hobby (music) and a rather fancy new toy...



Now, I have the challenge of not letting it distract me totally from modelling and am planning to get on with the painting tomorrow morning and finish detailing on Thursday. I will also be making a trip, on behalf of my model club, to my local model shop (Morris Models) on Thursday to pick some scenic supplies. I will also use this opportunity to get some more stuff for myself so I can get on with bushes and trees.


Stay tuned...



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi guys


So modelling continued this morning. Work on the hedges and trees were both attempted but I'm quite sure if I'm happy with either them yet. The trees are okay but the hedges looking a bit clumpy. I'm going to try a couple of different things before I move on to the next thing.

I'll post some photos later today or tomorrow...



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi everyone

Great to finally meet some of you today and put faces to names (which can OF COURSE remember...).

I have a lot of time off this week so am hoping to get a load done...



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Nestor, finally met up today and good to have a chat, the layouts looking good, did you end up buying anything exciting?






Hi Andy

Great to meet you and George today (and the rest as I said above). I'm currently posting from my phone on the train home so have not yet had a chance to inbox my brand new C Class or build any more trees with my newly purchased wire and horse hair (I think that answers your question :D )



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Nest, it was great to meet you in person (although I did feel like I was stalking you at one point!). I can't wait to see what you do next. :)

Well the amount of people there meant lots of bumping into...I'm pretty sure there were several I was stalking...all of whom have lovely hedges in their gardens... :triniti:



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  • RMweb Gold


I've been told I shouldn't apologise for lack of modelling so tough s*** :)


I've been starting some new tree which I hope to be finished by the end of the week. They'll be together in a kind of block. This means the trunks won't be as detailed as some I'll try later. I'll post some photos later this evening and of progress tomorrow.


Stay tuned



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

Here are the pictures of the work in progress trees.

Apologies for the photos not being entirely clear...







I'm going to be doing some more stuff today so will post another update either this afternoon or later tonight.



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