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The lovely Samantha (I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue)

Mike at C&M

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It makes my blood boil that a few people, who probably don't get the joke anyway, can ruin the pleasure of millions.


I am sure that Samantha will have no qualms about appearing in front of the BBC complaints department, and having them withheld.

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  • RMweb Premium

ISIHAC without innuendo isn't a show. If the BBC are that worried about it then they should let the show go. I sincerely hope they don't though.

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  • RMweb Gold

I was at a BBC recording of ISIHAC last Tuesday in Bradford and I'm pleased to report that Samantha was still sitting on Jack's right hand.


Edited to correct brain failure.

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Britain has become a nation of complainers,it's really pathetic.

If only they would complain about the things that really need attention in this country we might get on better.

It seems there is a small army of people just desperate for the chance to take offence at anything,just waiting to cause a stir and then stick their chests out with pride knowing they've spoiled things for the majority.

I think I'll have to lie down after that outburst!!!

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Those of us who are old enough to remember the Goons and Round The Horne will know that innuendo is not new and neither is the spectacle of BBC bosses harrumphing about things they do not understand.  Not all of us think that the same things are amusing: my late father used to think that Russ Abbot and Last of the Summer Wine were funny, for instance.  To whom it may concern: get a life!



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  • RMweb Gold

To my mind, the biggest problem is that we listen to and take note of what these tiny minorities think and say anyway. The fact that the show has so many listeners means that to most people its content is about right...but no, one or two people complain and that's that.


As in an ever increasing scenario in this country in which we seem to take more notice of the minority rather than the majority, the so far silent majority should get vocal and turn round and tell these people, whether they be extremists trying to foist their will on the country, prudes, jobsworths et al, to simply b*gger off.

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Like the poor, narrow-minded feminist bigots with under-occupied minds (giving them the benefit of the doubt) will always be with us. They'll be complaining next about women showing off their bodies on the beach.Dennis

Our local paper has a great comments section, but yesterday's was special. A very serious subject, but some people just don't get it.....


A ####### was jailed for taking pictures of a child swimming naked on Bournemouth beach during the Bournemouth Air Festival. I won't say what I would do to him, but it involved a tattoo, his forehead, and being forced to walk in public without security. ANYWAY I digress. One of the comments on this story was from someone saying that children shouldn't be allowed anywhere naked as this would only encourage #######s, and made the person who was posting this feel very uncomfortable as they don't wish to see someone else's child naked.


I struggle to understand the mentality of people who can form opinions like this, and people who complain about a radio show. People are free to say as they wish, this is law and something we and our fathers fought damn hard for. People choose to get offended, but forget they have the option to 'switch off' rather than force their own mindset onto others regardless of how it may affect the happiness of others.


I thought we had a democracy, where majority rule (not political, but in general). However it seems these days the minorities have the power, but lack the common sense. If four complaints in a 12 month period can change something enjoyed by over 2 million people, I think my grandad would be turning in his grave to know his democracy is just a thinly veiled dictatorship where the inmates run the asylum!


Mark, who's partner shattered the glass ceiling to become a female director of a business owned by a female, and who earns more money than me!

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"I bet ' the two posh boys ' in charge of the country have a good laugh at SIHGOC as well . Perhaps we should lobby parliament about it . They usually live to jump on any passing bandwagon. "

M b

Are you suggesting that Samantha give Dave and Ed a hand with their Hustings?

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  • RMweb Premium

"I bet ' the two posh boys ' in charge of the country have a good laugh at SIHGOC as well . Perhaps we should lobby parliament about it . They usually live to jump on any passing bandwagon. "


M b


Are you suggesting that Samantha give Dave and Ed a hand with their Hustings?

Don't you mean Dave and that other fellow who I can't remember?

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"Samantha has to go now as she's off to meet her Italian gentleman friend who's taking her out for an ice cream. She says she likes nothing better than to spend the evening licking the nuts off a large Neopolitan."



To my mind, the biggest problem is that we listen to and take note of what these tiny minorities think and say anyway. ...


Some of them are away in Syria and Iraq at the moment.... Others are moaning about photos of a bunny being skinned and cooked on Tw*tter.

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  • RMweb Gold

The ironic thing is that the complainants are probably 'Daily Wail' readers anyway..

Actually if you look at the link the most posts seem to be in favour of the show and against the complainant - and quite right too.  Why should the BBC bend to the whim of a a handful of witless sour pusses?

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  • RMweb Gold

"Samantha has to go now as she's off to meet her Italian gentleman friend who's taking her out for an ice cream. She says she likes nothing better than to spend the evening licking the nuts off a large Neopolitan."




"Samantha has to nip out now, as she's off to meet a gentleman friend who's helping her restore some old furniture. She's just purchased an antique chest of drawers which her friend says has suffered from having candles placed on it. Samantha says she's looking forward to stripping her new tall boy while he scrapes the varnish and wax off next to her"


Almost caused a road accident when I heard that one.    :laugh: 

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