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cornish trains jez

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Blog Comments posted by cornish trains jez

  1. That's starting to look like a substantial construction Jez. I'm sure it will look the business when painted in sooty concrete livery.


    Regards, Andy


    Thanks Andy. I'm going to get the weathering powders out when the time comes to weather it as I feel the powders would create a convincing effect with some nice streaky rain effects down the sides. Still quite a bit of construction work to do and I'm still trying to track down a long run of etched steps.


    Best regards,



  2. Whatever suits, however it's easier to get a straight cut with certain types of saw. Either a junior hacksaw or a razor saw (the type that fits an Xacto #5 style handle) would work here, although I would almost always default to the former. I also use a coping saw and piercing saw on regular occasions for more difficult shaped openings or areas that are awkward to access. It is much more difficult to cut nice straight lines with these types of saw.


    Thanks for the advice. I'll have a browse on the web for some tools.

  3. That looks interesting.


    You are aware that Grantham didn't have a turntable, but used a triangle to turn engines?



    Yes, and I believe from what I have read that the triangle used to be a great place for spotters during its heyday to see the locos. I wont be modelling this part, only a small area surrounding the coaling plant. I've also just picked up Keith Pirt's Grantham Portfolio book which has a wealth of knowledge about the area and some great photos.


    Best regards,



  4. Only have Par? What about that 2FS swiss layout you started? :O ;)


    Can't help thinking I have passed on my bad habit (2FS not being one of them though) of serial layout building ;)


    Problem is, there is always the thrill of research for a new project and it can sometimes be good to have a different focus.


    Good luck to you - I shall be keeping tabs on this...


    Hi Pete,


    I think I do have the serial layout bug. I have shelved the swiss project for the time being and will use the boards to create this little layout for which I have a lot more enthusiasm. We've also just put our house on the market and Par has been banished to the garage.....to keep the house tidy (according to my wife!!) So this little project will allow me to run trains in the house until we move.

    My plastics arrived yesterday so I may start making some progress later on tonight.


    Best regards,



  5. Hmm... how many layouts?


    Maybe a new type of boxfile layout? - with the file stood on its end this time.


    Nice weathering on the A4 - maybe a little crud to tone down those shiny rods underneath?


    Regards, Andy

    Hi Andy,


    You can never have too many layouts!! I only have Par at the moment, and the class 90 was a bit of a one off as I really liked the detail etch produced by PH designs. I used to have an N gauge layout based on the ECML in the 50's, on which I ran my minitrix A3 and A4, but that went a long time ago with a house move.

    This project will be something I will run alongside progress on Par. Box file on end sounds cool, maybe I'll have to have 2 or 3 side by side as the water tower is quite high too. Who knows, I still haven't finalised the trackpan yet, although I do have plenty of easitrac ready!!


    The rods do need toning down, they look a bit clean compared to the rest.


    Best regards,



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