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Everything posted by Metr0Land

  1. I've always been mildly surprised no-one's had a go at the Electric Sleet Loco. They look to me to be quite easy to sketch up for 3D printing, and if no drawings are available there's one in the LT museum to measure. Any Underground layout with an overground section can justify one.
  2. Metr0Land

    On Cats

    Emotional support cat: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61596623
  3. I think you'll find it's their B-26K, their Mitchell has a glass nose 64-17676 by Karma 52, on Flickr
  4. Dogs get to ride the bullet train uncaged https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-61543052
  5. Meanwhile here in Wales cross-country running in an EV is still risky (I have a hybrid, there's no way I'd go fully EV at present down here) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61505025
  6. Ask for the Theydon Bois they seem to have suitable merchandise
  7. He tried to sell 4(?) years ago when his BiL died but no takers.
  8. Talerddig, Summer 1960 by robmcrorie, on Flickr Crumlin 12.4.54 by robmcrorie, on Flickr Ampthill 14.4.51 by robmcrorie, on Flickr E5012 Class 71 @ Ashford by Alan Monk, on Flickr
  9. Some incredible air to air refuelleing in Vietnam war. The KC135 concerned has just retired. Basically it daisy-chained with Navy Skywarrior/s who were feeding smaller navy a/c!
  10. A Brit on Southern freight in 1953? Problems with Merchant Navy's meant such things were drafted in. Winchfield 6.6.53 by robmcrorie, on Flickr
  11. I watch on my desktop using Firefox browser and adblocker plus which cuts out most of the rubbish
  12. These any good? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171943840745?hash=item2808a6cbe9:g:ab4AAOSwBahVJpaq
  13. Problem sorted. Refreshing etc didn't work so I phoned them. After putting endless details ino the phone I spoke to a helpful chap who set up a new acct id. After entering loads of security info it now works with the new id.
  14. Is anyone else having problems logging into Barclaycard? I started having problems Sat/Sun 23/24April and thought it might be weekend engineering but the problem still persists today. I enter my 8 digit id and press the next button, and keep getting the response 'there's a problem with our system'.
  15. Plus of course the 73 would have inbuilt backup being able to choose diesel or electric.
  16. That is just soooo wrong - surely it should be the Pilkington set?
  17. I have a OO Works C13 to which I'd like to add the pump on the LHS and a bit of pipework. I have a Markits Westinghouse pump but that's much to large and in 2 parts with a small connecting pipe so not the right type at all. Can anyone advise if there's something available or will I have to resort to scratchbulding? I can't find any photos of the Chesham branch locos online (though have some in books). They look to be the same as this:
  18. 25262 by Redhill Bull, on Flickr Hereford 25309 by Redhill Bull, on Flickr Hereford IMG_0034-5 by Pete Wilcox, on Flickr Kearsley Power Station IMG_0022-003 by Pete Wilcox, on Flickr Toton
  19. Am new to the idea of buying things on Fb Market. If you see something you like, how do you pay? Is it a case of making contact with the seller and seeing what they'll accept in terms of cheque/Paypal/BACS etc if nothing's explicitly stated in the ad?
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