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Mr chapman

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Everything posted by Mr chapman

  1. It's good to see some new models for the modern guys. However I feel it would have been nice if the dance hall got an N gauge version as well at the same time. To go with the C class, N class and birdcage coaches. Yea I know there is the 6 wheeler coming (already ordered) but I'm just talking about Bachmann and their original promise to shrink everything.
  2. Thanks so far for the help. I'm assembling some couplers and the thing that is giving me the biggest headache is the latch. I see you have an odd one in the last photo. Do they normally have so much side play? It will drop on the centre hook freely but also appears able to drop either side of the main hook. It's captive but I am assuming not tight enough somewhere? Thanks for your patience
  3. Sorry, one more question regarding the D G's. Looking at the wagons the preferred fixing location appears to be flush with the bottom of the buffer beam. Locomotives again the same. How do you deal with coaches?
  4. Do these newer kits still require a jig? Looking at ordering a couple of kits.
  5. Thanks for the recommendations chaps. I shall have a play with both methods. I have some old farish wagons with missing couplings to experiment with :)
  6. I have an etch of DG couplings to play with. For an inglenook layout where nothing will be rotated do people recommend fitting a loop on each coupling or just one end? For locomotives loop or no loop? I have seen both.
  7. The artwork is out for these now. I'm hoping someone got a bit carried away with the malachite as the "southern lined green 37" is in malachite. Surely that should be olive with a 2 digit number?
  8. Excellent news! I'll definitely be buying a couple of packs. I wonder if you might consider a bluebell pack or their preserved wagons?
  9. I think I will give d g couplers a go with this one.
  10. I believe WW will resize anything if you ask nicely so that will open up some options if wheels are available. I might ask severn models if they would be up for resizing some stuff. They have some lovely kits in N and 00.
  11. I wonder if Dapol could be tempted to have a crack at a couple of mk1's? No point in using the research in 00 or N as that market is sewn up. One mk1 released and etched overlays won't be far behind. Or perhaps someone else would like a go at a mk1 suburban??? Put me down for a 31 and an 08 all day long.
  12. I do hope this new venture isn't ruined by a loud few who have no interest other than to point out they shouldn't be making the damn stuff. I am very interested in this scale. Once it hits the shelves I'll be picking up the building kits and a selection of track. Do you really need to tool up a huge selection of rolling stock to make it viable? Not really. A pannier, a toad and a b-set brake would do it. Three models. Not too tall an order really. I welcome the scale with open arms. If you are not interested in TT:120 there are plenty of other threads discussing your chosen scale for you to enjoy.
  13. From a peco video on their YouTube channel I believe they said everything will be updated as and when the tooling is worn-out. Both the insulated and live frogs will be around for a while yet.
  14. I don't think anyone is being authoritarian, more a case of too many cooks. When everyone comes chiming in with their way of doing it (they all have merits) it just confuses the issue. As an outsider you end up not knowing which way is up. As an aside the best 3mm layout I've seen personally was a circular 3mm broad gauge layout! That track was closer to 00. But the locomotives with working inside motion were superb. The star of ally pally that year for me.
  15. This is exactly what I was talking about. You start to look at TT and it devolves quickly into who has the correct version of TT. As far as the new TT120 that this thread is about it looks good. I will give it a go. Things have moved on dramatically from the original triang stuff. Mechanisms have gotten smaller andd quieter, dcc is a thing. If you can sound fit an N gauge 08 then you should really be able to most stuff in TT120. Is that much bigger than N? Well yes. Not by a huge margin, but bigger enough for things like point frogs to be easier to navigate. Useful for the shunting puzzles and stuff I'm sure will turn up. Everyone has an opinion on what peco should be doing. I'd like to see the N setrack point updated to second radius. Seems rather odd that in a world where 2nd radius has become the minimum for a lot of models they haven't changed that. But this thread is about TT120. And I'm happy it's a thing.
  16. My thoughts as someone who was thinking about TT a year ago. It looked a nice scale, I saw a few layouts and thought why not give it a go. There was a particularly nice lyme regis layout that caught my eye. As a southern modeller a triang clan line would be a good starting point to detail and probably build an etched chassis for. So off to the 3mm section of Rmweb I went. After reading many pages of conflicting information and no one really seaming to agree on anything I quietly left. A niche scale dividing itself into yet smaller sub groups just felt odd. Talk of the prospect of a mk1, but to which scale? Should it be compatible with triang? Proper 1:100, even more proper 3mm? It put me off the scale completely. Now this announcement. A clear set of track, buildings and probable rolling stock... To a new standard, agreed on by the manufacturers. (You'd need to be daft if you thought peco hadn't run this by some rtr manufacturers) THIS is making me have another look. I will buy a bit of track, a couple of buildings and a few wagons because it's nice and clear. We'll done peco.
  17. £13 for a pair of bogies seems a bit mean considering you have to buy the pins separately.
  18. Definitely be having a couple of these! I hope the proper regional wagons are proving to be a good seller for you guys. I'll be using kadee's, but fitting a 146 with a draft box so hopefully that will fit in the available space once the coupling is cut away. Failing that, a good old barrier wagon will be fine by me
  19. What's the bloody problem? It's a railroad model in a bright colour. Some young lad (or girl) is going to see that and possibly start on a journey that could last a life time. How is that in any way a negative? Some people take this hobby far too seriously. Whether it's a railroad E2ish thing or the latest hush hush model, we are playing with toy trains. It's supposed to be fun above all other considerations. The end.
  20. Well then, I suppose it won't hurt to tack a couple more on the order...
  21. Do you think they will be here this month? I'm looking forward to them
  22. They look lovely, just waiting on the vans Has anyone tried one over a kadee magnet? I'm wondering how magnetic the wheels are.
  23. Everyone confident it's a 6 wheeler then? Not the dance hall from about the same time period as the goods vans?
  24. Someone has to ask... With no kits available, no competition and a lovely secr grey N class readily available... Is an N version a possibility for these wagons?
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