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Status Updates posted by Coldgunner

  1. Slacking off, looking at RMWeb instead of working.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      When you think you've created an invisible slacking void it seems that someone always finds something that fills said void. 🤬

    3. Coldgunner


      Thankfully I'm not married :D

    4. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      I never mentioned Mrs Y but...


      you're dead right.

  2. 40 mins then I am buggering off on leave for 2.5 weeks!

  3. I'm skint (not like breadline or anything) but I feel I need some retail therapy, some new rolling stock or something

    1. Rich_F


      I know the feeling. I was made redundant & have cut back/sold a lot of stock. Resisting the urge to buy another shunter! 

  4. Bought a toastie maker, been pretty much cheese toasties for lunch and dinner for a few days.


    yum yum

    1. 33C


      Bung some chopped onion in as well.... 

      Then ham and pineapple...

      That's the shopping done!


      I want one now...

    2. woodenhead


      Watch the waistline, I had a period of cheese on toast for lunch everyday, kidded myself that grated had less calories as I wouldn't need to use as much - shirt popping shenanigans later I gave up the naughty cheese lunches.

  5. Who says men can't multitask? I'm skiving on RMWeb and training new staff

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I was always told off for eating and talking at the same time - that's multitasking, isn't it?


  6. Supposed to be working, but bog all to do so sitting reading about trains and messing on rmweb...

    1. 33C


      Good plan!

    2. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      That is my job. :D

    3. Rich_F


      It's my default forum to browse & learn something new (railway-related) each day

  7. Spinning in my chair and there's not a damn thing you can do about it!

    1. NickL2008


      Apart from envy 

  8. Couldn't get RMWeb to load earlier, was worried I'd actually have to do some work.

  9. An hour of work left and off all next week. Time to slack off on rmweb for an hour.

  10. Wot, no fell loco? time for revolution!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Barry O

      Barry O

      Just buy a Judith Edge kits and stop wussing!


    3. Mallard60022


      Revolution only do modern stuff.....

    4. Compound2632


      Always puts me in mid of Tolkien's fell beast.

  11. Roundhouse Boiler kit finally ordered to go on the Billy chassis

    1. locoholic


      I didn't know Ikea made loco kits.

    2. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      Must remember that one next time someone orders Billy bits!

  12. At work, so it seems like the perfect time to do some O gauge shopping!

  13. Getting bored of this adulting lark. I'm gonna go play on the swings for a bit.

    1. Mikkel


      I read that as adultery at first :-)

    2. tractionman


      Particularly when swinging is involved...

    3. sammyboy


      I'm 31 and I still go on swings in parks...


  14. Yes that's right, "Working from home"

    1. RJS1977


      I don't know about the second bit...


  15. Trying to get this parkside kit together still, the base of the wagon are too long for the sides! GRRRR

  16. Waiting for the sound of the postman on the gravel outside, waiting to strike...

  17. Has got a tin of bauxite paint, time to go on a mad painting spree!

    1. bgman


      You gonna paint the town red.... Or the village green ?

  18. Think my Talyllyn chassis has beaten my. Anyone know who can complete a chassis for me drop me a PM? :D

  19. The number of 'special' drivers out today is unreal. Seeing 46233 passing though has balanced me out though.

  20. One of lifes great questions, to wear shorts to work, or not...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stubby47


      Postman:Yes, Lifeguard:Yes, Female scientist:Probably not...

    3. Mallard60022


      LOL Stubby!!!!!!!!!

      I'm wearing shorts to scare the local yoofs.

    4. davefrk


      Definately not whilst casting bufferstops.... Even with me EMGS pinny on.

  21. Just watched the new star wars trailer. It looks like the saga may mimic lord vader, and ultimately redeem itself.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grafarman


      Gotta be better than the other reboot trilogy+ epics appearing soon... Jurassic Terminator of the Caribbean anyone?!

    3. Horsetan


      Naughty, naughty......

    4. DougN


      movie tickets, must book soon. Young Paduwan join me he will.

  22. Awesome, Temple of Doom is on!

  23. 9pm, Community TV, model rail show. Not sure what it'll be like though.

    1. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Set to record, expecting stereotypes.

    2. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Full steam ahead, on track, bygone era,

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Well that's reminded me I have a collection of LGB to use at some point.

  24. 60103, on a set of maroon MK1's, or a fast freight?!? hmm...

  25. Possible ideas for future 7mm build, Hudswell Clarke 1800 liveried as Thomas?

    1. KCR


      could also do a jinty fitted out as thomas running on Llangollen and rented out to many other lines. I was gonna do it with a Bachmann one but I got distracted.

    2. Coldgunner


      1800 is the 'real' Thomas. Would be a nice was to portray a real engine.

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