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Status Replies posted by rembrow

  1. Argyle were sh***. Well done Wombles. Good luck next season.

  2. Dose anyone know of a oo gauge, Leicester based Midland red bus for the 1950's-60's. I would like to get my dad one as my dad work for them at that time.

  3. Having spoken to my 94 year old mother earlier she informs me that my sister has been using one of those "smouldering" irons ! Ahh bless :)

  4. Two bread rolls, who are identical twins, walk into a greengrocers and ask for a roll of film.

  5. So, who is going to be first to spot an England flag on the roof of a car?

  6. Boris is quiet, has he been arrested ?

  7. A banana walks into a pub and asks the landlord for a bucket.

  8. Boris is quiet, has he been arrested ?

  9. A banana walks into a pub and asks the landlord for a bucket.

  10. Rangers must be spinning in their grave at that result. ;-)

  11. Cup Final 5:30 - Really?

  12. Appears I'm out of revision biscuits.

  13. 'ere what's going on with this Black Rod geezer? From what I can gather, he's not actually black or called Rod! What's going on? I'm sure there are plenty of black Rod's out there that could do the job?

  14. Phew - have just completed the chassis detailing of a Hornby 156 dmu, slicing off the original lumps and cutting out the individual components, making parts and obtaining spare air cylinders - took 4 weeks of evenings. Now Rapido or Realtrack announce your new British dmu is a 156 - make my day,week,year - the magnum is ready, but in all honesty in all the excitement I can't remember if its chocolate or choc & nut covered - do you feel lucky punks

  15. and the sheep shall invert the earth...

  16. Had mu first cage fight the other day.......the bugie did not know what hit it.

  17. So long and thanks for all the fish

  18. Has just drunk a bottle of Sharpe's Doom Bar brewed in Burton on Trent-A long way from Rock in North Cornwall! :-@

  19. Sadiq Khan - ain't done too bad for a bus drivers son...

  20. living the dream, lowestoft last night, grimsby tonight and anglesey tomorrow

  21. is watching the prospect of The Donald becoming Republican Presidential candidate strengthen. Hillary must be pleased - she'll wipe the floor with him..... or will she?

  22. is fed up of hearing all the bloody talentless accordion players, and X-Fecktor type singers (yes, we've got them "performing" here as well), who now seem to be grouping themselves near the office. How anyone can concentrate whilst having to hear that racket is anyone's guess. Ealing really is going downhill.

  23. Gamble Gold of the gay green woods.

  24. Has had the Lynx effect this week....Only from above and very low!

  25. is watching the Friday evening chaos at LHR T2 Arrivals.

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