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Status Replies posted by rembrow

  1. Commodore Ramsbottom

  2. has just had a lot of parts marked "141 R 568" shoved at him by a damp postman.

  3. I say to you that nothing stands between us and our victory except defeat! Tomorrow is a new day! The future lies ahead!

  4. It wasn't me, it was the others, I caught 'em bang to rights there, Guv'nor, an' that's the truth an' no mistake.

  5. Space Dragoons

  6. I told you so...

  7. People who quote a long post of photos just to say something like "thanks". Should be taken outside by the Mods and slapped with a wet fish.

  8. has got wood and is letting nobody touch his wood. In fact, has wood, designs and a cunning plan....

  9. People who quote a long post of photos just to say something like "thanks". Should be taken outside by the Mods and slapped with a wet fish.

  10. I am immensely proud for the whole of the Great Britain cycling team and what they have achieved in Rio

  11. is getting a strange smell of roast chicken floating in through the office windows. This may explain why there seem to be so many bluebottles buzzing around in Ealing.

  12. is getting a strange smell of roast chicken floating in through the office windows. This may explain why there seem to be so many bluebottles buzzing around in Ealing.

  13. There's some right doom-mongers out there. Cheer up you miserable gits.

  14. Oooops. Placed an order with a shop in Japan.

  15. My Doggie has come home a day early :)

  16. Had to take the dog to the vet this morning as she had a seizure. They tell me she will be OK but the house feels wrong now :(

  17. Thai Chi in the check out queue at the super market. What ever next?

  18. Fair play Mr Linaker! Even Mrs Dreyfus is watching Match of the Day tonight!

  19. I met Captain Kernow today.

  20. Here we are / Born to be kings / We're the princes of the universe...

  21. I do wish they'd make toilet rolls where the last sheet of lavatory paper would come off cleanly from the cardboard roll. It's so tiresome having to pick lots of little bits of tissue from the roll, before recycling it responsibly.

  22. Is it acceptable to be drinking port wine on starboard?

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