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Status Replies posted by rembrow

  1. Slow news day - today its treehuggers vs fish and chips

  2. Slow news day - today its treehuggers vs fish and chips

  3. Note to self: Don't put the mug of water for the wet and dry, next to the mug of tea...

  4. A peninsular location

  5. This evenings entertainment: A large bat in the house!

  6. There's Klingons on the starboard bow

  7. There's Klingons on the starboard bow

  8. You've all done very well!

  9. Where would you go from there, once you had got there?

  10. has just enjoyed a stroll on the beach (The Sun not out alas) and resisted the temptation of comestibles from the Oggy-Oggy Pasty Co.....they do sausage rolls as well.

  11. Can someone please loan Horsetan a quill pen until his printer is working again?

  12. Fink-Nottle

  13. Do you have a copy of Fly Fishing by J R Hartley?

  14. Am totally pi##ed off that I have been banned from the Olympic Games.

  15. One of the neighbours is having a barbecue with the added bonus of an Elvis karaoke.Not great.

  16. One of the neighbours is having a barbecue with the added bonus of an Elvis karaoke.Not great.

  17. The Battery Age

  18. BBC News Norfolk... as they discribe the two men that police are looking for in an attempted abduction of an RAF serviceman at RAF Marham "The other is is said to be around the same age but younger than the first suspect" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-36853106

  19. I am Arthur king of the britons.

  20. is experiencing severe humidity problems and may have to go topless in the office....

  21. Today I put my shorts on in supportive sympathy for my fellow man, not realising that we would be travelling through time to Autumn.

  22. finds that sleeping in the nip is one way of reducing the heat. #naked

  23. The Fish Speakers

  24. is somewhere in the metropolis that is Northwick Park Hospital. The cost of parking is daylight robbery!! :-(

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