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Status Replies posted by rembrow

  1. wishes to change his forum name because too many people are getting confused.

  2. There he Go-ves, There he Go-ves, There he Go-ves! And Morgan too. But who do we get as a replacement?

  3. You dumb puluka!

  4. was affronted last night whilst eating supper, which consisted of a curry, by a lavatory paper manufacturer's advertisement discussing rectal etiquette.

  5. was affronted last night whilst eating supper, which consisted of a curry, by a lavatory paper manufacturer's advertisement discussing rectal etiquette.

  6. I would like to say this to all my supporters, who have been there for me and our cause all the way through, to you, and all others who are as excited as I am about the brave new future that we will create together, I say this - 'Parsnips'.

  7. was affronted last night whilst eating supper, which consisted of a curry, by a lavatory paper manufacturer's advertisement discussing rectal etiquette.

  8. I wonder if RMweb will be fairly quiet for the next hour?

  9. It seems we have a new PM, almost!

  10. wonders if anybody remembers 'The Interlude' on TV?

  11. It seems we have a new PM, almost!

  12. It seems we have a new PM, almost!

  13. Placed a Hattons order 3 days ago, it hasn't even been despatched yet. Will be asking them why later...

  14. How on earth can you tell one banana from another?

  15. A Scotsman and a Canadian walk onto Centre Court on Sunday.

  16. I want to post something foul, offensive and disgusting but am out of ideas. Please imagine I've written something obscene and be offended by it.

  17. Has just paid 74 sheets to see The Who.Hardly a bargain and I won't get fooled again.

  18. Who is the Man from Del Monte?

  19. Not impressed with Hatton's "Order History" page. My wife has just found out since January 2014 I've spent nearly £1400 with them...

  20. COME ON WALES !!!!!!!!!!

  21. I've warned Big Jim he will need a passport tonight - like the hotel California, at Norwich you can check out any time you like but you can never leave.

  22. I've warned Big Jim he will need a passport tonight - like the hotel California, at Norwich you can check out any time you like but you can never leave.

  23. I've warned Big Jim he will need a passport tonight - like the hotel California, at Norwich you can check out any time you like but you can never leave.

  24. 37421 to Norwich tomorrow

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