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Blog Comments posted by N15class

  1. Looks great. It was always a very nice livery and you're doing it full justice, I think.

    Thanks. I am struggling with paint. I have only a matt whitish paint, there is nothing gloss in my selection I could use. Being matt, and with an air temp of about 35C it dries in the pen very quickly. I can only work with the air con on. I don't like to sit in the cooled air all day, I do not think it is very good for you.

  2. Looks like that new compressor you bought is getting bedded in and is that bow pen lining I see ?.

    Thanks, They are I am not happy with the paints I am using for the lining, I thought I had them all here with me, but there must still be some in the UK. Cant just nip down the road to buy some here. I was going to try my Bob Moores lining pen but forgot all about it.


    Lining looks bloody impressive to me! I suspect the back sheets were made like wagon tarps, in which case they started off black but went grey quite quickly.

    Thanks I am stll hoping to get it better.

  3. That was going to be my clever fix for this problem. You can also use yellow to intensify the red, or spray a base with a bit of brown in it, looks a bit like red oxide but stops bleed through of the primer.

    Controls and backhead are wonderful.

    Thanks for the leads on colours never thought about yellow.


    The back head has been worked on today so is begining to look even more the part.

  4. Buckjumper,

    I used to use filling putty, I never brought one with me, yes you can cet similar here it is just finding out where. They don't have halford type places. As yet not found anything, SWMBO is a lawyer so has no knowledge of such things.




    Thanks I was pleased with the back head too. The model is turning out OK considering what it was to start with. Sometimes I wonder why I do these rebuilds.

  5. I think this is coming on very well, as you say no other way of doing the vacuum pipes.


    I don,t like the digital verniers, they are like calculators and give spurious results if the batteriesare on the way out. At least with the calculator you have some idea if the answer is correct. I messed up a whole batch of machining when working as a clockmaker because of a digital caliper.

  6. I am enjoying this build of yours. It must be very satisfying making something so large.


    I have often looked a works drawings of old wooden vans, as a carpenter I am always interested in the joints and methods of constuction. Modelling in 7mm you often forget how big some of the bits of timber were.

    Do you make all your own iron work? Or can you buy wheels and W irons?

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