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Everything posted by letterspider

  1. Q2 (my guess Q3) - apparently Dapol wanted to make revisions after seeing the EP sample - which cannot be a bad thing?
  2. You are fortunate to read print that small - my eyes are so bad I might need to move to G scale -
  3. Yes I agree with you. They are nicely modular
  4. First night time running session...
  5. Make sure the edging is clean or the nib gets clogged by dirt - it can be solved by cutting another notch!
  6. Next up the platform edging. Thanks to advice on here I was able to do it perfectly first time I explain the steps on this thread here:
  7. Here is how I did it. The pen was about £4 on eBay - it for tyre marking Notch cut into the nib I was able to drag the nib along the edging to produce a consistent line, it was very easy
  8. I am thinking of a mailbox in a European country - the sensible choice would seem to be Germany which has the biggest shops and probably the best discounts but then I need to think about which country as lowest VAT I suppose. I have used a mailbox service in New Zealand before and it worked well for private letters -I don't know what the situation is with smallish parcels and how the customs declarations would have to be handled but at least I could send items to myself as a gift.
  9. Next up the platform lighting - I think these are great - from AliExpress They do need painting For the power bus under the platform I found that adhesive copper strip works well - I also found I could use a single resistor for the entire string.
  10. An update The island platform was a nightmare I used Smooth It to make up the final 1 to 2mm between the wood and the platform edging. It just didn't work well - certainly not as shown in the promotional videos. It didn't adhere to the wood started cracking in all sorts of ways here and there. I think it is very expensive for what it is - plaster powder. In the end I found a solution was ready to use patching plaster - from Wilkos. Easy to use, comes rady mixed in a pasty consistency which is quick to dry, sands well. However if I had to do this all over again I would probably opt for a very fine grit sandpaper to represent the tarmac'd platform surface.
  11. Everything considered, the use of automated pantographs as per Bachmann 90 and Accurascale 92 seems to make sense as the height can be finely set to be be just under the wires.
  12. You can pass on your Jiffy bags or recycle any of your unwanted items using the Nextdoor app or Freecycle app; also online You will need to consider Covid restrictions
  13. AC electric EMUs for me. There are already some nice models out there - the Desiro is an excellent model and fantastic value at first release. The London Midland livery really bright and the unbranded Silverlink livery reminiscent of reversed BR blue. However the very colourful SWT livery was a big jump in RRP over the initial batches. Bachmann might release some new liveries this year but as the current West Midlands and South Western livery feel a little underwhelming, would any of them sell? Bachmann should ask WM and SW trains to jazz things up a bit!
  14. Heljan Class 86;s due in this month according to this newsletter I received from Rails of Sheffield https://mailchi.mp/railsofsheffield/new-Heljan-releases-due-this-month?e=4fbb4bf498 This is earlier than I expected - so very happy to hear that
  15. Transparent marker lights - Bachmann why are you teasing us?
  16. I can't remember my Hornby Class 60 having problems with its marker lights and that is a really old model.
  17. Yes quite a lot The EP sample would come in at about a scale 53 foot. It is just a crude estimate though
  18. I am also disappointed, I already have the rail lifting cranes assembled and painted (I can't remember - was it a Genesis kit?) and have been eagerly awaiting these It is also very curious how this could happen. Assuming the wheels are still correct at 12mm, and using that as a yardstick; looking at the drawings and the EP - they seem to be around 240mm long = 60 feet. So it looks like everything was going correctly up to the EP stage. Hopefully if the error is with the manufacturer they will have insurance of some sort. I guess unsatisfied customers will return their purchases and we will all wait and see if they are happy to start all over again. I hope they do.
  19. Perhaps a white ATP makes more sense than a white elephant?
  20. In that case it looks like we won't be getting any reruns any time soon
  21. I'm not sure Before launching a product you need to do market research, focus groups etc. eBay sale prices are part of the picture and shows there is pent up demand
  22. Had a look at that Lot and it has sold. Someone else has listed one for £1,100 Surely Locomotion / Rapido should think about a re-run?
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