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Status Updates posted by TomE

  1. Went to Warley and bought 2 sanding sticks & a pair of tweezers.

    1. Lancaster622


      know how you feel!

    2. Kylestrome


      That shows commendable restraint.

    3. Rowsley17D


      Last of the big spenders!

  2. An RTR LMS Beyer Garratt. Impressive foray into N Gauge from Hattons!

  3. Happy 100th Birthday Royal Air Force!

  4. Never mind the bureaucratic mentality, the only constant in my universe is that nearly full Railmatch spray cans will always fail at the most inconvenient moment!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Hmmm... the modelling potential of silly string. ;-)

    3. TomE


      I've had the same with Phoenix before. Pity the makers of Halfords sprays don't do a range of railway colours!

    4. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      They do some but they call them silly names and stick car brands in the name too - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/41328-colour-matches-for-halfords-rattle-cans/?p=443694

  5. A shortage of lettuce? This could be the tip of the iceberg......

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Lettuce rejoice, then.

    2. vaughan45


      No, Lettuce pray

    3. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      It'll never happen cos not many people eat salad in winter

  6. Don't forget, tonight is that time of year when the clock in your car starts telling the correct time again!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. £1.38


      I though it was some kind of roadkill counter. I always wondered why it automatically reset to zero twice a day ;)

    3. SHMD


      The clock on my wall is only right twice a day...




      ...Beer time and bed time!

    4. 45059


      According to our cats we're ALWAYS an hour late when it comes to food time...

  7. Victoria Wood mort. Damn shame.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I can hardly believe this awful news. May she rest in peace.

    3. Barry O

      Barry O

      A great people watcher. Will miss her views on life an awful lot.

    4. TravisM


      At least it was very short. She joins some great company

  8. is trying to give up sexual innuendos, but it's hard.... So hard.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. cromptonnut


      My wife asked me to suggest an innuendo so I gave her one.

    3. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      I've jerked to a standstill reading this.

    4. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Definitely a climax among today's status update, isn't it?

  9. My Farish Class 08 seems to like frying chips, and not the tasty kind. ######.

  10. Season's Greetings everyone!

  11. Season's Greetings everyone!

    1. cornish trains jez

      cornish trains jez

      Merry Christmas Tom! Have a wonderful day.

  12. Back home from a week on the Broads. Nice to see some DRS loco hauled action this time around instead of the usual 153/156s

    1. Will J

      Will J

      So that's where all the blue engines have gone, walked out of the office in Worcester yesterday to see a network rail train with a br green 37 at on end and a colas one at the other

  13. Car cleaned inside and out. Now brace yourselves for the apocalypse!

  14. Not much chance of seeing the eclipse from Farnborough this morning!

  15. Grab your gun and bring the cat in.

    1. bigP
    2. yorkie_pudd


      is there enough room inside too swing the cat ?

  16. This has all happened before, and will happen again.

    1. rs4


      The Moebius ?

  17. Merry Christmas Everyone. Hope that wherever you are and whatever you are doing you all have a great day!

    1. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Thanks Tom. Merry Christmas to you too!

  18. Has pledged for a Pendolino in N. Just wondering how much room all these people pledging for 11 car sets must have!

    1. Grafarman


      Long mantelpieces?!

  19. After getting a call last night from Hillary's at 5pm to say "sorry, only 2/3rds of your order has turned up and if we can't find it it'll be another 8 weeks before we fit your shutters", I'm almost certainly to be used as example of "Angry Customer" in future training sessions!

    1. Stevelewis


      Hillarys Blinds??

      Our 1st order was fine 7 years ago, but replacement order recently, obvious quality differences ( design clever??) some had to be replaced, still not too happy

    2. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      You YES have my shirt!

  20. This hot weather is not helping my RMweb Live schedule!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. darren01


      tell me about it,got tons to ,but the misses keeps finding me jobs around the house!


    3. yorkie_pudd


      will 8ft of snow & -30C help ? if so I`ll order it now for you so keep you indoors to finish the job.

    4. RedgateModels
  21. Doing battle with Humbrol enamels.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Will J

      Will J

      Liquid, or in the shape of a dried up doughnut in the bottom of the tin....?


    3. TomE


      I do like using enamels, but it seems Humbrol are quite hit and miss these days in terms of consistency and coverage when brush painting. No dried up doughnuts Will, quite the opposite problem!

    4. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      I've found that the ones that were made in china are far better than the newer ones that seem to be made in England.

  22. Back home after a lovely week in North Norfolk. Virtually no connectivity or signal for the whole week and it's been bloody fantastic! Norfolk, the land technology forgot!

    1. beast66606


      They're posh in North Norfolk - they have roads !


    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      The first guy to get sat nav in his car when i worked on the North Norfolk coast found his sat nav thought we were 300yds out to sea when we were at the office.

  23. 70 years ago today, 156,000 men of the Allied Expeditionary Force arrived in Northern France by Air and the largest Seaborne invasion force in history. Over 4400 would never return from the beaches of Normandy. If you do nothing else today, stop for couple of minutes and think about what these men went through, and be thankful that they were prepared to do what they were ordered to do so that Europe could be freed from the oppression of Nazism.

    1. N15class


      We owe them so much. My step father was one of the lucky ones, he returned after parachuting in on the of the 5/6.

    2. DaveyH


      And my Dad at Omaha beach with the Americans.

  24. "You can teach monkeys to fly better than that!"

    1. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Battle of Britain

  25. Gym? Pfft, just assemble some wardrobes!!

    1. Kev_Lewis


      I prefer digging the allotment.

    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      yeah but you cant watch women on exercise bikes while you're doing those things

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