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Everything posted by 69843

  1. Has just seen the last revenue earning up run of a CityRail S-set on the Illawarra line. A sad day for NSW railway history (and some ******* paint bombed the thing! Twats!).

  2. Girls On The Avenue - Richard Clapton
  3. Keeps getting Driver Error message. Did I pass a signal at danger or something...?

    1. grandadbob


      Me too,I thought I'd upset someone!

    2. ozzyo


      I was going to post an update in my thread, think that I'll leave it till later.

  4. "Photograph what you can today, for tomorrow it will be gone." A wonderful motto, coined by a good friend.

    1. Horsetan


      ...and don't mislay the photos!

    2. beast66606


      Today is tomorrows history.

    3. RJL


      Wise words mate.

  5. I Was Made For Loving You - Kiss
  6. Here's a few choice shots from yesterday's Festival of Steam...which I only got to do at the last minute. 3642 arrives at Central with the carriages Flying down towards Picton behind 3642, in the guards compartment 2705 and 3642 heading down the branch from Picton 2705 ready to attach to the rear of the train, gleaming like a newly polished 100 year old pin The 'Pig' on the rear of the Picton shuttle 3265 running around the shuttle train at Buxton Unique crew training car FZ909 3265 runs past on a shuttle 3642 ready to return to Sydney Independent Rail 'Silver Ghost' 4488 at Minto Heading to Everleigh for turning, watering and preperation to run home Some more will be uploaded in my galleries in the next few days
  7. Nothing But A Good Time - Poison (How can I resist?!)
  8. Is thinking he needs a Ford Prefect with '42DENT' numberplates

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      Don't Panic!

  9. Here come the drums!

    1. Grafarman




    2. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      ...and there goes the neighbourhood

  10. 'Well, you know what they say. The best laid plans of mice and all that' "And men" 'Yes, well I don't think men had much to do with it.'

    1. Jon020


      thank you benjy!

  11. "Please Sir, may I have some more?'

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      is it southern EMU's?

    2. 69843


      No, but keep going...

  12. Had a lovely day Gunzeling (spotting) at the Sydney Tramway Museum.

  13. Gone Gunzeling

    1. aussiebrfan


      Have fun, if you get any good photos be sure to post em!

    2. 69843


      Doing it now (just got back).

  14. Just Like Paradise - David Lee Roth
  15. 'Right, stop that. It's silly. And a bit suspect I think.'

  16. Well, we all know steam engines are dirty, steamy things!
  17. OK, apart from Roman Numerals, snails, aquaducts, ravioli, Times New Roman, latin, sandles, leather kilts, roads, sewerage and big noses, what have the Romans ever done for us?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Vacca herbam edit

    3. Chris116


      Invaded most of Europe and then went home!

    4. RJL


      Communal toilets. Dirty boys!

  18. 'What have the Romans ever done for us!?'

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      You have to admire a civilisation that finally brought respect to the ######

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      They also gave us their noses

    4. devonseasider


      "They also gave us their noses"


      Blow that!


  19. Can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon than working on a 90-odd year old Hunslet

    1. Grafarman


      In a heated insulated workshop I assume..?!

    2. 69843


      No, but the weather down here in Oz doesn't usually require it!

  20. Candle In The Wind - Elton John
  21. Friday On My Mind - The Easybeats
  22. now knows why you where a helmet in baseball!

    1. DavidLong


      Yes but do you know where to wear the helmet :-)

    2. 69843


      Of course I do. On your...err...elbow? (and that's why I hate 'smart'phone spellchecker).

    3. DavidLong
  23. Has caught that stupid vomiting bug thats going around :(

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Not again I would thought the cold weather should have killed it off.

    2. 69843


      It ain't cold down here...

    3. Mallard60022


      Too much information thanks.......

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