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Night Train

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Everything posted by Night Train

  1. Superb, you have done a brilliant job on this little layout. 😀
  2. I remember many (many) years ago seeing one of Rev W Awdrys layouts that had an audio commentary where the train operations were synchronised to an audio cassette telling the story. If you wanted to incorporate technology, I would use some of the freely available micro video cameras and hide a couple in the layout to provide a view you cant see as a regular viewer. eg looking along the line from a platform at the approaching trains.
  3. Some good photos of RNAD Dean Hill. Admittedly narrow gauge, but good for inspiration. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=dean+hill+railway&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj4_rPp5O_9AhVAS0EAHa8PBX8Q_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1328&bih=984&dpr=1.25#imgrc=IfV43RzkiWPNrM 28 Days Later report. https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/threads/rnad-dean-hill-wiltshire-25-03-07.11259/
  4. The Heljan 02 was announced 2 1/2 years ago and still no sign of it, so probably not a lot different and thats a pretty small loco in comparison.
  5. Sounds like an IC puller. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234457800321?hash=item3696c61e81:g:Xt0AAOSwyx9iKE~j&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAwPEi%2FSRT7Jf6Q6Lilu0KEyF2vOqVuurYis1HyUOVsffyXS8yEz0e%2FAIrUihwPjY8eaiNXRXjPS3XDr36BK4LYHNG%2FEu%2FJvLu5mVRflUNeSAVTA8kCujRbxrjXI14GL4%2FLPXjDHm82Xtocvaw67az7xbqhvHNEfytsp1ZqsMq85%2FQtJG0YVYPkVAcN57hBMmi1RVnC82WPOxH4UecY3ZPg8NxdcZTUMiB2%2BjXs56XAai4TE1UWaIiPSZGiJwSWURptg%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR8qvzurcYQ
  6. I'd like one as well. But not in GWR livery. Lined BR black would do me nicely. 🙂
  7. Who do you think you are kidding Mr Sunak…
  8. If you dont eat your meat, you cant have any pudding.
  9. That warehouse is now posh flats. I do remember watching trains trundle along that bit of line by Mayflower Park as a kid. https://goo.gl/maps/Uxzs9Xxa5D8ffVGR7
  10. They look good, but I am waiting for the green ones to appear.
  11. Lucky not to lose the tank cars. Could have made things much worse.
  12. Is this the raw material as printed? It has a surprisingly "metallic" look to it. It is also devoid of the "layer lines" often seen in printed items. I am very impressed by the finish you have managed.
  13. Gutted to hear this. A seminal act and one of the finest front men to grace the stage. Sleep well.
  14. Superb work. I usually make a pigs ear trying to solder O gauge kits. Doing that in 2mm is far beyond my talent level. Its a delight to see it come together.
  15. Trainsporters do laser cut foam to fit really useful boxes. https://trainsporters.com/pages/o-gauge-storage-box
  16. Night Train

    Class 08

    Look awesome. Is it easy to uncouple if you wanted a shunting "plankette". Does it run at a decent slow speed, or whizz off into the distance?
  17. Mains connectors are indeed directional. However thats purely for safety and no other reason. 🙂
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