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Everything posted by SouthernBlue80s

  1. Thank you. I will bear that in mind I am going to get my coal dust weathering powder out next mainly for the inside. I have just given the inside a general bauxite rust going over for the time being. Thanks again.
  2. Looking at Paul Barttlets invaluable picture rescource they seem to have varied much like the wagons.
  3. Still more to do. How it looks so far. I am going to put it down for a while now. Coal dust and a half unloaded coal load next.
  4. Second stage weathering. I still need to weather coal dust inside and a touch outdide, as well as the coal load and so on. I will put it down for a while now. I can allready see a few bits that need improving.
  5. Erm....weirdly the kit came in grey, not sure why they didn't do it in Bauxite. Note ......it's FIRST stage weathering. Tip - you can use the grey effectively as an undercoat, if a wagon is heavily rusted, depending on what technique you are using.
  6. I like your destination boards. It looks like they are from Faversham. I have a soft spot for Faversham it's where I started spotting.
  7. 16t Parkside kit adapted. Built as a vacumed brake version. I want to create a diaroma with coal being unloaded in the yard. Progress so far. It needs coal, figures, coupling hooks and the weathering finished. Cheers Steve
  8. Progress so far. It's built as a vac brake version. I have downed tools for tonight Parkside kit, kit bashed. Basic paint on and transfers I had in my pile. First stage weathering. More weathering and coal needed. I might paint some old blast I have and see how that looks. Need to find those coupling hooks and figures. Cheers Steve
  9. Hi Steve. I hope you are well. The 31 is looking good For the handrails in the past. I have used a very very fine drill bit. The tool pictured to bend the hand rails. I left quite a bit of excess handrail inside the cabs. I fixed them with superglue Inside the cab. Weenist amounts of plastic putty to fill in any gaps on the outside. Then when everything has properly gone off I trimmed the excess hand rail off inside the cab flush to body, or as near as. One of my tiny drill bits is between the putty and the handrail bending tool. (The 16tonner next to it all could do with some chains, better buffers and figure shoveling coal, any idea where I can get these from, as I don't build stock very often so not in the know) Cheers Steve
  10. Thanks for the tips guys. I don't build that many wagons so not a dab hand at it. I am now making progress. I am after one or two yard workers. Definitely one shoveling, stood in the wagon. My layout date is 1979 - 1983, so figures that look right in that time frame. Any suggestions as to where to obtain some welcome? Steve Guess I need a couple of chains as well
  11. I found I had this picture which is a useful reference shot. If anyone knows who took it I will put up a credit. Its a nice shot. Progress so far. This is a Parkside kit. I have built a few before, but probably my last one, no matter how carefully I try to remove parts from the spru they break. They need to be more thinly attached to the spru or stronger plastic used. Anyway never mind, lots of glueing back together and plasticard will sort it.
  12. I am quite a tidy person and I start off modeling in tidy way and then I get so immersed in it all I create a right old mess. Great modeling by the way. I am always very impressed with detailed N scale. I struggle with my eyesight with OO. All the best Steve
  13. Thank you for the encouragement. I think of it a bit like a 3d painting. I have such good memories of the atmosphere and smells of the railways in the early 80s, I just want to recreate a bit of it in miniature. Regards Steve
  14. Coal hoppers now finished 99%. I will have another look at them in a few weeks. Two do not have loads in yet, need to find some also for my 16tonners. Here they are, battered and rusty sat in a South Wales yard late 70s early 80s.
  15. That's actually very usefull close up for me, as it shows how the door is hinged ect. Thank you. Not totally convinced on the accuracy if your re-enactment of times past :)
  16. Here is mine. It is the only bit of HO stock I have. It often sits by itself in the yard. It looks just about OK if you position it in the right place in the train. (for example next to low wagon or next to the low end of of VTG telescopic steel carrier) I have a bit of a thing for ferry vans, as I used to wait for the daily 47 hauled service out of Dover at Faversham in 1980. And, as had been mentioned, there are not many produced in OO. What I would give for Interfrigo and Transfersea vans in OO. But perhaps they are two niche for the likes of Bachmann to produce. Cheers Steve
  17. Rudd is almost finished. I have carved out bits from the top edge to give it a more batered feel. The underframe needs more work. The five coal hoppers. Are to the next stage, all the detail is on. Base coats of paint are now on. Still quite a bit to do. Another paint layer and removal and fine tuning. So work in progress. But they are beginning to look like a rake that belong together.
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