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Fair Oak Junction

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Everything posted by Fair Oak Junction

  1. Very true! Although of the two options it was always a forgone conclusion which one I'd choose πŸ˜‰
  2. What a wonderfully evocative shot πŸ‘Œ
  3. I'm not surprised given how the railways worked in the early days πŸ˜‰ It'll be close enough for me. I'm not going for absolute 100% accuracy, more just trying to capture the essence of the early S&DR πŸ‘
  4. Does anyone know the dimensions of the stone block sleepers used to carry fishbelly rail? I know there are some surviving examples in a few places around the UK, but none near me AFAIK.
  5. Wow, that sounds incredible! πŸ‘Œ
  6. Hey, some of us have been waiting 30 years for an RTR model of "Gordon" in LMR blue! πŸ˜‰ But I do agree that an EC OO Black 5 would be brilliant to see given how fantastic their O ones look πŸ‘Œ
  7. I'm sure you'll get a few recommendations, but these were the ones I was looking at: https://www.dccconcepts.com/product-category/specialised-model-accessories/dccconcepts-rolling-roads/
  8. Yep, they mentioned in the announcement livestream about it being compatible with the AS chaldrons. Nice to see them making provision for another companies products πŸ‘
  9. Fair point, I hadn't thought about that. I'm not too bothered leaving them OO luckily.
  10. Very interesting to finally see the box. Looks like an Accurascale size one. Great for protection, less great for storage πŸ˜„ Although, with some custom inserts these AS/Cav boxes could be used for storing a fair few stock items πŸ˜‰
  11. I'm sure the answer will be no, but are there any suitable wheelsets out there to easily convert these to EM or P4? I know AS themselves don't, but any 3rd party that might?
  12. Something I actually forgot at the time of you posting this, but it IS possible. AMBIS Model Engineering still produce 4mm & 7mm fishbelly rail kits. It might or might not be the exact right profile for the early S&D track, but it's close enough compared to modern RTR track. It's not a cheap way of doing it, but at least it is possible πŸ‘
  13. I had to modify my pre-order for these today, and I must thank Amey at ECT for such fast, friendly, and helpful service. It's such a pleasure to deal with many of the newer manufacturers as they put such an emphasis on providing fantastic customer service as well as wonderful modelsπŸ‘Œ
  14. Nice to see it's so easy to convert, another positive for these lovely models. Top work once again to all involved πŸ‘Œ
  15. I think that at some point someone did a list of the liveries/configs that these models could be used for, and there were a few options Bachmann could do in the future.
  16. That is eye-wateringly beautiful! I adore the L77s, and it's such a shame only one ever carried GER blue. Amazing work! πŸ‘Œ
  17. Can owners of these please post as many photos as possible when they get them? I need to live vicariously πŸ˜„
  18. Thank you Accurascale, really can't argue with an announcement like that! πŸ‘Œ If my chaldrons fall apart in 10 years time I know where to turn πŸ˜‰
  19. Or if you want waterslide, Fox is always a good one to go to.
  20. Rob is right in that the post does come off as rather patronising, but of course at the end of the day it's our problem to deal with not the manufacturer. The level of spares availability from Bachmann is very very good, but it's definitely not the norm across the hobby. And not would I expect it to be. I remember back when Dapol first did the 68s, and the DRS compass ones had a printing error on one side. So Dapol had to go and do a new batch of body shells to replace them. It took time, and no doubt dented their profit margin on the 68s. Few manufacturers want to get a whole bunch of bodies made and painted for the off chance someone might need one.
  21. Until I see multiple reports that they are struggling R2 curves, I'm inclined to believe they are fine. The opinions and experience of a single reviewer is not enough to condemn a model.
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