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Status Updates posted by hornbyandbf3fan

  1. Starting to think the random decoder I found in a loco box loose is a broken one 

  2. Well thats one exam that went horrifically badly

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Lucky escape?

    3. Horsetan


      In a manner of speaking.

    4. DougN


      Reminds me of Micro economics in 1993... thought I had bombed the exam... I managed a pass Why would a QS need economics?

  3. Actually been able to do some modelling thanks to this cold

    1. andyram


      Join the club!

    2. Barry O

      Barry O

      get well soon!

  4. This driving thing is a bit difficult

    1. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Golf? Motor Vehicle? Traction?

    2. Sasquatch


      Just think if everyone else can do it so can I. Bet you could do even better too!


  5. This driving thing is a bit difficult

  6. J15 ordered, time to get back into the hobby. First stop, blowing more monies in a model shop and finally finishing the layout

    1. TheIntercityhst


      We've all been there! Mind you, whats the point in a model railway, if you have nothing decent to run on it?

  7. Might actually do some modelling today

  8. Has been applying for jobs. Unfortunately 'proficient at stealing car wheels' is apparently not a desirable skill for emplyers

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. 2mmMark


      F1 pit mechanic?

    3. WD0-6-0


      Efficient at mounting large things on those bricks very quickly too

    4. hornbyandbf3fan


      F1 teams don't trust me any more

  9. 19 exams done and I'm back with 4000 notifications. Holy...

    1. Barry O

      Barry O

      stay calm! build a layout...

    2. hornbyandbf3fan


      Still got to finish the current one! The goods shed is still a hole on the board!

    3. Barry O

      Barry O

      Never mind. Time to chill out!

  10. Well that's the end of Bluestone42. Next week, don't tell the bride sun sex and suspicious parents big fat gypsy wedding Eastenders on BBC3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mickey


      Family Guy is actually funny though...

    3. surfsup


      American Dad for me. Rodger - I like Wiiiiiiiine!

    4. surfsup


      Shame it's the end of Bluestone 42 - Hopefully just this series and not the comedy, does feel rather as if it's sadly going though.

  11. Just seen his first class 57 of the year down in sunny cornwall

    1. Swifty11


      Lovely! 57303/306 of DRS or one of the /6s

    2. hornbyandbf3fan


      It was blue! Didn't get the number as it was across the valley

  12. She's shopping at bloody Waitrose. She might as well he burning fivers...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tase


      Facepack Friday anyone?

    3. KalKat


      We used to shop at Sainsbury.. then Waitrose - the bill was actually LESS!

    4. AndrewC


      The offspring works at Waitrose and still shops at Lidl. He can't afford their prices even with staff discount.

  13. Is challenging a random internet person to a shank duel outside Lidl

    1. Metr0Land


      So would that be a lamb shank then?

    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Too much information!

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      The police should be knocking shortly...

  14. Didn't expect that on Bluestone 42

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I still have no idea what you're talking about

    3. hornbyandbf3fan
    4. newbryford


      The cream tea/boarding school joke was very funny!

  15. Another group of people to add to the 'to be executed' list. Whoever is behind Microsoft Word and it's amazing ability to do the opposite of what you want it to do!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hornbyandbf3fan


      Supreme leader more like

    3. TheIntercityhst


      Could be worse Will, you could be using Google Docs!

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Sounds a bit more like the 'Dear Leader'...

  16. It appears that my Black 5 is out of whatever mood it was in at Warley: it's happily running round the track whereas before it wasn't happy moving. And yes I am very confused

    1. Sasquatch


      Too many distractions for the fireman maybe!

  17. Is starting to question the wisdom behind heating 5 spicy fajitas. It smells pretty bad in here

    1. polybear


      Japanese Flag?

    2. Horsetan


      Pity that we're coming into Spring. You could have supplied your own gas central heating at home....

  18. Continuing the theme of me injuring myself on kitchen utensils, this week the cheese grater. How I am I going to cope at Uni!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. brianthesnail96


      Whatever you find in the cupboard on pasta. Cooked with a very long handled spoon to keep away from heat. George Foreman type grills are great until you shut your friend's hand in it while drunk.

    3. Grafarman


      Mum's food parcels!!

    4. Barry O

      Barry O

      crisps and take outs... or in Leeds we lived on pork pie and peas...

  19. At least the fire brigade put it out for free

    1. Swifty11


      What have i told you, even though they are steam loco models they aren't supposed to steam!

    2. TheIntercityhst


      'At least the fire brigade put it out for free'...and if you work for Freightliner you'll probably be seeing them sometime soon!

  20. Must resist the K1 and per order the J15 as well as saving money for a car.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sasquatch


      Hornby trains are like busses. You wait ages then 4 come along at once! I say save for the car mate.

    3. mcrook62


      What do you need most?

    4. hornbyandbf3fan


      Car but I almost have enough for the J15 anyway

  21. Are there any Bodmin MRC members on here?

  22. Is there any Bodmin MRC members on here?

  23. When I come to power Christmas songs will be banned from playing until mid-December

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Horsetan


      Ban all religion.

    3. yorkie_pudd


      Horsetan you must have read my mind - but I advise against it to save your sanity lol

    4. GWR88


      I agree totally! Our next door neighbour leaves their decs up all year...The matches beckon every year!

  24. Fixed rmweb for myself

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      You mean you didn't fix it for the rest of us as well?

    2. hornbyandbf3fan
  25. Mamma Mia is on and I'm seriously considering calling childline as a result

    1. GWR88


      I'd rather watch that then revise for a french GCSE(Well i should be...later on)

    2. Horsetan


      If you have been affected by any of the issues in this status update, you can call the National Counselling Helpline....

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