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Nelson Jackson

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Everything posted by Nelson Jackson

  1. Wow! How have I not noticed this thread earlier, I like this layout a lot, right up my street of interest. Keep up the amazing work!
  2. It's a real shame to see the company go into ruins, coopercraft have an excellent range of kits, but I would love if the guy was to own up and say that he cannot do business anymore, it's shocking to see that his website allows you to buy stuff off it. (Surely some legal action can happen?) With regards to the moulds, I don't see how they can be worn out, the ratio range of carriages are still going well, providing they are on the same mould, that is? At the end of the day all I want is honesty and to prevent people's money being lost and him still gaining revenue.
  3. I ordered mine from Branchlines, paid via cheque and the whole process was fast enough, very pleased.
  4. There are many "youngsters" in this hobby. You just need to know where to look. I know in Northern Ireland that the age range of people interested in model engineering and model railway is healthy and there's no concern of any hobby dying any time fast.
  5. Very nice! I would love to see some pics of the torpedo vents printed, would be very impressive if you can see the clearance in them as per the 3d drawings. The buffers are also a great idea, well done.
  6. Hello all, Here's some photos of the layout at today's First Bangor MRC show, we decided to take the smaller version because it is far easier and more convenient for just the 2 of us. But the full length layout will hopefully be at the Cultra show later this year. The rolling stock today was following rule 1. So I do apologise in advance, but it is good to have a change and relax prototype rules some times. Anyway, enjoy the pics, Thanks, Nelson
  7. There are a number of us (under 20 years old) who are really interested in your kits but unfortunately they are just too expensive, so please don't think there's not a market for the younger generation, there is. We just need some time to save up haha.
  8. Is now officially an O gauge modeller :S

  9. They finally listened to us, a new ww1 shooter :D

  10. They finally listened to us, a ww1 shooter :D

  11. PM system broke again?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nelson Jackson

      Nelson Jackson

      Yeah, trying to send messages but they don't go through

    3. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Is it a conversation that started before the site rebuild a few weeks ago? If so, start a fresh one. There are no other system problems.

    4. Nelson Jackson
  12. PM system broke again?

  13. Hello everyone, It's been a while since I've updated this thread haha, this is due to a number of various personal issues but now they are done with I can get back to some modelling again however I did keep one project running in the background which was a commsion to weather 23 wagons (21 hoppers, 1 16ton and 1 brake van). I don't normally display commissions on my thread, but the owner gave me permision and i am more than happy to display them here. I weathered all of them using various enamel paints, weathering powders/pigments and washes, the desired finish was a worked one so I've varied the state of despair from wagon to wagon. I hope you enjoy the pics, Some wagons in the middle of being weathered. The completed lot posed on the layout. Many thanks, Nelson
  14. Unfortunately this is quite true, however it is important not to throw all young people into the same boat, there are some good people out there, honest lol.
  15. Just been catching up on a few recent posts, and I will be following your class 104 project with much interest! Your chassis conversion gives me much confidence that it is indeed doable to give some light under boilers, which gives me an idea for a project of my own, I'll keep you updated if anything comes of it. Keep the excellent posts coming, Nelson
  16. Wait, what! At first I thought this was going to be a OO gauge kit, but it clearly isn't ah well, it'll be interesting to see what it's is going to be like.
  17. Star Wars ep7 10/10 highly recommend it! So good!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Boco_D1


      I saw it on the opening midnight showing well worth the sleep deprivation next day

    3. DougN


      As a family we really enjoyed it. I will go again but the others don't want too 8-(

    4. locoholic


      Are there any trains in it?!

  18. Looking forward to seeing the layout at the Cultra show, can't wait! Keep up the amazing work.
  19. Mum broke her arm :( so it looks like I'll be cooking Christmas dinner :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JDW


      Ah but has she Actually broken it or is it just a rouse to get someone else to cook the Christmas dinner...? :-D

    3. Horsetan


      It's a real turkey, that.

    4. Herbert Nigel

      Herbert Nigel

      Strangely I always fancy egg and chips for Christmas dinner. Any chance?

  20. Anyone want a bridge for their back garden? Going dead cheap! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/forth-road-bridge-/161908166278?hash=item25b27a8e86:g:H9wAAOSwAKxWYcZO
  21. Work experience next week, gonna be my fist time tackling rush hour on the train, any tips? :D

    1. GWR88


      I had to take the train for my work experience last July...Turns out we have elbows for a reason!

    2. Northroader


      Good luck with it!

    3. North Eastern

      North Eastern

      Yeah start as you mean to go on throw a sickie!!!

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