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Everything posted by bazjones1711

  1. I will go for a ASW POA scrap wagon , spin off of this is to use the chassis to make ICI PEA tipair soda wagon ,plus a Railease POA stone wagon ....
  2. Not sure of the sizes , but can measure the ones I made from thin card cut into strips rolled around a suitable sized rod or tube stuck with pritstick , painted with humbrol polished steel, banding is thin strips of sticky labels painted black or use a permanent marker
  3. Why try and enforce us to wear masks and try to stop us getting to work , yet when they protest in london , cardiff etc...in large numbers against racism its ok to have large gatherings , they should have dispersed them all with water cannon
  4. there is no shortage of masks , never has been just probably goverments incompetence for the last few months , where i work we supply masks to the public , you can buy as many as you like from china , place your order , air freighted over in a little over 36 hours to your door , we have sold over 5000 just today , ,a wise man would spend £250,000 for a full container and treble his money , don't know how they will enforce it on the train , the crack heads will kick of so be left alone by the guard , oh the guard does not come round anymore ..why ... because the train is free as they don't issue tickets anymore , i have not paid for my journey for over 3 months now and expect this to go on until at least October
  5. https://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/trlyeomanpoa You will find some of the wagons here that carried baled scrap in the TRL 5170 - 81 and TRL 5254 - 66 range
  6. I have not seen me a carrying scrap but you never know click on pic for the link
  7. It's the Crossley and Evans scrapyard at Shipley, thought this pic has a lot of details in it if you look really close !
  8. you can make baled scrap from painted wood shaving as i said in previous post , than mix with pva glue and use the end of a Mc donalds ice cream spoon as a mould , leave to dry and push them out ! can be highlighted with greys , rusts etc.. Link to our shipley /crossley scrap layout https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiSoMbq88foAhUXQEEAHQvmA_EQFjAAegQIBhAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rmweb.co.uk%2Fcommunity%2Findex.php%3F%2Ftopic%2F126684-shipley-scrap%2F&usg=AOvVaw0UQk_n9wtKPdAW_H5EpP-E
  9. we have used real swarf stuck down with pva and wood shavings ( not saw dust ) dyed with diluted chrome / silver paint , put wood shavings in a tub , add paint then shake to coat all the pieces , you can add some rust paint and give it a quick shake to make the pieces look rusty . I have also used pieces of rusty metal broken up , the ground work it made to look rusty by using real rust , gravy browning diluted , tea , coffee all these techniques dont really cost anything , give them a try and see how you get on , will try and post some more pics soon Ps we have also shredded ali foil from milk bottle tops , yogurt tops etc... in an old food blender again you can add some rust paint to them in a tub and shake to coat them . Small pieces of paper painted rusty tones to look like metal sheets ... the list goes on , basically anything i can find that will look good
  10. To make pipes for torch use thin elastic , if you get some nylon elastic cord , rub the outside with some sandpaper this will take all the nylon off and leave you with fine strands of flexible cord . , you could use fine wire but wire always seems to bend where it wants to go ! and is harder to paint , for the torch some brass wire or thin plastic rod
  11. Reference to a post about the shutdown of post at Hattons , I would like to add my experience today in work , I work in a warehouse supplying suitcases , our courier came today to pick up a collection in a 7.5 ton lorry that was packed to the hilt with medical supplies , my point is that if you do not need to make a purchase of a large item then don't , these couriers need space for urgent supplies in the weeks ahead of us , when I see people ordering suitcases in the UK , France , Spain , Germany where do they think they will be going. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING THAT IS NOT URGENT and allow our delivery drivers and road haulers to carry items that we only really need .
  12. Our pile of scrap on Crossley scrap layout , after main pile was built up , just kept adding any smaller bits I find
  13. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjc0LjrvKboAhWVTBUIHS7kAkoQFjAAegQIARAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rmweb.co.uk%2Fcommunity%2Findex.php%3F%2Ftopic%2F93014-msa-ex-haa-scrap-wagons%2F&usg=AOvVaw2SGzt2FkKxUE84AuP8E0l6 Hope this helps with info about HAA that became MSA , never seen a pic of them tho , IIRC i saw them through Newport station when they were first done.
  14. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-OO-Gauge-R2413-Brush-BR-CLASS-31-270-Diesel-Loco-Body-Only-Spares-Repair/313013122587?epid=1356728713&hash=item48e109361b:g:eQEAAOSwygFeWWlU
  15. some notes on POA scrap wagons TRL 5170 - TRL 5181 worked from BSC Shotton to BSC Ravenscraig / BSC Port Talbot with baled scrap TRL 5181 was in yellow livery and i think TRL 5175 was in light blue and originally fitted with some sort of roof / tarpaulin The other batch was TRL 5254 - TRL 5266 again working out of Shotton, Leicester to ASW Cardiff with frag scrap noted were TRL 5143,82,84,90. TRL 5345,51,79,89. TRL 5406,12,13,48,50,55,63,70,73,79,82,84 I dont think that OAA or OBA carried baled scrap but you never know
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