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Everything posted by ian

  1. May and Hammond are in Downing Street - but where is Clarkson?

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    2. 3 link

      3 link

      Clarkson for Transport Minister......

    3. Horsetan


      Clarkson for Transport Minister means no money for railways. Sure you want that?

    4. RJS1977


      He would have got a job, but he punched someone...

  2. Ah, that touching story of unrequited love and the spurned swain seeking solace in comfort eating. That line echoes down the annals of romantic literature: "I was so upset I cried all the way to the chip shop." They just don't write pathos like that any more.
  3. Set on fire and floated down the Ganges perhaps?
  4. But Tescos sell lots of things that you can't actually eat... (And yes, I do mean in the food section!)
  5. Now corrected - it was wrong somewhere in the bowels of the site's parameters.
  6. No, Hobby Specialsts closed years ago. Shrewsbury Model Centre closed last October or thereabouts. There's me, well out of town: Modelscape Other than that you are off to the SVR at Bridgnorth or Topps at Stafford!
  7. It was very lucky for that poor little tank loco that there was a bigger engine there to help it back home...
  8. You try lugging a full frame plate camera and tripod across a field! Enthusiasts these days don't know they're born...
  9. Your cut out and keep guide to decluttering.

    1. eastwestdivide


      Sorry, i've nowhere to keep it.

    2. eastwestdivide


      Sorry, i've nowhere to keep it.

    3. Londontram


      I brought the complete set in binders too

  10. ian

    Penhayle Bay

    Ignoring the miserable Cornish giants looming over the scene it was totally captivating and the track looks remarkably realistic. I've always said that Penhayle Bay is a future classic and this video confirms it. More power to your elbow Rick.
  11. The local doctors have a branch surgery in my village where a doctor turns up for an hour or so along with someone to dole out prescriptions. As a precaution there is also someone parked outside the surgery as a security guard. I walked past the car which was displaying a 'SECURITY' notice on the dash on the driver's side. The deterrent effect was reduced slightly by the blue 'DISABLED' badge on the passenger side!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mallard60022


      Maybe it was one of our ex troops that has a mobilty problem following an injury whilst in service and they are now working in Security.

    3. 3 link

      3 link

      Ha Ha , you couldn't make it up!!

    4. Rowsley17D


      Doctors' surgeries need security guards??

  12. There is an ointment you can get to sort that out.
  13. Car breakdown cover renewal £98.55 inluding no-claim discount. On-line quote from same company £58.04. They're having a giraffe...

    1. davefrk


      Just renewed buildings and contents insurance with someone else with a saving of £150 for a similar policy, the old company are now trying to match it, why didn't they give me a good price in the first place???

  14. ian

    Dapol western

    F2 on a Prodigy system is set up as a momentary contact for operating a horn - it doesn't stay on.
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