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Everything posted by ian

  1. Tile adhesive for kitchens and bathrooms. Instructions state only use outdoors and in well ventilated areas. Is it me?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      That needs to be posted up in "Things that make you :-)"

    3. rembrow


      You've bought the wrong one, it's obviously for use in the outside privy/thunderbox!!!

    4. 3 link

      3 link

      EU directive......

  2. I strongly believe that he built and completed it months ago and is now just drip-feeding photos and anecdotes to raise the tension and expectation before its grand unveiling...
  3. SWMBO won't be pleased when she sees her handbag collection...
  4. ian

    Penhayle Bay

    You could do that with a servo too. Mind you, the flagman would need to undergo extensive surgery first - possibly above and beyond the call of duty,
  5. Well, that's this morning taken care of. What are you going to do after lunch?
  6. Clicking on 'Like' or 'Craftmanship' seems inadequate. That is a huge task to complete - even the viaduct on its own would be an impressive layout. Well done!
  7. I can see a marketing opportunity. Instead of a book to accompany the series, how about a 'James May Reassembler Tool Kit'?
  8. I could make it at home for nothing. All I need is a small aubergine...
  9. Never mind the switches - look at the size of the snakes!
  10. I thought I had already told you.
  11. We'll have less of that sort of thing on here. It is a respectable forum you know!
  12. ian

    Penhayle Bay

    What a lovely effect the clouds have given to those scenes. Proper job , Rick.
  13. What do you call a Lada with a sun roof? A skip. Why do Ladas have heated rear windows? To keep your hands warm when you push them.
  14. I'm game. We'll see who rusts first.

    1. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      The best way to get a drink out of a Vogon is stick your finger down his throat, and the best way to irritate him is to feed his grandmother to the Ravemnous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.

    2. AndrewC
  15. I've told you before, if you've got something to say, write. And when you've written it, eat it.

  16. He walked into a valley all alone. There he talked with water and then with the vine.

    1. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      ......and vanished into air

  17. Here comes the bishop all dressed up He's gonna bless you if you're ready to pay

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      (That could only just float)

    3. Physicsman


      Couldn't even lift a sword

    4. steve22


      One wave of his funny old stick - there's a band of light across your eyes...

  18. That sums it up - building HS2 will slow your journey time.
  19. From '5 minute epoxy' instructions: "dries in 15 minutes".

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Perhaps it's supposed to mean, five minutes to open the packaging?

  20. "Sir, the enemy have us completely surrounded." "Excellent, then we can attack in any direction!"

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Hamilton Academicals

    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Starfleet Academy

  21. It does work (I tried a test point for a future build) and has been used on exhibition layouts. The book is well worth having and on a project like this I suspect would repay its purchase price many times over in time saved and problems averted.
  22. If you've got the 2mm Association book 'Track' then have a look at 'filmstrip tiebars'. These are a piece of old 35mm film negative (remember them) in a slot through the baseboard. A servo and some square plastic tube makes the below baseboard undergubbins. The film strip is attached to the undergubbins and pokes through the slot. The blades are bent so that when at rest they are BOTH open. The film strip pushes one or the other to the closed position. It is a lot easier to set up than anything that involves soldering, drilling or other means of attaching blades to tiebars, the tiebar is really thin and looks more like the real thing than a moving sleeper. http://www.2mm.org.uk/products/trackbook/
  23. "The problem with quotations espoused upon the Internet is that you cannot always depend on their accuracy" -Abraham Lincoln, 1864.

    1. DonB


      How very perceptive of him!

    2. bigP
    3. Tim V

      Tim V

      a tad before Tim Berners-Lee was born...

  24. 'A discount of 0% applies if payment is made within 0 days.' There's an incentive!

  25. There's at least one audio CD of signal box sounds available from the Signalling Record Society. More info here: http://www.s-r-s.org.uk/audio/stockport2.html A sample clip is available: http://www.s-r-s.org.uk/audio/stockport2.avi
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