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Everything posted by rab

  1. Anyway cows will soon be redundant. Overheard a snippet on the radio recently about a technology which produces milk without cows.
  2. Well I've got a date for the op, 25th May (subject to bed availability which apparently isn't confirmed until just before you go to theatre). Its not as soon as I was first led to believe it would be, but at least its a date.
  3. I see they're still planning to have people riding on top of the train as well as inside!
  4. Interesting the way this thread is turning out. Usually when something like this happens we get speculation about the cause. This time we are told the likely cause, so instead we get speculation on whether it was right to reveal the likely cause!
  5. Why not, we discuss just about everything else,and food can be more enjoyable than some of the stuff that finds it's way onto here ☺☺☺
  6. That sounds an interesting combination, Dyson and Branson, the mind boggles at what they might come up with together.
  7. Well now that's interesting . Of course I knew about the South Devon Atmospheric, hence the smilie at the end of my post, but I'd never heard of the Irish one before.
  8. I'm scratching my head trying to remember the guy's name but didn't some guy try using a vacuum to move trains around once before ☺
  9. Oh well, at least the thread is now back on Tornado.
  10. No but if they weren't on a rail trip hauled by a steam engine, they could well be driving around in their cars. On the other hand, I wonder how much vehicle emission is caused by people getting to the start point of the trip and back again after.
  11. Sorry, couldn't find the tongue in cheek emoticon
  12. Would they be any more reliable than present traction?????
  13. Sorry for contributing to thread drift but whatever happened to: When in Rome do as the Romans do?
  14. rab


    The only computer changes I was involved in affected mainly staff rather than customers, but they were bad enough. For some reason the IT department found it hard to accept my increasing cynicism at their reassurances that the new system had been fully tested and there would be no problems when it went live. My wife went to our local branch yesterday, and the girl serving her said she'd been in tears three times the previous day. I do feel sorry for the frontline staff having to take the flak from customers while those responsible are safely hidden away in back offices.
  15. Perhaps hot air engines are making a comeback.
  16. You mean you suspect he was using his phone while driving??
  17. Had a call from the hospital today. The mark on the liver is nothing to worry about, it's something like a birthmark. They're not sure about the one in the lung. I've got to have another scan in 3 months. So it's back to removing half the colon, should have a date for the op within the week. So the future may not be Orange, but it's a bit brighter than it was last week
  18. How right you are, the new day has dawned, the problems of yesterday are behind us.
  19. If I remember correctly, the last train of the day from Wadebridge to Padstow was one coach, pulled by a Westcountry! Edit: Sorry, just realised its before the era you quoted.
  20. Apologies if I've mentioned this before butone of the things which persuaded me it was time to get out of the drawing office was when we had some drawings made by an outside contractor. When I began checking them I noticed a lot of the dimensions were missing. Their response, when I queried this, "The drawings are taken from 3D models, which will also been used to create the moulds for the parts. You only need a few overall dimensions and dimensions affected by the opening and closing of the mould". They were right of course but as someone who was used to getting their backside kicked for issuing drawings with missing dimensions, I found this really hard to accept.
  21. You guys are amazing. 10 responses in an hour. Thank you
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