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Blog Comments posted by bgman

  1. Well done that man most satisfying, strangely if you keep at it with the painting and weathering it usually comes together, and even if it doesn't don't loose heart you can always repaint it and have another go.

    You look to have made a good job of the bridge so....... Next !


    As ever .......Happy modelling, happy modelling :)

  2. Hi londonbus,

    I've just started to lay track using pre-cut Woodland Scenics track bed.

    I used a small amount some years ago and once I'd ballasted (using Copydex to both glue the track bed and ballast) I personally didn't feel there was much noticeable difference in sound quality.

    I've not heard or seen Depron, may I ask what thickness you would contemplating using and how effective do you consider it to be ?

    One thing I would really not do is just glue the track to the baseboards, that is unless you like wearing earplugs whilst running your loco and stock !



  3. Hi Miker,

    I'm afraid I'm unable to help, however, maybe you could help me please.

    Although I haven't seen Michaelplatz in the flesh ( unfortunately) I've watched a couple of vids and enjoyed the layout very much. May I ask which track / turnouts you used for the layout ?


    Bgman ( about 5 miles from Tedburn St. Mary !!! )

  4. By spray over copydex, i mean spray paint over copydex.

    Haha !

    I haven't tried it but maybe try a test piece on a spare length of track first, that's what I tend to do then if you're satisfied do the rest.

    I'm not too keen on using the Copydex in a watered down form ( in the traditional method) as I've had problems with it tending to give a "craggy' feel to the ballast if you understand me.

    Give both a test bed trial eh ?



  5. I do like the simplicity of your design for this.

    I've used the same underlay before and stuck down with Copydex and also the track too. Track pinned down lightly onto the Copydex one length at a time and used a track ballaster to run the ballast over it then lightly tamped down. Any 'bald' areas have then been rectified after all has been completed. When i decided to remove the underlay and track about 90% was successfully removed without damage.


    Good luck with the project :)


    And as always......enjoy! Happy modelling

  6. Hi Mike

    You may well be aware that the Broad Gauge Society produce an extensive range now including the lamp tops and etched brass duckets which could be considered in your build as an aid.

    If you're not a member and are interested drop me a pm and I'll help if I can ( or join if you feel the need !).

    Maybe give the site a look and search under the modelling drop down tab then 4mm tab, there's about 52 pages of items, all worth a look if only out of curiosity.



  7. Hi Job,

    Hope all is well with you, I'm enjoying your posting for this project very much.

    As I can't post a few of my pictures here I'll pm you with my trial building using downloaded Scalescenes brick work.

    I used an image which was printed onto an A4 self adhesive label stuck directly onto a card building and saved me problem the of glueing as another process.


    Kind regards



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