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Everything posted by Quarryscapes

  2. Sounds like an Integra DC2 (UK Version not JDM) https://www.google.com/search?q=UK+DC2&newwindow=1&sxsrf=ALeKk02YsvpRv2YKGDM4i048-YVCBaWbCw:1630002569353&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=tSAEmkXrILfV5M%2CI_z-GBgvy2EPqM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kRs_0-jnUp-AjZZLwto3ZCgM08CQQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6tIPhqM_yAhVTwAIHHeZaAicQ9QF6BAgUEAE&biw=1920&bih=937#imgrc=tSAEmkXrILfV5M
  3. I've no doubt seen it around then (I lived in Duddleston and then Oswestry for some time whilst working on the canal at Ellesmere).
  4. Will roadkill be featured in the detailing pack for the Network Rail versions? 97304 & 97303 on the Cambrian Coast Express 20-8-21
  5. Even better scam for the government coffers is the £30 tax bracket, sell that before the year's tax is up and the new owner also has to pay it - so HMG get 2 lots of tax for one year. Alright it's only £30 a pop, but it must add up a fair bit over a year's trading.
  6. Really shaping up nicely. Allowing for some slightly chunky detail and the awful 009 standard couplers, they look amazing. Looking forward to having a little and large comparison with my 16mm Red Damsel.
  7. Are you sure it's not just face detection used for auto focus?
  8. There was a lovely one in Porthmadog when I lived there, always kept immaculate - then someone keyed it! If not a piss take, certainly on spectrum.
  9. I always fancied one of those, in yellow of course.
  10. They certainly do, I'm going to make a point of looking at the Wern underbridge on the Cambrian next time I go to work, it frequently relegates Spar lorries to shards of canvas and groceries so will be interesting to see what's on the sign. Last time I took note it was Imperial, though the last time I took note was a long time ago even though I drive under it at least weekly!
  11. Guy, your points are all the reasons why Shapeways costs as much as it does.
  12. A Win10 annoyance that has bugged me forever, maybe someone here knows how to fix it, because endless Googling has not helped. I want to set the global default folder view to extra large icons. Shouldn't be hard but I have not found anything that works. Every annoying copy&paste blog post google throws at me tells me to set a folder as I want it then use the "apply to folders" button on the view tab of the view options dialog. But that's greyed out, in every folder. Whenever I open a folder I've not been in before, or create a new one, it's default view is details, which I hate! I want Large icons at the least to be the default view.
  13. My local GP doesn't appear to have been doing vaccinations at all, nor are any pharmacies that I know of. My Dad (60s) had to get his jabs through work and he is shielding. My in laws (70s) , also both shielding only got theirs after much phoning and nagging at the health board, both during the period where we were supposedly into the 50s age group! The only surgery that I know is doing jabs is Nefyn, and I think that's because they're operating as a drop in clinic rather than just for the usual patients although they are not listed as a BCUHB drop in centre. The whole thing seems to rely on word of mouth here with very little clear communication coming from the horse's mouth. I've also discovered that my boss is refusing to be jabbed, so how this affects my return to work remains to be seen. The ironic upshot is he will be forced to miss the launch of his new car at the NEC because vaccinations will be required for all attendees!
  14. Can't say as I'm all that impressed with the rollout locally. Took an age to get a first dose because clinics were popping up without notice, only being advertised on the day via social media (which if I did see was usually after the event!). I eventually got lucky and got done in the local Dolgellau leisure centre. I'm due my 2nd jab now, and thankfully online booking has now been introduced so I can at least plan ahead - except that there quite simply are no clinics outside of Bangor running. That's a 110 mile round trip for me, which by bus will need an entire day off work as I'd have to leave at 8.20 to be back for 5, assuming I can even get a mid day slot!
  15. A completed 3 Ton wagon and an LNWR wagon with a printed Slate Load joining the fleet
  16. I'd prefer to order online, but if it comes to it....(which it may!)
  17. Ridiculous shipping charges, not worth bothering with.
  18. Unfortunately Prime Miniature ones are too small A/F and too tall, and regular metric are massive A/F.
  19. Struggling to find any at the moment, anyone bought any recently? Everywhere I try is out of stock!
  20. GWR No. 11 was allocated to a Cambrian loco, but the loco didn't last long enough to receive it. I have etched plates available for it. (Think it was for one of the 0-4-4Ts but don't have books here at the minute)
  21. Are you saying you have a print farm of SLS, FDM and SLA printers at your disposal and just need a website to turn it into a marketplace?
  22. Not that old hogwash again. Welsh does not follow any of the ridiculous pronunciation rules of English, has more vowels and is 99% phonetic.
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