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muddy water

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Everything posted by muddy water

  1. Can not see any passengers. Must be a route learning run! Well it is a new station, one of those modern ones , were they do not need ballast for the track! Guess you thought I had done that track plan , so you had to change it again! You are going to have to hurry if you want it for the 25th!
  2. No worries! Great to see your modelling of carriages. I have taken notes for my own stock! Keep up from the good work!
  3. I guess the cross bracing comes in after you have fitted the point motors! They always end up in the way!
  4. You have changed again! Now we know why you still had manual points! I was looking to copying your first plan. Now it looks like you have copied me! I guess there are only so many ways of doing a layout. I am sure some of the early railway companies only had a few plans for stations and made them fit the location.
  5. I know it was a long time ago! But how was the traverse locked into place to align the track? Normally other traversers have a short bit of fixed track on the same board and a surface mounted bolt. At least you have a longer usable sidings!
  6. I have not touched it yet! I have used yard office. Which allows you to export files in cvs format for other uses. I would rather spent time modelling rather than data entry!!
  7. Great ! Was this done in excel? So you can add to JMRI?
  8. I think you better take the next week off to build this! So the rest of your family can do normal life!
  9. Great! Will you keep it modern western region? So at exhibitions you will now be able to operate another small end to end layout whilst this one entertains the crowds! 14 trains available, or are you going to squeeze an extra 4 on the main circuits? We know what you will be asking for Christmas!!
  10. Out of interest , how have you made your rakes up? A list would be useful if you have the time!
  11. You could use a rattle can from Halfords or Poundland to spray the roofs separately as they are removable.
  12. Great to see what you are doing! With the Lima restaurant coaches, are you going to add the circular vents on the roof and square gas bottle cabinets to the under frame ? It can make them stand out a bit more! https://www.dartcastings.co.uk/mjt/2932.php http://www.barrowmoremrg.co.uk/MostynCoachGallery.html
  13. https://www.flickr.com/groups/saltleydepot/ The grass looks the same in some of these photos!
  14. Which yard did the photo come from? Great inspiration!
  15. Who built a loco yard in a field? You will have the farmer chasing you for worrying his sheep with your smelly, noisy diesels!!
  16. Are you going to use any underlay for noise insulation and ballast shoulder?
  17. My old Printer has died and needs to be replaced. Which printer currently available is good for downloadable kits? I am looking for good quality printing with separate black and colour cartridges. Replacement cartridges should not be too expensive as they always need replacing just before you have a large print run! which makes and models do people find good? I had a Kodak one that was ok when new, but deteriorated as it got older.
  18. Nice to see you check out the operations before nailing the track . Nothing worse then finding out only one wagon fits in the kick back siding! Great demo on the fiddle yard, very helpful! Might ‘borrow’ the track plan. At least I know it will work!
  19. Great start/finish! Interested to see what you are doing with the sector plate fiddle yard on the left hand side. The original plan has 4 yard lines and 1 for the dmu platform line. From the photos you appear to have dropped 1 yard line and if both exits from the yard have storage tracks you then lose the dmu line. Have other people used sector/ traverser plates with two different angles exits and how have they limited operations? I am sure if I wait a week, there will be a full video showing exactly how it works very efficiently!
  20. Great! just leave a long slow freight train , with the engine appearing on the layout just as the last wagon disappears into the fiddle yard!
  21. Great to see you had fun! Did you have a sequence with one dmu and two goods trains? Was there a lot of crane shunting to get the variation in trains? Would be great to hear how you did not get bored!
  22. I see your Freightliner class 86s are a better model than the photo I found! Do you know the history behind the fire extinguishers on the roof? The Freightliner type have one brown cylinder across the roof next to the non pantograph cab. The Virgin type have two larger red or grey cylinders lengthways. When were they all introduced? Did the Anglian and Triple grey RFD ones get them as well? I think we trust the model manufacturers too much sometimes when they miss out detail to make production simpler!!
  23. Sounds hard work , but it will transform the model. Doing this and covering the chassis/ body clips will make people wonder what make the model is. As it surely is not a Hornby!!
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