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Everything posted by Hobby

  1. Not only that but the stuff they are launching also is known to sell well, most of the stuff listed by Fezza might sell to some enthusiasts but someone just wanting a set to look nice and play with wouldn't choose, for instance, a 170! Once it's established they will (or someone else will) start to sell the sort of stuff he mentions, all of which (other than the 08) I have no interest in whatsoever (which is another point to take into account, what appeals to one person won't always appeal to another)!
  2. I suspect it was put that way to show the tender footplate detail but they never allowed it far enough round to show it! Thanks, I knew I'd seen it somewhere, that answers the question for Andrew.
  3. From what I remember a GWR Pannier (57?) was mentioned somewhere in one of the later stages so was probably that.
  4. I take it that's a home charge rate, what about motorway service stations or car park chargers?
  5. Yes I saw that. I think the reason they did the exemption was to allow classic car owners to visit shows and so on so will see this as misuse and it rather defeats the object of the clean air zone. I hope that the acts of a few will not cause them to change the rules. Though with ANPR they could soon track the culprits. What amused me is the car they showed was of 1984 vintage to not eligible!
  6. People do, usually to just drop stuff off, though there aren't any shops that far down, but if they stay any length of time they'll get booked, they are pretty keen round there, especially in Summer when that pavement (on both sides) will be busy with tourists. Judging by the signage on the side of the van he's local so probably just dropping stuff off. The road leads down to one of Bewdley's car parks and is one way.
  7. I'm not sure why. You aren't allowed to park where the van is, it's still a pavement, despite the lack of a kerb, the yellow lines mark out the road and the kink is to try to deter boy racers. It's Bewdley, Severn Side South, just south of the bridge, for anyone wondering... If you swing it though 180' it makes more sense. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.3749769,-2.3117903,3a,75y,326.36h,62.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sPS4hgH56Pffbu0km9jVI0g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  8. It was several years ago when I was modelling TTe, so TBH, I'm not sure which version, though I am pretty sure it was the best Shapeways had available at the time.
  9. Which is the reason I asked about those traders at that meeting, I was simply interested to know why they felt the way they did.
  10. I just said it's down to the shopkeeper whether they wanted to stock TT, their choice, the first comment was that I was glad my local stocked it unlike the one you know.
  11. They can, but if they have it in stock they've got an instant sale and the chances are higher of repeat business, especially if they purchasors are new to modelling and/or TT. Gives them chance to chat to the person and establish a relationship. That's not to say they couldn't do that without stock, just it will look better with it in the stock. No right or wrong approach, just down to the individual shop owner.
  12. I'm glad he's not my local, then.
  13. I asked a simple question. The only reason I might have sounded abrasive (frustrated may have been more acurate) was the the points John raised had no relevance to the questions I asked and he persisted with that line. I was simply interested in answers to my questions, not a debate on the size or make up of the gathering! Isn't that cutting their noses off to spite their face, though! A sale is a sale, regardless of what it is. Luckily my local shop is stocking the Peco TT track and I will be using him rather than the box shifters, for some reason Peco have only given him LH points so were waiting for the RH ones!
  14. So what! I was simply interested in the answers to the questions I asked, I'm not bothered about how many were there! Not sure why you even queried it!
  15. I've got the TT version but not done anything with it as yet.
  16. He said traders so I thought it was a meeting of model railway enthusiasts rather than villagers! ;)
  17. Did they say why? Also what sort of traders were they, exhibition types or bricks and mortar?
  18. I'm not so sure it's quite as clear cut as that if you mean that they were not given the chance to stock it, your sentance can be read different ways! Very early in the thread a couple said something similar but when asked if they would have stocked it said it was a big risk. Once it's established I can see traders getting stock from Hornby but at the moment it's Hornby that are taking the risks probably saving the traders of the worry and financial risk.
  19. And the Police are right, it's one of those areas where it could be deemed unsafe to use the phone whilst stationary but the engine still running, it's certainly not as clear cut as you make out... TBH in this day and age there's no reason to use a handheld phone whilst in the car unless you are a passenger... See this from the RAC: https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/advice/legal/mobile-phone-laws/#:~:text=interact with it.-,When can you use a phone in your vehicle%3F,stationary at the traffic lights.
  20. I've just been into my local shop, for some reason Peco have supplied him with flexitrack and LH points but no RH points... He knows i want them so is going to chase them up!
  21. Strictly they didn't actually go out of business, they bought Currys and the Dixons brand was High Street and Currys out of town retail parks, they just shut down the High Street shops and took on the Currys name as their trade name, so they are actually still going, just under a different name... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dixons_(retailer)
  22. Mmm... The stock was very crude by today's standards (inside framed 08s for example with nothing like the correct wheelbase), made in the UK, not China, and with people who would quite happily buy several locos that used the same chassis irrelevant of their prototype wheelbases... There's a fair bit out there for TT120 now, not just track (Peco, Tillig, etc.) but also many companies have rescaled their buildings and there's also people, and that's before you look at Continental stuff... But as Jeff said, we're in the instant gratification era now, sadly...
  23. Because it looks better and will be the one featured in the new series on TV next Sunday? TBH I think it's done us a favour, we can see what's happening with the Scotsman sets and will be better prepared for when our Easterner sets arrives to deal with any issues - like ditching that controller!! ;)
  24. They are going to be very disappointed if they are!!
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