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Status Updates posted by polybear

  1. Dismayed to see that I haven't earned any warning points. Must try harder :jester:

    1. mike morley

      mike morley

      Under the "old regime" I had two 'disagrees'  and because they were both given to me by Kenton (whatever happened to him?) I was almost disappointed when they didnt translate to warning points in the Brave New World.

    2. Boris


      Warning points are for when you are very naughty, like accusing the admins of having no hair or summat.

  2. Busy learning Templot :)

    1. bgman


      Stick with it, more than worth while in the end.

    2. PhilEakins


      Totally agree with bgman - just remember it's not a CAD program and is definitely not MS standards compliant.

  3. Got the Lurgy :( :(

    1. RJS1977



  4. "Ridiculous Vacuum - Filling Guff". AndyY - you are a pure Poet :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. John M Upton

      John M Upton

      That describes pretty much the majority of the so called popular press these days...

    3. Dr Gerbil-Fritters

      Dr Gerbil-Fritters

      Imagine if folk did as much modelling as they do prattling.

    4. Dave47549


      Uh oh, so Andy's been marking my C&G coursework then ??

  5. Spent the day chopping out an old Tree Stump. Don't do it unless you really, really have to...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hroth


      If you want to do it properly, you get a bloke with a steam ploughing engine to draw it out like a rotting molar, standing well back as he screws down the Salter safety valve for added effort...

    3. LBRJ


      Last time I got a friend to use a car recovery winch on his AA type truck...that worked great :)

    4. davefrk


      At the risk of saying me too. I had to pull some of the bigger stumps of leylandii with the Landrover, reverse gear and low box to put tension on then chop the roots as they surfaced then trailered the debris to the coup.

  6. Burglar Stabbing: Police just stated no further action against Pensioner :) :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MickD


      At Last Sense Prevails.

    3. 3 link
    4. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      It's a MESSAGE to others out there I think, GOOD. Can I buy a gun?

  7. I've posted 1357 times. I know I'm full of cr@p, but I never realised just how much cr@p I was full of....

    1. Hroth


      There's a lot of it about!

    2. truffy


      You're less full of it that if you just bottled it up.

  8. Has anyone ever managed to dry their hands in 10 seconds using a Dyson Airblade? Thought not....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. nigelb


      the good news is when 2 of them are going next to each other its over 85 decibels so in theory you should have hearing protection on ,, just saying


    3. Ozexpatriate


      Dr. Dyson's patented germ spreader?

  9. Pound dropping....so loco prices heading for an increase. This is serious :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aussiebrfan


      Pound down, Aus Dollar up :))

    3. admiles


      Tis all for the good of the country and is the will of the people don't you know?

    4. sammyboy


      I certainly cannot afford buying new model locos when I've just looked at my bank balance!

  10. Microwave broken. I'll starve....

    1. PMP99


      Take away


    2. Horsetan


      Doesn't hurt to starve every now and then. I'm now down to 68kg, and 65kg is within sight.

  11. Problem: Jumbo Frozen Lasagna, and I only want to cook half and put the other half back in the freezer. Solution: A 12" blade engineer's hacksaw. Job done, though a coarser blade would've been good. I did give the blade a wipe with IPA first.... :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. polybear


      Thanks for the points :) And no, not Greene King but the proper chemical stuff. Softened the paint(?) a bit on the blade but I'm still alive today....


    3. KalKat


      I find a wood saw better myself (I'm a woman BTW)

    4. DonB


      Go along with KalKat, Keep one specially for such a job.

  12. Sanding down a hardwood conservatory for painting isn't fun :(

    1. scottystitch


      What's it like sanding it down for not painting?.....


  13. Why do unbuilt whitemetal loco kits never fit back in the box??

    1. muddys-blues


      Why do whitemetal kits not fit together properly ?


    2. Horsetan


      Whitemetal is quite bendy, so you should be able to stuff it back in somehow.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Because the first trick is remembering how to fold the tissue paper exactly right back around the castings.

  14. Been reading a secondhand copy of Model Rail. Looks like the previous owner had been scoffing biscuits whilst reading it. Digestives, by the taste of the crumbs...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Don't tell us also that this was whilst sitting on the Seat of Ease?

    3. Trainshed Terry
    4. Horsetan
  15. The Technical assistant at work has decided to bale out and effectively retire after 27 years. When quizzed on this she replied "I've run out of holiday". Fair enough...

    1. Horsetan


      That's one way of looking at it....!

    2. Mallard60022


      Young people. What are they like eh?

  16. Ricky the Rover sails thru' yet another MOT; 23 years young and 237K on the clock. I'm a happy Bunneee, I'm a happy Bunneee......

    1. Phil Clarke 1980

      Phil Clarke 1980

      fair play I love old rovers actually all old cars i wish I stiill had my sd1 what have you got ?

    2. polybear


      It's a Rover 214 3-door, wedge-shape. I get to drive a wide range of hire cars thru' work, but I'm always glad to get back to the Rover. Mind you, the Dodge Charger hire car came a (very) close second, despite an Auto Box with sooooo slow kickdown....

  17. Camera down the gob job tomorrow. Not my idea of fun :(

    1. DonB


      They go through the nasal passage so no discomfort or retching involved.

      Get the doc.to let you see the camera pictures on screen and explain what he sees.

    2. polybear


      Watch it on telly? I plan to be zonked out with knock-out juice thru' the i.v....

  18. Is currently watching Thunderbirds (the real one, not the modern chinese cr*p copy). Thunderbird One changing to horizontal flight :) Virgil is still the Main Man though; Scott is a bit of a T*sser.....

    1. Tim Hall
    2. rembrow


      Go back a couple of Anderson productions to see Mike Mercury in 'Supercar'which also had a character Dr Beaker -not kidding

  19. Beaten by a 15" Pizza

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. cromptonnut


      Did you have it cut into 8 or 10 slices? I could probably manage 8 but not 10

    3. bigP
    4. DougN


      Why did you pick the fight?

  20. Shopping yesterday, featuring "death by shoe shops". One brain cell left intact, now fully employed maintaining life support. Just

    1. Horsetan


      What you need to do is take her round a load of pubs...only to go back to the first one to have your first pint.

  21. Just paid for my funeral. Jeez, I could've got a few SLW Class 24's for that little lot :(

    1. Horsetan


      Well at least you've covered that. The only thing left is to decide which models to take with you into the afterlife.... ;-)

    2. polybear


      You can fit a lot of locos into a 40ft ISO Container....

  22. Couldn't diagnose what's wrong with the leccy gadget at work, so has now resorted to swapping circuit boards. It'll either (a) fix it, or (b) won't fix it, or © blow up some more circuit boards. Who cares - they're paying me....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      ...together with the acrid smell of lightly-melted plastic...

    3. DonB


      ...and the continuation of remuneration becomes doubtful??....

    4. polybear


      Leccy thingy now fixed :) No smoke, no sparks, no more blown PEC's, still employed, Boss owes me a Kit Kat...

  23. ....Is now the proud owner of two copies of "A Pictorial Record of British Std. Steam Locos". Bvgger - why do they have to change the front cover designs - it always catches me out :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Is that so you can have one copy upstairs and one copy downstairs?

    3. Re6/6


      One starts to get cross when you find that you have three copies of the same book!

    4. Horsetan


      That's only happened to me twice....I think.

  24. ....Is now the proud owner of two copies of A Pictorial Record of British Std. Steam Locos. Bvgger - why do they have to change the front cover designs - it always catches me out :(

  25. ....Is now the proud owner of two copies of A Pictorial Record of British Std. Steam Locos. ###### - why do they have to change the front cover designs - it always catches me out :(

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