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calvin Streeting

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Everything posted by calvin Streeting

  1. nice i reconsie that fence erm what.. is that to make it slower ? got any details as have some shuters that nead SLOWing down ALOT
  2. ERM ... shouldn't that be a bit more brown... but as i said before nice details... got a rusty old coke can?
  3. milliput is great .. just stinks use a scaple (watch fingers as i have many scares) or bradle to score any brick or stone work lines back in corners etc.. dont worry 100% as dirt hangs there as well
  4. Onto platform kiosks while some ballast drys (stl files on https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3453209) needs a bit more painting (esp dirt, etc) #
  5. on to platform kiosk's etc needs a bit more painting etc.. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3453209
  6. if you have any film names (can PM me your full real name as in credits) i could dig the inet, you never know
  7. nice.. i like the fact it's not flat..
  8. and onto the yard track.. hopeing and so far so good to print track base (@140mm Radius)     so far so good 11.25 degree angle works best atm as alot of friction feeding in the rail. couplerings are tight, but this part is single truck shunt so should be ok for my needs. the center is clear for latter Air Dry Clay Cobbles   next to see if i can get this to work.. the hole is for a micro servo. 
  9. and onto the yard track.. hopeing and so far so good to print track base (@140mm Radius) so far so good 11.25 degree angle works best atm as alot of friction feeding in the rail. couplerings are tight, but this part is single truck shunt so should be ok for my needs. the center is clear for latter Air Dry Clay Cobbles next to see if i can get this to work.. the hole is for a micro servo.
  10. Interesting I do like the lower fiddle yard idea. A good space saver
  11. i thought 3rd photo was real thing for a bit, has that 80's camera look well done
  12. thats helpfull info.. looking to do the smae to my water tower thanks for tips
  13. nice makeing sashs is time consuming.. but worth it not sure if outer's are sash as well, <-- bad news is the photo shows a distinct shadow on mid bar, and with that larger vertical divide (for the balance wieghts) i fear they will be sorry
  14. I think there's a minor bug.. jf you hit upload and cancel it.. the limit goes wrong
  15. For dcc automation I use rocrail.. this was a early prof of concept stop frame video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EQXBgCh_EY557_tPPFiP4IWOZQt-rQkuxw/view?usp=drivesdk
  16. i have come to conlcusion that 3d printers don't speed up model making .. they just make you do more.. in this i have 3d printed, windows, boxes. barrels, pub sign etc.... (printer stated to get a slip on y axis that did not matter for crapy old boxes , but thats now fixed again... crap cheep chinese printer)
  17. thanks.. thought so just had one of those moments..
  18. thanks.. having a moment here trying to rember if 16.5 is center to center
  19. Yep thats the sort of thing less shed, plus Hay and a reed thatched temp roof to keep water off/out
  20. i have wired a CanonDC camera to a PC via USB and all the controls like exposeure where getable and changeable via PC... BUT (as in all things IT ) it depends on the Camera Model etc.. For what its worth I used http://digicamcontrol.com/
  21. they mentioned outside hay storage on a TV programm i saw other day.. and if done right it will stay green inside, wrong usually equals brown, black decay.. they even covered part of it in tactched as per your model, the only thing different was it was not on the ground, but on mushroom shaped stones, with wodden frame.. meenwhile LOVE it
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