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Everything posted by Jonboy

  1. Will park this here and add no comment https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-44415339
  2. They seem to offer reasonably regular half price deals if you are in no rush. I have seen it half price 3 or 4 times in the last 9 months.
  3. They do often have a no return period of 2 to 4 hours listed on their signed t&c’s in addition to the free periods. Does the car park you used have anything similar?
  4. Ref post 73: Don’t underestimate the perception of VAT to shopkeepers on flat rate schemes. Basically they pay a set percentage of turnover as vat instead of actually calculating vat paid to suppliers vs vat collected from customers (Hmrc have percentages calculated for all sorts of businesses e,g a rate for hair dressers, a rate for fish and chip shops, a rate for newsagents etc etc). These should work out broadly the same amounts, but save businesses the admin of working out vat on thousands of small transactions(more critical before Epos till systems etc I suspect) but many small business owners just view it as another expense.
  5. When it goes wrong... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-44319346
  6. My wife gets them for things I have been looking at.....
  7. As many other overheads are constantly increasing (rates, minimum wage, energy, waste disposal, insurance, etc etc) I understand why retailers do this and have no major issues with it.
  8. WHS appear to be falling into the same spiral as Woolworths, customers dont use the shop because it is old fashioned, dingy and there there are other options, but they won’t refit because the sales figures for the store are too low...
  9. I find it interesting that Renault stated they need red bulls answer on next season engines by the end of this month, so they may order sufficent engine blocks etc in time, whereas Red Bull plan to take a couple more race weekends to decide.
  10. I was hoping for Lewis to the red team, Danny to the silver and Ocon to red bull...then I woke up.
  11. Bit of a master stroke from Danny in not just taking off like a scolded rabbit at the start and keeping them bunched.
  12. The only emails I get from hattons are automated product alerts, to which I normally think “why would I have signed up for an alert on that product?” Not sure if its a sign I shouldn’t drink and sign up, or manufactures changing model numbers...
  13. Is it just me that’s disappointed channel 4 waste a live view on Monaco, would prefer they keep them for tracks with some overtaking myself and just show highlights of Monaco....
  14. The issue with this that the uk car hire companies use a surge pricing model. I had a Vauxhall Adam from enterprise a few weeks back. I booked for a week for around £101, I then saught to extend for 2 days and was offered a rare of £152, negiotated down to £62ish. Apparently they charge based on the number of enquiries their website is receiving. Throw in demand of bank holidays etc where everyone is moving at once to your proposal and I don’t think the hire market is predictable enough to foster the change you suggest.
  15. Do you need a charging post for every space or could a post have multiple sockets? E.g our flats have a line of six space, a post centered on spaces 2 and 5,with outlets on left, middle and right could work to minimise installation costs. Mind you we are apparently going to see initial tests of driverless pods a mile down the road so why bother....
  16. If your careful and methodical yes, if your impatient and keep going with the tool in hand maybe not Guess which category I belong in...
  17. If using in a confined space make sure there is sufficient space for the length of removed bolt, the tool AND your hand behind it, or be ready to stop and change hand position as soon as you have broken the “seal” holding the boot in place.....
  18. It is purely to make you walk past more product and buy more, nothing more nothing less.
  19. Jonboy


    I gave up on it because it emerged my phones gps wasn’t reliable enough for it due to its small internal antenna(an s3 mini, small smartphone).
  20. So the Steventon bridge demolition and rebuilding is up before the vale of the white horse planning committee tonight. Network rail appear to be using the 6 deferments of a decision to force a final decision. http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/16213134.Bridge_demolition_will__cut_out_heart__of_Oxfordshire_village/
  21. Interesting insight on engine decision time for Red Bull http://www.espn.co.uk/f1/story/_/id/23393448/renault-no-budging-red-bull-engine-deadline-2019
  22. We have found round here some of the high street banks won’t exchange them, they will only allow you to pay them into an account.I assume this is part of the same money laundering regulation interpretation that means some banks are now only accepting cash from the account holder or guardian (e.g. grandparents cannot pay into a grandchild’s savings account).
  23. It was covered live on c4.i caught up on their equivalent of i player. http://www.channel4.com/programmes/formula-1/on-demand/66350-109
  24. Jonboy


    This does seem to be one of those perverse situations where the government forced Lloyd’s TSB to split, and are now planning to hit them with a big stick (penalty’s) now one of the major steps has had a bit of a hiccup. Having seen the effort that goes into rolling back and re-entering data from a single day for an SME with a few hundred transactions in a day, i get why they cannot roll back a live banking system with a couple of million customers. Luckily I only have an empty savings account with tsb ( never got round to closing it).
  25. The van on tobacco adverting was from 2003. A quick search finds this http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-160614/Ban-smoking-advertising-launched.html that suggests in 2002 1.6 million uk people would have seen a billboard daily. This ties in with my own recollection of seeing them on family holidays but not since( my last family holiday was in 2001 ).
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