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Everything posted by Bishdurham

  1. I am in the Dominion of Canada. DHL take the import duty of 15% and then add a $20 charge for the fun of it. If items are sent by the Post Office they may get stopped by the Canadian Border Services Agency and they charge 15% and $10, but if it is a small item they are probably passed. The practice of sending lots of small parcels by DHL can be rather expensive and outweigh the cost of the items purchased. But most shippers don't seem to care and loose a customer.
  2. Great to know they are on the way, but wish you wouldn't use DHL the fees are excessive!
  3. That's two churches worth in these parts, but they do scrub up well!
  4. What was the topic? Asking for a friend!
  5. In Canada the ATM machines take notes and cheques. Just place them in the slot and the scanner looks at them counts them. If there is a torn note it may throw it back at you. At the end of the process it asks if you would like a photo of the cheque on the receipt.
  6. Mr K shared this image last week on Instagram. Very nice it looks to!
  7. Do you know anybody who wants a kidney? Have to find someway of paying for the thing now! 😄
  8. Here is a van in Crimson. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bluebell-railway.co.uk%2Fbluebell%2Fpic2%2Fvans%2F2531_jackgregory_28dec21h.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bluebell-railway.co.uk%2Fbluebell%2Fpic2%2F2531.html&tbnid=HvJ-gtKg3n9trM&vet=12ahUKEwjUoOyk3LT3AhVghXIEHUJVCmIQMygjegUIARCKAg..i&docid=lc583CfSCo7FTM&w=1920&h=1250&q=sr cct utility van&ved=2ahUKEwjUoOyk3LT3AhVghXIEHUJVCmIQMygjegUIARCKAg No idea if any were ever transferred out of the SR they did get around and could be seen at all ends of the country. The odd thing is that I used to live close to the Bricklayers Arms in South London and in the late 70s it was a Parcels Depot. I remember seeing ex SR vans of all sorts and BR Mk1 GUV, BG, BSK and CCT of different types. As for livery, the Mk1 types were Blue/Grey or Blue with much dirt but the SR Vans were that dirty I wouldn't be able to guess at a colour.
  9. Hopefully that big boat is going in the right direction and the container stays on board until it reaches the correct destination!
  10. I asked TMC and they said still looking at Q4 2022.
  11. Thanks for the response, have you any progress to report?
  12. The rakes I used to see in Sunderland were 36 wagons long, so you need another five packs! You may tell your Mrs I said so, I am in Nova Scotia and can run fast! 😂
  13. All you need is a Police Box/Tardis but although there is plenty of room inside for the Deltic, how you get it through the door is another matter!
  14. I can see why people have ordered more than one Deltic. That green looks fabulous!
  15. This topic appears to have gone cold. Would have hoped the release of the GE Van &c. Would have brought some renewed interest. Has there been any news since November? Ta Muchly.
  16. Mornin' Porcy, How did you get the draw hooks off? Do they just pull off with the help of pliers? Ta Muchly Richard
  17. Looking forward to seeing some with 3-link fitted, pity at the price that they were not included in the pack.
  18. Same here, one pack arrived this morning. Did pack 2 ever arrive? Did you ever get a response from KR Models?
  19. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=734493307914488&aggr_v_ids[0]=734493307914488&notif_id=1647804002151160&notif_t=watch_follower_video&ref=notif Nice image in LNER Livery.
  20. I received another email from a supplier of exotic leather wear suggesting I buy something for my mother. Not sure if she wouldn't prefer the Hornby Princess. Oedipus
  21. Don't forget any more than three wagons and you will need a second 60!
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