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Everything posted by ianmacc

  1. Here are some pics of one of my early layouts as an older child. It was a big space but with a limited budget A microcosm of train set ranges in c1990! Super quick, Dorbaplas, loads of continental HO mixed randomly with 1/72 and 1/76. 1/87 road vehicles loads of older secondhand stuff including minix and triang etc to fit my budget! I can zoom in on sections if anyone is bored enough lol
  2. Hillside Toys of Ingleton in Lancashire is a specialist in agricultural toys and models. Never been but I bet it’s great for this type of thing!
  3. Also the 47, 56 and 86s that went east.
  4. As much as I agree with your sentiments and the motivation I can’t risk a 20 years old this April account with thousands of feedbacks on those chancers!
  5. It does concern me genuinely that all this overpriced sh1t from rocket and rails etc will put off so many newcomers to the hobby that it will suffer long term. Imagine taking delivery of it and thinking “nah this hobby isn’t for me!” Or it’s not working properly etc… Gostude qualifies on insane pricing but at least a lot of what he sells os actually useable…. If someone bought for example one of his overpriced £200 Silver Fox engines the newbie will get a nice looking loco they can run round their oval. As they get into the hobby they’ll get more savvy and realise they got stung and get smarter on future purchases for their established layout. The newbie that gets one of the total junkers will walk away at day one potentially even thinking it’s a shortcoming of theirs that their new layout doesn’t work..
  6. Interesting as they said job lot in the listing but your observation suggests singular purchase.
  7. Fearsome pricing for a tested loco! Bet they paid less for the entire job lot than they’re asking for that single loco.
  8. Listed with the equivalent of a grunt.
  9. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/354535414073?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=BR1Kc9vsTom&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=fPrBGeR6QDO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY lol
  10. Hi. I don’t bother with Facebook so probably not.
  11. The windmill on picture 14 would be lethal! The sails slice straight through the kinematic envelope of the trains!
  12. It could be as simple as he just doesn’t look at the marketplace i.e. other similar items and simply goes “hmmmmm…. I reckon that’s worth xyz….” I have had two purchases off him that were not far off market value and were of excellent quality and packaged well. Everything apart from his barmy pricing is actually very good service!
  13. Best name on the forum!
  14. My latest bargain was an auction for four non running triang locos. A green EM2 class 77 that looks like it was a CKD example that had been assembled incorrectly and a fiddle with the motor bogie insulation got it running. An AL1 class 81 that I know the issue with but am a lousy solderer so will have to wait but at least it’s a runner in waiting. A hymek class 35 that just needed a new wheelset for the trailing bogie and now runs fine A lima western class 52 that was basically just sat for too long and nothing more than several pushes and a period of running brought her round. £48.10 with postage. £12 each! Always promised myself an EM2 and finally landed one!
  15. I’m saying nothing lol. My layout is based on my youth ie a year or two either side of 1990 so I can also have cars of the era on there too!!
  16. Ah never thought of that! I was of course referring to the Italian origin GM example. Sadly I suspect the tooling for the EM2 went to scrap in the 70s!
  17. Hornby will be able to sell some more of their Limby tooling offerings soon and offer a class 77 in their range at no andditiobal expenditure!
  18. I wonder if the topic title was deliberately click bait lol
  19. Look at that old BMW! Back when they were quirky foreign imports rather than the commonplace sight they are now.
  20. The red fiestas in the pics are a mark one and a mark two so registration plates notwithstanding they’re different anyway!
  21. There was a short lived model shop in Bedworth I recall. Around 2010 or so. I lived in Stoke for a few years around then. (Cov stoke not the potteries).
  22. Wanted section will get better footfall
  23. That’s the kind of brush painted thing I used to do in my cash strapped teens in the 80s and 90s and I used to be proud of my efforts! Although it’d be an attempt at accuracy I.e repainting an 86 from blue to Royal Mail etc. No rail match paints for me just the nearest humbrol colours and Matt satin or gloss! I was particularly chuffed with my ancient green Metcam lightweight DMU into a blue and white hand painted no masking tape “101” We forget where we started out and that may have been the work of a youth or person with disability.
  24. I wonder how many potential new modellers they ensnare and then turn away disillusioned from the hobby?
  25. They’ve done a lovely conversion job though turning that Oxford Diecast mark one fiesta into a mark 2…
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