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Everything posted by Erixtar1992

  1. May be a bit late, but i use an 80W Atten iron which i purchased from dcc concepts. its probably the best bit of money i have spent since i started going mad rewiring locos/decoders and building white metal kits. comes with a fine and a blunt tip, has temp control with digital display and gets up to temp in around 10-15 seconds. also goes into sleep mode if not used for a while, eventually turning off. its excellent.
  2. Looks to be coming on okay. Shame its so delayed and still using prehistoric DCC options but hey ho im looking forward to it.
  3. Following with interest, i use acrylics and would love to know of a supply of railway colours. its a shame as enamels have such an incredible range but i really just cant deal with the mess and smell.
  4. As always the standard of your work and videos is second to none IMO. would love a run on this someday! (I should be so lucky!) eric
  5. Pre weathering but yes imo its a good choice as its robust
  6. I got gloss laquer on a set of glazing once, absolutely ruined it. Never again lol
  7. Alternatively fix the website, it never used to do it lol
  8. Its an issue with the website which has been ongoing for a little while now, and obviously still isnt sorted
  9. Cheers mate. yes it has full independant lighting, dcc sound, two speakers ect. the bottom lights are 2mm tower leds, with 3mm flat tops for the top light. also has cab lights either end. its a Massive amount of wiring but all worth it!
  10. Ive just done one of these for a mate, came out well
  11. Its sad to see prices rising so much for old tooling models with a repaint where they still cant be bothered to update them with working marker lights and tail lights on a function rather than seperate switch. The 66 and especially the 57 are what im mainly referring to. the liveries look nice but its just the same old model with fresh paint IMO. i know inflation is inevitable but it would be good to see a few minor tweaks, its 2020 afterall.
  12. Thanks mate. yes at the end of the day, you get what you pay for. This is without a doubt the best hand throttle on the market IMO. the new update sounds great. I must do it to my handset!!
  13. This is mega cool! Have taken a few trains out of there and it really captures it
  14. i bought a UWT-100 recently from TCS UK. Arrived in a couple days and other than needing to fork out an obscene amount for a digitrax LNWI to use it with my DR5000, its lovely to use. have a watch if you are umming and arring
  15. Sorry guys and girls but i will stop updating this thread for now im unable to upload 99% of my pictures as RMweb flips them all 180’ upside down which has become rather frustrating. My phone isnt the issue, its the website. if anyone wants to follow regular layout updates find me on facebook or instagram by searching Harefield Road, or Underground Eric on Youtube. if they find a fix for it then i may update again, but for now il leave you with the one recent picture that uploads the correct way up - the headboard i had made for 43093. eric
  16. My be an obvious thing but if buying stanley blades, get ones that come in the plastic dispensers, keep it and then put the old knackered ones back in before throwing away
  17. Shame. Although im not suprised it shut down with the normal prices. i popped in and got a few bargains before it went. Got a good deal
  18. Oh i didnt know you were able to rotate pics on here? Was that on a PC or were you able to on a phone? odd that it still didnt play ball though!
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