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Everything posted by PeterStiles

  1. People normally use glue. I've seen Americans use "white glue", but I'll be using UHU. When B&Q deliver the correct pieces of wood...
  2. I'm interested in how they are going to post this for less than £3 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/235182543572?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=yhHgmqenR42&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=v6cpl3kbqqi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  3. It's called "park and ride"... Quite popular in some circles.
  4. I can easily imagine it would suck up all the noxious chemicals and emit them slowly over night as you are cuddled up inside your very own 4.5 tog funeral shroud...
  5. So, how about doing a bundle with the peco set track starter set, and a wagon to push about?
  6. Call Hornby customer services. I had exactly the same and it took nearly a whole minute for them to sort me out with a code.
  7. But Hornby appear to have done about three dozen different variations of the W1, and I'm sure they'd have stepped back if the first six or so variants failed to sell well..
  8. Your *current* layout maybe... Where's your ambition? Sheesh..
  9. Well, my flabber is well and truly ghasted!
  10. i heard its not compatible ?? There was me thinking Meerkats had good hearing...
  11. Cough... 1967.. Triang-Hornby M7 complete with firebox glow...
  12. I've added a 3" piece of Flexi track between reversing curves with exactly the same stock (give or take a paint job). It extends the layout a little, but means I can use the stock as purchased. There's something immensely satisfying about 3 link coupling when 'playing' with an Inglenook..
  13. There are two profiles for the 66, one for the bog standard and one including GStK.
  14. Those look pretty good prices too... now to buy one and transplant into a Duette case :)
  15. What I really want is a modern set of 'tronics inside an H&M body. The bit that makes this tricky is that _everyone_ reverses direction with a switch these days rather than having Centre-Off :( But you could give me a set of (say) Gaugemaster internals in a Duette case, I'd drop good money on that!
  16. When I told a lady friend of mine I was getting her P2 number 2001 she got rather hot and bothered. Until it arrived and she found out it was a Railroad model...
  17. I thought that was all fairly well documented by the historian Hugh Lofting in his biographies of the Victorian gentleman Dr Doolittle who found a rather talkative huge and ancient tortoise that remembered those times....
  18. Or, alternatively, wipe over the pre recorded sounds with the stock Class 66 sounds... cough.
  19. F20 Will also potentially randomly play when AFC is on and the loco is stationary... Will need to play with the settings to disable that.
  20. Just arrived. The TXS chip was already linked to something so I had to ring Hornby up for a reset code, that was painless. God Save The King!
  21. From reading Ye Olde editions of RM - different height rails... third rail higher than the others (I thinks)
  22. One way to phrase it. Someone(*) did say that the WXC/BoBs were more expensive than the 'Smoothed Merchant Navies because they were designed first, and they learnt how to make a similar loco, but easier to build in the factory so that the unit cost can be less for the MNs (*) RMWeb or maybe on the Hornby forums.but was also possibly just a guess... Also - look at the RRP for Dapol's new N gauge WC/BoB models - £223, cough!
  23. For every "strange" loco Hornby produce, there was _someone_ on these forums harping on about "why doesn't someone produce 'X' it'll sell like hotcakes" for a couple of years...
  24. You've lost a William. A doddering old half-blind buffer of a king between G IV and Vicky.
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