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Everything posted by HealeyMills

  1. Hi Peter, The banked tracks are looking good. Just out of interest, have you tried adding a little more plasticard to see how it looks with a greater incline? I had to try several different heights of plasticard spacers before I got mine to look right without being over pronounced .... and so that it did not cause running problems. Try your 40's on the banked curves, particulalrly look at the start and finish as I had problems with derailment to start with. Cheers Lee
  2. Hi Stephen, I have just caught up with your layout thread. Those Sealions that you have weathered are really, really good .... the use of those weathering powders (along with your modelling skill) has produced some excellent life-like looking wagons. I'm sorry to hear about your current job situation, I shall keep my fingers crossed for you that something turns up soon. In the meantime, keep up with the superb modelling (and repair work) and please keep the pics coming. Cheers Lee
  3. I purchased several bottles while it was still easily available, I haven't seen Klear available anywhere for some time now. Al, you are more than welcome. It seems you have it cracked now anyway Cheers Lee
  4. Hi Rick, Thanks for that insight.... very useful. I have never used weathering powders, but perhaps it's time I gave it a go Cheers Lee
  5. Hi Al, Sorry to see that you're struggling with the ballast. I had hours of fun with 2mm ballasting: But I found in the end the best method (for me) was to pour on dry ballast, then move it around the track using a small/ medium sized paint brush to build up shoulders etc. Once in place, I then applied neat Johnsons Klear - but firstly using a very tiny dropper/ pipette (only holds about 2ml I think) to get started. This gets some of the Klear onto the ballast without it running away... literally. Then, once you have some of the Klear spreading through the ballast you can start to use a bigger pippett and always apply drops of Klear behind the spreading flow front. That way you are always adding your 'bonding' agent to ballast that is sort of already stuck together. I hope this helps a little as I share your frustration.... I guess that water/ PVA mixture will work exactly the same as the Klear. Cheers Lee
  6. Rick, Some superb pics, thanks for sharing them. How do you weather your coach roofs? Do you start with Railmatch Roof dirt and work from there??? Cheers Lee
  7. Wow... looking really great Alex. Both of those last photos are superb and the interior is starting to look so life-like now. Looking forward to seeing Boxenby with rows and rows of BR blue 20's parked up A quick question if I may...... a while back you had some roof vents for the building, were these designed and made by yourself or did you have them specially made for you? I've been trying to find something similar/ or make something myself (but in N) but so far to no avail Many thanks Cheers Lee
  8. Good grief!!!! Absolutely stunning work. I guess quite frustrating too when you have to correct only one error at a time each time you order. As a novice is there no way at all (using other software perhaps) of error checking the entire mesh of lines before you send the model off for printing? Keep up with the good work. Cheers Lee
  9. Liking the igloo Lots of progress, can't wait to see a little greenery appear here. Keep up with the good work Cheers Lee
  10. Hi Al, I've just found your thread and only just finished reading from start to finish. A really interesting build you have here and some great modelling. Very inspiring!! Keep up with the pictorial updates please... they are great Cheers Lee
  11. Hi Simon, Great looking PCA's... very very nice indeed. They will look superb in a full rake Cheers Lee
  12. Don't they teach the Green Cross Code down-under???? Cheers Lee
  13. Absolutely astounding work David The speed and accuracy with which you work is incredible. Cheers Lee
  14. This would like hellfire with a load of BR blue tatty looking choppers and 40's parked out side it.... Cheers Lee
  15. Nice piccies of the choppers... they always look good with ploughs Nicely weathered peak too 45111 was always a regular on the TP run. Cheers Lee
  16. Some serious whistler action going on at Llanbourne then Looking good as always, the weathering on Aureol is top notch Cheers Lee
  17. Hi Leon, Thanks for posting those last pics, wow really looking great. So much atmosphere and I really like all the clutter, the cone, pallet etc. These small details really add the to scene. Keep 'em coming Cheers Lee
  18. Hi Andrew, I have not used this myself but I wondered if you may have considered this (the red granite option): http://www.naturalscenics.co.uk/our-products/scenic-materials/n-gauge/ Perhaps someone on here may be able to give you guidance on the ballast particle size of this stuff. Only a thought. Cheers Lee
  19. It's an exodus to N Gauge.... blimey, they're all at it Nice to see the TMC tractor going to good use, will you modify it at all? Wow Andrew, you really model at quite a pace don't you. Cheers Lee
  20. David, I've been following your thread here in 'the wings', but having seen your latest developments I just have to say... Fantastic!!!! These are superb and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your projects. Cheers Lee
  21. Hi Simon, The N Gauge rat is looking very good, especially with the extra details added. Looking foward to you giving it a coat of blue to see how the end result looks Cheers Lee
  22. Hi Wayne, Keep up with the good work, these are looking superb. Looking at your latest pics it seems we are not far away from being able to purchase these. Cheers Lee
  23. Hey Peter, the 40 just looked different, so I thought you had a new visitor. 40060 and 135 will look good here on Llanbourne, I shall look forward to seeing those. I really rated 40060, it's such a pity that she wasn't preserved as well. If only I could wind the clock back, or get a time machine to change that The whistling wardrobes look good too, always like them in that faded worn state. Please keep the pics coming. Cheers Lee
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