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Everything posted by Waverley47708

  1. Interested to see the mk2z in ScotRail. Looks like they are already well advanced. Not sure about the location of ScotRail on the side of the TSO. Looks too far from the coach end. I'd expect it to be under the first main window rather than the second. https://www.Bachmann.co.uk/product/branchline-br-mk2-tso-tourist-second-open-br-scotrail-39-353/ I have tried to find photos but have struggled to check on the position. https://www.flickr.com/photos/d9006/6191222533/in/pool-2858153@N25/
  2. Yes you are correct, have edited my post to correct typo. Mind you for those who know our own dear Emeritus Gaurd Mitchell, am sure the driver and second man would have been glad to have him located elsewhere in a brake van.
  3. Took my turbots to the club on Thursday and ran them with a single nose first 20. Our own curmudgeonly Emeritus Guard Mitchell declared "Wrong! Should have a brake van". I thought he has declared it "wrong" on account of the type of wagons needing a brake van. Eventually we got to the bottom of his concern it was to do with the need to provide guard accommodation, as the guard wasn't allowed to travel in the cab of a single 20 apparently.
  4. But remember, according to Oxford Rail they are correct already, according to them Railmatch, Bachmann, Pescision Paint, Lima 20 plus years ago, 99% of RMWEBers (AKA the online critics) and I suppose those who painted the 12 inch to the foot 47712 are wrong. If they rerun them I'm sure they'll use the "correct" according to them colours. This online critic stands by the fact you've made a cracking model Mr Oxford Rail but you've made a big mistake getting the livery wrong, very wrong.
  5. Just noticed the one in the front appears to have a step and handrail.
  6. Ive got 5 Dapol Turbots heading mg way. Wonder if you could clarify are they are the Dapols or are the rear two Kernows? If they are all Dapol interested what ethos you've used. Thanks
  7. Thanks for posting, was hoping they have listened to the advice and looked again at the colour. Don't know if I am more angry or sad about this. What a lovely looking coach with some nice detailing, ruined by the appalling paint issue. It is not even close. Will be interesting to see what the magazine reviews make of colour issue, hope they don't just gloss over it . So Oxford Rail that is 5 x 2 x £30 saved to be spent on other models instead.
  8. Got an SQ11 on the back of a review on You Tube by a fellow modeller. I tried it last Thursday at the club as a cab view on an n gauge and a OO layout but the quality was not great, I put this down to poor light in our current premises. I tried it at home and again the quality was not great, initially I though lighting may be the issue but there is a good spread of light in the loft. I ended up returning mine anyway as it did not toggle between 720 and 1080 and so would only record in 720. Lots of fun emailing the "British based" seller on eBay who tried to offer me a 45% refund because it would cost to much to post back and suggested I find a local retailer to fix it! Funnily enough the package came fro Hong Kong and I thought we'd given that back to China a few years ago. May try the SQ12 or 13 instead. The picture quality seems better based on some You Tube reviews cf to the SQ11. Also saw a review of a cube plus Polaroid or something, the quality looked much better, mind you at £115 rather then the £8 I paid you expect so.
  9. The appearance of a railroad HST is interesting. It looks ex Lima. I've always preferred the shape of the Lima HST over the Hornby offering even though Hornby win for the chassis detail. If the railroad is the ex Lima id be hoping the presumably improved motors would be available as spars to fit in my Lima power cars. The paint job on the railroad HST does look a bit suspect through, hopefully they'll sort that out.
  10. Delighted to find out today that for the third year running Perth has been shortlisted for the British Model Railway Awards. Thanks to all who nominated the show.
  11. Have spent the morning trying to refind a website I came across last year which listed if I recall correctly as pipework for class 20s. There was no picture but I had hoped it was the underframe pipework next to the battery box. From memory it was not a supplier I had come across before and the parts kind of stood out a bit amongst other non diesel loco detailing parts. Can anyone direct me to the website or suggest a way of making getting the parts to detail Lima Class 20s. Ta
  12. Edinburgh 101305 down11th Oct 86 C8033.jpg Edinburgh 101305 down 11th Oct 86 Happy New Year Dave when it comes. Thanks once again for all your efforts they are appreciated. Was interested to see the road style speed sign in use in 86, I had always thought it was a little later. As mentioned above the 101s with 4 lights were less common up here. How I miss them on the Fife services, you got a great view crossing the Forth Bridge. Road style speed signs reminds me of a story from Dundee at East Dock street where a speeding motorist claimed he got confused by the 70mph speed limit on the railway line when the road had a 40 mph limit. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Broughty+Ferry+Rd,+Dundee/@56.4680236,-2.9405173,3a,75y,356.54h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sNH-ydxk6cXr3cEQeInbdCg!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x48865c58f885f4c1:0xf533fe78f26b8b65 Thing is I would have had some sympathy for him except he was doing 95mph at the time. Maybe he thought he was driving a late running 47! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-12772442
  13. Thinking about buying some of the United Molasses versions. Some questions, those running to Menstrie was it a block train or were they run in a mixed or speedlink for any part of the journey? Most photos seem to have 8 or so in a rake, was it a fixed formation or would 4 or 6 be prototypical? Livery wise most photos are of well weathered wagons on the branch and early 90s, is the Heljan livery with the UM logo suitable for the mid 80s? Thanks
  14. I realise some people get mixed up between your photos of the layout and the real thing sometimes. Now then, is that why you've been quiet on Waverley West for a while, you've secretly being building the other end of the line.
  15. Before I get too excited can someone remind me when Bachmann do their announcements, from memory Hornby are around Christmas and Bachmann sometime after the Glasgow show. Mk 2 b or c would be nice. No tamper please just spent a fortune on a Britannia Models one!! Three car blue 104 of the type that used to appear in Waverley in the mid 80s. The railway children to go with their railway children set to wave as my trains exit a tunnel on the layout.
  16. Just under two hours last night to fit the detailing parts to the DBSOs! Can understand why I had to fit the pipes and cowcatcher as that is a choice re whether or not you use the coupler or not. Less clear why I was required to fit the orange bits when I paid a small fortune for the coaches. They were very tricky to fit, especially the angled piece. If you have a full rake of TSOs etc it may take you a few nights.
  17. Pretty sure it was Durham Trains of Stanley who had mock ups of photos of Hornby Mk 3s in Scotrail at Glasgow a few years ago. Sadly nothing came of it. Regarding Hornby now stepping in and doing ScotRail Mk 3s, had OR not announced them I guess it was possibility, but lets not forget their light grey on the Intercity versions is not that good either. However with OR doing them I think there is virtually no chance of Hornby doing them any time soon. Likewise had OR not announced them I suppose someone like Harburn may have thought with the Bachmann 47 and BDSO there would have been a market. I can't see them taking a risk on that now. This is what makes the OR colour issue so annoying, not only have they failed to match the colour themselves most likely they have prevented anyone else from having a go and entering what is quite a niche market. Still think the best option is flush glazed Lima ScotRails
  18. Thanks, to date all their blue with full yellow end 27s had drop light cab Windows and a thin bead across the sealed door. My memories from the mid 80s were mostly of sliding Windows with no beading across the door. The Heljan version of drop Windows and beading was less common in the mid 80s. While the changing of the windows is relatively straightforward if you can source their 26 glazing, the removal of the beading is a pain and needs a repaint.
  19. Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable, when almost everyone else tells you the colour is wrong and you choose to ignore the advice. Part of me thinks oh well saves me £300 as I won't be buying two rakes of ScotRail. Ill stick to my laserglazed Limas. On the other hand I get a bit annoyed at what looks like a good coach apart from the colour and them shooting themselves in the foot. Assuming they will be at Glasgow next February, suspect the poor rep will be inundated with people repeating what they have been told. The ref to 1970 colour charts has me confused. ScotRail appeared in 84, is the 70s ref due to the light and dark grey being used or at least proposed on the APT sometime in the 70s. Mr Oxford if you are reading this, I can't remember what way I voted, but if I was one of the 70% when voted for the "correct" colour. I would not have voted for that "correct" colour, I would have assumed the correct colour was correct. Can I get a second vote! Can I make a suggestion, make 70% of them in your "correct" colour and 30% in what Pheonix, Bachmann, Lima, Railmatch and most RMWEBers think is correct but you consider wrong and we will see which ones sell and which ones stay on the shelves.
  20. I'm in the not so sunny other Perth, but will be at Falkirk rather than Warley. Look forward to hearing the views of those who see them in the flesh. Am I about to spent money on Finishing lazerglazing the Lima MK3s or am I going to be buying a couple of rakes of Oxfords? The livery is the main factor for me.
  21. If you get a chance maybe you can ask them if there is any update on the livery application on the ScotRail Mk3s.
  22. Oops sorry for the typo. Still delirious over getting my hands on a couple of DBSOs. Meant to say I am running the DCC, DBSOs on a DC layout. Am hoping there are plugs inside which can be disconnected to turn the lights of the seating area off. Alternatively if I speak nicely to a friend with DCC and get him to turn the light intensity right down on the seating area, will it stay turned down when I run it on DC?
  23. Thanks to a post by Bob Reid on the Bachmann Mk2f topic became aware of some oddities!! https://topticl.zenfolio.com/p439043905/hA227EF11#ha227ef11 The Mk3 next to the loco has the light grey band above the windows extended onto the roof, the one second from the loco appears to have a lighter roof than normal. That may be as a result of the light rather than anything else. Based on other photos I have seen of a 4 coach rake, I am going to suggest this shortened rake of 4 coaches may have been 47708 working a shuttle to do with an open day at Perth in 1985 https://topticl.zenfolio.com/p439043905/hA227EF0C#ha227ef0c A DBSO with a light grey band above the windows extended onto the roof. The third coach looks like it also has the higher above window bank and a darker blue stripe. https://topticl.zenfolio.com/p609388398/hbc265852#hbc265845 A pair of DBSOs at Waverley. One of which has silver window surrounds. https://topticl.zenfolio.com/p609388398/hbc265852#hbc265852 Finally one DBSO at Waverley.
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