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Coombe Barton

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Status Updates posted by Coombe Barton

  1. Looks like journey home is going to be protracted, judging by the number and variety of sirens going my way!

  2. Where have my metal working skills gone? It's taken four attempts to file a bit of rail straight!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      And only then realise I've been using the 1:8 jig not the 1:6

    3. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Dining Table - Hmmmm - has SWMBO been talking?

    4. Horsetan


      Might I suggest a stiff drink before doing any more work?

  3. It's not the iPhone on vibrate, it's the dog under the desk snoring.

    1. halfwit


      I find the sound of a snoring dog quite comforting.

  4. Just before a quarter past one tomorrow afternoon it will be 10/11/12 13:14:15

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 69843


      Just had 10/11/12 13:14:15 here not long ago

    3. trisonic


      Except here it will be 11/10/12....

    4. trisonic


      We already had 10/11/12 last month.

  5. No modelling tonight - been here for the dogs as they DO NOT like fireworks.

    1. Debs.


      It`s terrible; beyond frightening and well into suffering. :-(

  6. Memo to self. Check the S***ing B2B setting on new S4 wheelsets BEFORE deciding that the track's rough and spending hours with a hot iron!

    1. 10800


      Not something you can take for granted any more, if you ever could.

    2. halfwit


      At least your shirts are now neatly pressed.

  7. Because of fireworks now have two medium sized collie crosses trying to sit on my lap.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      Beirut's pretty hot at the moment.

    3. keefer


      one of my yorkies isn't fussed, the other is trying to hide behind the telly

    4. 2mmMark


      Our current two are unfaxed by the fireworks but it would be nice if people understood the 11pm curfew.

  8. Better clear SWMBO's desk that I've been using as a dumping ground before she comes home tomorrow, otherwise I'll be in deep doo-doos

  9. Bummer! Packet of piercing saw blades has developed a hole in the bottom!

    1. Horsetan


      ...and the blades have done a runner as a result?

  10. Must remember that I'm cooking for one and not make my usual quantities. Roast spuds, anyone?

  11. AT :LAST! The framing fits! Now to screw it all together to find it doesn't. (and this is the fourth attempt at posting this!

  12. AT :LAST! The framing fits! Now to screw it all togetehr to find it doesn't

  13. Have contributed to the winter wood pile - didn't mean to - just cut wrong!

  14. SWMBO away - wood bought yesterday - now to get off my backside and do something!

    1. halfwit


      Nothing beats a good fire...

    2. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Ho Ho. But drill battery flat - so dogs out for a walk while it charges.

    3. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      Does she know you were getting wood?

  15. SWMBO away for weekend, so no Peterborough, but plenty of modelling time - or RMweb time or ...

  16. Showed this to a group of potential Chartered Accountants today

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Splendid! Do any of them have gorilla potential?

    2. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Yes - possibly more than had Chartered Accountant potential :)

  17. Drawing board again - ho hum!

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Previous statement to that was "Oh shoot - that won't work!" - or something along those lines.

  18. This morning in Sainsbury's Tamworth - Hot Cross Buns - IT'S OCTOBER, DAMMIT!

  19. All right - finished the clearing up for today. Significant thing missing is the Morley Vector Controller I bought. So back to another search.

  20. Sorting out again - how the devil do I get to hoard so much cr@ - no, scrub that - stuff.

  21. I'm using the smoke alarm as a kitchen timer again.

    1. SHMD
    2. eastwestdivide


      Toast alarm more like it.

    3. Sidecar Racer

      Sidecar Racer

      Beep , Beep , Beep , time to turn the sausages .

  22. Have been tidying up. The last available bit of floorspace has now disappeared.

    1. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      And we still can't see the dining table

  23. Trying to get vacuum cleaner apart to replace a belt. Not straightforward!

    1. 69843


      Got a bit pudgy has it?

    2. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      It was one control that was holding the lot together - one ****ing control, but the fixing was hidden under another bit that had to be pulled out first. Deep joy! But got it done.

  24. "A software update may be carried out by the software provider during Friday or over the weekend. Apologies in advance for any interruption (and glitches once it's completed)." - He's only doing it so that we can get some modelling done.

    1. Kris


      Maybe once it's complete I will be able to upload images again.


  25. There was a guy in Saisbury's car park last night loading up his car and whistling Christmas carols.

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      There's a guy works down the chip shop swears he's Elvis...

    2. 46444


      See above! ;-)

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