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Everything posted by pointstaken

  1. This begs the question, why are there not effective control systems to alert senior managers to such violations? Is it because people are so busy making money that proper control systems are way, way down the pecking order in terms of expenditure, or because management hope that "it won't happen to us" ? Well it has happened (again), and they are deep in the brown stuff. Dennis
  2. He made her an offer, but she wanted to keep her honour. So all night long it was honour and offer. Dennis
  3. Sorry, Mike I thought "change management" was booting out the old management, and importing a new load of incompetents ! Dennis
  4. Current nonsense - sales "moved into negative territory", instead of sales "fell". Rather a tiresome phrase. Dennis
  5. It would be difficult not to see someone later, as the present becomes the past and the future becomes the present. Dennis
  6. Nominations close at at the end of December ! Dennis
  7. Another member of the "we've got a right one 'ere, we 'ave" brigade. Unfortunately there are a lot of AO's like this around. Dennis
  8. Is it becoming rare that items are not listed as "rare" ? Dennis
  9. Today's gem (from the editorial in a national newspaper), "as we speak" - has any one heard a newspaper speak ? I was always under the impression that speaking was a verbal activity, not a written one. Dennis
  10. Things lasted a lot longer because they were much simpler and usually repairable. Most people couldn't afford to replace things that weren't completely knackered. Make-do and mend were in general the order of the day. Thus there was nothing to recycle, because only completely worn out items were dumped. It was only when the disposable generation arrived on the scene that recycling and the green thing became fashionable. Dennis
  11. Ban "fantastic" and most TV so-called "personalities" would be completely dumb ((thank heavens) ! Dennis (PS - has any noticed how many sportsmen are named "Guy" - didn't realise the name was so common !)
  12. I must say,though, that the Murraymints advert with the Guards sergeant-major going purple with rage was, to me, quite funny. For those who haven't seen it, the characters were conveyed by a primitive form of animation. I'm sure Coachmann and others of our age group will remember "The Esso sign mean happy motoring", which ran for years. They weren't annoying, often quite tuneful, whereas most of the modern adverts are annoying or just boringly dull, especially those current retro-themed adverts using a Yankee voice. Dennis
  13. Blackmailing charity adverts, suggesting that not saving whatever it is makes the watcher/listener a meanie ! Favourite remedy - stuffing a meerkat down the pants of that singer in "Go compare" ! Dennis
  14. You will of course be astonished by his honesty - "train is a non-runner" !!!!!! Dennis
  15. Sounds a bit like the out-take from one of the "Pride and Prejudice" clones. Dressed in 18th century costume, the hero is just about to kiss the heroine, when suddenly, on a country lane in the background, "white van man" appears driving along. Does rather shatter one's illusions. Dennis
  16. Should we nationalise all the preserved railways ? Dennis
  17. We'll have to take Mallard60022 to a preserved steam railway and give him a long cold shower from the loco standpipe to cool him off ! Dennis
  18. I would suggest it isn't intolerance of others interests, but an intolerance of endless repetitive cover of the same imaginary (?) news. I suspect the same applies to the current Olympics coverage. I very much like cricket (yahboo to you too), but I find the endless discussions, interviews ad nauseam destroy my interest in some degree. An annual 25% cull of so-called sports reporters would probably improve the sports coverage no end, and get rid of some of those boring individuals who infest the media to no good purpose. Dennis
  19. Perhaps the Olympics ought always to be held in Greece. Then they would have a permanent excuse for being broke ! Dennis
  20. My wife will insist on watching the London news after the BBC news bulletins. It really should be called the "Olympic News", because any trivial speculation is magnified into a full "news" item. I suppose the alternative is to watch rubbish commemorating the expiry of some so-called celebrity. Thank heaven for the internet - I can at least get away from the nonsense and read some real news. Dennis
  21. Those ignorant tiresome parrots who constantly seek to demonise Beeching, based on second/third/fourth/nth-hand hearsay evidence, and weren't even born at the time. Dennis
  22. Must disagree to some extent. The media is full of unimportant "non-news" items, both nationally and locally. If newspapers restricted themselves to "the facts ma'am, just the facts", they'd probably find it difficult to fill a single sheet, let alone a multi-page spread. The current NoW fuss is largely media-fuelled. Very important security issues apart, how many people really are that interested? Dennis
  23. Excellent idea! Thanks, mate. Right, this page is going in the modelling directory straight away ! Dennis
  24. I like the condition description on one of the NOTW offers - "brand new, immaculate condition " ! Dennis
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