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Barry Ten

RMweb Gold
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Status Updates posted by Barry Ten

  1. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's layout.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      That's all right, provided they don't notice.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      What if your neighbour doesn't have a layout, can you not covet something else?

    4. Baby Deltic

      Baby Deltic

      Naughty Captain.

  2. Knackered.

    1. BlackRat
    2. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      I think it's the weather.

    3. BlackRat


      Work! :( Still.....only 1 week to RM Shindig! :)

  3. Watching a choo-choo train (I believe it's called a 4F by those in the know) circling slowly around my trainset with some goods wagons behind it. Bliss. Moments when you forget all the hassle of this marvellous hobby!

  4. Excellent. I've gone from only having one coupling standard to three completely incompatible systems. Progress!

    1. Horsetan


      What you need is closer political integration.....oh....wait...no....

    2. Chris116


      Still doing better than the real railways!


    3. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      I really wish the railway modelling fairy would tell me what to do.

  5. Just spotted a location on Springwatch which I recognised instantly due to my S&D trackbed recognition superpowers.

    1. Ian Holmes

      Ian Holmes

      You are S&D Man!

    2. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      But with great power comes great responsibility, Ian.

    3. Horsetan


      That's what they all say.

  6. Had a good clear out yesterday, binned lots of tatty old junk I'd been keeping for years. Very therapeutic.

    1. BlackRat


      Wish I could, I'm afraid I am one of the 'it will come in useful one day' brigade. MUST do something about it!

    2. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      A tatty scratchbuilt signal box I hadn't used on a layout in 30 years? Nah, bin it!

    3. Grafarman


      Might a good policy for the English football selectors...

  7. Had one of those moments last night when I looked at the train set and thought, that doesn't look half bad old chap.

    1. trisonic


      That;s because it is true! Picked up BRE yesterday.....


    2. BlackRat
  8. My Lima class 31 with Ultrascale wheels can't pull the skin off a rice pudding. That's all right though as I prefer Ambrosia tinned rice which tends not to have a skin.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Don't mention Ambrosia, you won't stop Brinkly once he gets going!!

    3. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      put lead in it, the loco not the pudding

    4. BlackRat


      Its a def 'can do' motor!


      Tinned custard anyone??

  9. After a week away from my toys I did some detailing work on a Black 5 which has had the Brassmasters treatment, added Gibson wheels to an 8F pony truck, and completed my first DCC installation in a Lima diesel. Pretty good evening, very satisfying.

  10. Still using a bottle of Eames solder flux - about half the bottle still left, and I haven't tipped it over yet.

    1. bike2steam


      Now there's tempting fate !!

    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      The last of mine evaporated a few years back but I struck very lucky at the Knowl Hill show where Modellers Mate were selling some which is made to the original Eames recipe. I also bought some MEK - to replace the stuff I lost when I tipped over a bottle of that.

  11. Thinking of a layout based on the internal railway system of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, with Oompah-Loompahs running the trains, etc.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. halfwit


      I work in the factory where Wonka bars are made.

    3. Grafarman


      I'd like to see you model the glass lift system!!!

    4. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      do we have to have a golden ticket to see it?

  12. Had a great time at Railex. Thanks to PMP for letting me play trains on Albion, and to my co-operators for great company.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      "Please, MTV! PMP My Ride!"

    3. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      Brilliant if sweaty fun. Really enjoyed the pints on saturday night too.

    4. Graham_Muz


      A great weekend indeed and always godo to catch up with so many friends


  13. It's gripped, it's sorted. Let's go to Railex.

  14. I hear the roar of the big machine.

  15. Attempted two simple modelling jobs last night - made a right dog's dinner of both of them.

    1. cromptonnut


      Did the dog enjoy them though?

  16. The first rule of RMweb is that you do not talk about RMweb.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chris116


      If they didn't talk on RMweb it would put Andy out of work and we wouldn't want that would we!

    3. coachmann


      Ah well we cant all be perfect. There are some who should learn to spell.

    4. Grafarman


      and insert correct punctuation...

  17. Very tempted by one of these "Beattie" well tanks, but unfortunately my local branch of Beatties closed twelve years ago. Please advise. TIA.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      I've still got some Beatties plastikard I'm working through. The Cardiff branch was a good one, very helpful service although I doubt I bought anything during BlackRat's tenure.

    3. BlackRat


      Al it was 30 years ago!!!!! STILL got unmade kits from there and yes a bottle or two of liquid poly, bit like Triggers broom tho!!

    4. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      The Cardiff branch must have opened around the time I dropped out of the hobby. I remember when they did that free wagon offer (1979-1980 ish?), I talked my parents into driving me to Bristol.

  18. It's 106 miles to Stow on the Wold, we've got half a tank of gas and a full pack of wine gums, it's dark and the layout is in the car and I'm wearing Specsavers glasses. Hit it!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlackRat


      Flash up the Audi bollyknickers!

    3. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      It is an Audi actually!

    4. BlackRat
  19. Brought Cogirep down from the attic to test and spruce up in readiness for its 9th and 10th exhibitions - quite surprised it's had this much exposure given that it was not meant to be exhibited. Any other 2007 challenge layouts still doing the rounds?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bike2steam


      Much admired at Blandford in 2010

    3. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      Very enjoyable weekend that, Paul.

    4. Jack


      Nells Bridge is sitting in my study awaiting a bit of a makeover ... nice to see others still around.

  20. Something's wrong. I've just had a run of problem-free decoder installations. This can't last.

    1. S.A.C Martin

      S.A.C Martin

      The force is with you today! May it continue.

  21. Getting the bits ready to do a Franco-Crosti 9F

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Re6/6


      Looking forward to seing it as well Al. I plan one using a Golden Arrow resin boiler and scratching the rest. On a Comet undercarriage. Believe it or not we need one for Balcombe!

    3. RedgateModels


      I want to build another, using the RR 9F loco drive chassis, my tender drive one will then go eBay's way ...

    4. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      I picked up a RR 9F at the member's day.

  22. I don't mind ballasting. There, I've said it.

    1. lordhinton


      neither do i, when the layout is small it is fun to do because it beings the whole thing out in one step rather than a giant layout (loft) where it would take months :D

    2. Debs.


      It`s o.k: one just has to 'grit' one`s teeth! :-)

  23. Passed Tangmere at Hereford - nice surprise.

    1. N15class


      And I thought Tangmere was in West Sussex

    2. Jon020


      Sounds like your sat nav's gone wrong!

  24. In his autumn before the winter comes man's last mad surge of youth.

  25. Didn't have to use my AK. Guess that means it was a good day. Plus, a model train magazine has arrived in the post.

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