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Everything posted by halfwit

  1. Yes if you look closely! You're quite right, its one of those things that I know they're there and that's all that matters. I'm currently waiting for a length of brass to arrive in the post which will be used to make another jig for another wheelset... Paul.
  2. Just back from a short walk through a big quarry.

    1. Jim49


      Better that than along walk off a short pier.

  3. Making venison stew.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. N15class


      What brand is it Goodyear or Pirelli?

    3. halfwit


      Not roadkill Pete. Although I have eaten roadkill...

    4. Jim49


      Where's Rudolf?

  4. Thanks for the comments, and the 'likes'. Mark, I'm hoping to get these two finished soon, but I'm not going to rush for fear of messing up (sorry Dave!). I've just posted a reply to your blog as well. Paul.
  5. Mark, modifying the existing pipework would cost nothing and if it goes wrong or you're not happy with the result then you could fit the RT Models cast pipework. Chris Nevard modified the moulded pipework on his to good effect, see his blog entry. I've got a set of RT Models bufferbeams for mine, still unfitted as that particular project has stalled for now. I've been collecting parts for a couple more Austerities, I've got a couple of the Airfix kits awaiting attention. Robert (RT Models) is a big Austerity enthusiast, hence the wide range of parts that he's produced. Paul.
  6. Does anyone else think that that Fry bloke is far to smug?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RJS1977


      And quite a few of the "facts" on QI are pretty wide of the mark...

    3. SHMD


      Half of them? Sorry ;)

    4. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      Fry is great, Alan Davies on the other hand..

  7. Judith Edge provide wheels with the kit - you need to specify gauge when ordering- as I'm building these to EM the wheels supplied are Gibson 2'3", which are slightly underscale (the prototype had 2'6" dia. wheels). The Gibson wheels are plain discs whereas the prototype wheels had 4 holes cast into them. So to drill the 4 holes I made up a simple jig from a short length of 2mm axle material, polished so that the wheels are a sliding fit, and an offcut of brass etch; As you can see its nothing fancy, and probably not that accurate either! But it did make drilling the holes (.7mm for no other eason than it looks about right) easier; A small detail perhaps but I'm glad I've made the effort to drill the wheels. Now I can assemble the chassis and get things running. Paul.
  8. My wife's doing a turbo session - perhaps I should rig her up to the mains...

  9. could be tempted by RTR locos again!

    1. RJL


      Go on be a Devil.

  10. Innocence and Wrath.

    1. Horsetan


      Is that Hornby's new slogan?

  11. yet again finds himself making lasagne. Which is fine because he makes a damn good lasagne!

    1. RJL


      Beef or Veggie ???? Or Spinich, Mushroom and cream cheese ?

    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Try doing genuine bolognese sauce. Takes some time, but it's well worth the effort!

    3. halfwit


      Nothing comes out of a jar when I'm making lasagne, although I do use passata.

  12. Some lovely weathering on those two locos. Its worth spending a bit of time refining the pipework on the Dapol/Hornby Austerity, I've done that to mine and it does improve the model that little bit more. Alternatively there's the RT Models replacement pipework. Paul.
  13. Is it too early to start the 'MRJ 220 - where is it I can't find it its not in smiffs yet' thread?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Blue Max

      Blue Max

      did not realise its 17 Jan 2013 already


    3. Blue Max

      Blue Max

      did not realise its 17 Jan 2013 already


    4. Blue Max

      Blue Max

      did not realise its 17 Jan 2013 already


  14. Finished work last night for the year - now have 3 weeks off! Thats 3 weeks! How do you like that then? 3 whole weeks!! With no work!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      It'll probably be warmer in Buxton now than it was i tghe seu

    3. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      It'll probably be warmer in Buxton now than it was in the summer.

    4. trisonic


      How many hours of daylight right now?

  15. has been given a

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. skipepsi


      new offer only one comment per button press

    3. skipepsi


      new offer only one comment per button press pah

    4. ozzyo


      Is that why someone did three in six mins. Coat on and out of the door.

  16. I think that this post sums up why I like your modelling style so much Frank - nothing is used straight from the box and everything is modified/painted/weathered to a consistant standard. Paul.
  17. My eldest dog is now a 'conehead' - he's hurt one of his paws digging around in snow + ice at the weekend and now has to wear the Cone of Shame to stop him licking his paws.

    1. Tony_S


      Mine was once prescribed a pink liquid as anti paw lick remedy.It was supposed to taste nasty. He loved it!

  18. today im doing my status wiv pore speling and gramer hope you can reed it ok buy for now

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tim V

      Tim V

      You need to try harder, I could understand what you were saying, unlike some of the posts I have seen...

    3. Adams442T


      AS ane fule no, Nigel Molesworth is alive & well and living in Buxton........

    4. Debs.


      Kant reed nuffin U rite...RU fick, or summat? :-)

  19. Off today, working tuesday, wednesday + thursday then off again for 3 weeks.

  20. Back from a great weekend of walking in N. Wales.

    1. skipepsi


      Have you warmed up yet?

    2. halfwit


      Nice + warm now.

      Dogs both knackered!

    3. Horsetan


      Did you manage to meet Mrs. Trellis of North Wales? ;-)

  21. Day off today - have now worked 33 days in a row. Getting ready to drive to North Wales for a weekend of hillwalking.

    1. Grafarman


      *green* enjoy the snow!!

    2. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      Working time directive alive and well!

    3. RJL


      What on Earth do you do as a living. Have a good rest you need it !!!!

  22. has made some flapjack.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tim V

      Tim V

      Gonna share it round?

    3. Debs.


      ......make a new plan, Stan!....don`t need to be coy, Roy! :-)

    4. RJL


      Flapjacktastic ! has it got Cherries in it?

  23. It is indeed splendid work! I'm sure that playing with the lighting will lend itself to your 'storytelling' approach - a nice subtle way of showing the passage of time. Will you be fitting interior lighting as well? Paul.
  24. Actually found myself agreeing with two of RMwebs narkiest noodles today! Wonders will never cease!

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