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Everything posted by halfwit

  1. Here be snow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. trisonic


      Here be 60f and Sunshine!

      (Don't worry I'll soon be bitchin' about snow)....

    3. TheSignalEngineer


      Hope I can get home tonight

    4. DavidLong


      I'm not sure this counts as news where Buxton is concerned.

  2. Nice work Frank - it's easy to forget just how good a decent unpainted whitemetal kit looks when clean and shiny. If the 10 series isn't powerfull enough it might be worth trying a 12 series. A flywheel is a worthy addition if there's enough room. Paul.
  3. Just back from a short, icy run over frozen moorland in fading light. Fantastic!

    1. JCL


      That sounds great! Wish I had my trainers with me now :)

  4. Is.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      'Halfwit is as Halfwit does'...?

    3. Horsetan


      ...the successor to Albert Camus?

    4. SHMD


      ..snot, snizz, snot, snizz, snot, snizz, snot, snizz..

  5. Spent the morning making Drumsticks.

    1. multiprinter


      Do you have a drum?

    2. Jan


      Or lots of crippled chickens?

    3. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Nah - the chickens are drunk - so much that they're legless.


  6. Interesting ideas. For the morning/evening scenario, would you have two lighting rigs, or one adjustable rig, to allow the shadows to change during the day? Paul.
  7. ...saw a don henley sticker on a robin reliant...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. halfwit


      Robin Reliant sounds better, unlike that accursed don henley record.

    3. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      With a Moody Blues cassette on the dashboard

    4. brianthesnail96


      That is one of my pet hates- I don't have a Scimitar Reliant!

  8. Does anyone else ever feel like selling ALL of their posessions and starting over?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. N15class


      After divorce I moved from the midlands to the south coast, all my belongings fitted on my motorbike.


    3. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Not sure about selling my possessions but if the wife carrys on about christmas she's going on ebay 99p starting bid ;)

    4. 69843


      Might be a while until you find some takers though!

  9. Supposed to be getting quotes on insuring the Landy - but sick + tired of the same b***** questions.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      Lancaster and NFU have been alright in the past. Flux had my moddedd LR down as a reliant on askmid for 4 yrs.... say no more.

    3. davefrk


      Used to be with Flux, I changed to Footman but still get letters from Flux so they must be needing the business, wonder why?

    4. halfwit


      Tryimg to insure a 10 seater - standard 110 County - is damned hard!

  10. Pondering starting an external blog.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. halfwit


      Got tea bags now - Yorksher tea on offer at the moment.

      Phil Parker uses Blogger and his blog always looks ok.

    3. halfwit


      If I start one I certainly won't be doing that 'today I've - click here for more details' thing!

    4. Jan


      Had a cracking cuppa in Tavistock Market on Saturday. Tea made at home never tastes right.. Well, you have the mindset (and the skill) so get it up and running! ;-P

  11. I've got 3 weeks off at Christmas!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SHMD


      Does the jobs list include "Ballasting track", "Soldering brass Boilers" or "nipping to the model shop"!

    3. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      I've had three weeks off for Christmas since 2003!

    4. Flyingscotsmanfan


      Better than some I havce two days... Christmas Day and Boxing Day

  12. Thank you very much. Just in case...

    1. skipepsi


      The world ends tomorrow?

    2. new puritan

      new puritan

      Please not .. I'm still trying to commit all the lyrics of the Fall to memory before I die!

    3. Stubby47


      The Fell has lyrics ?!?

  13. A trick of the light Dave. I have 3 lamps illuminating my workbench, any combination of which are used for photography depending on how the light falls on the subject. Paul.
  14. Big Neon Glitter.

    1. Kev_Lewis


      Drag me back, drag me back...

  15. RMweb certificates - thats wot we wont. 100 posts - you get a certificate. Reputation hits 50 - you get another. Then while yer man York is busy sorting all of these certificates out we can run riot on the main forum without him noticing...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ian


      ...and a plaque for 100 wish list posts...

    3. RJL


      What a good idea.

    4. Boris


      I don't need ideas and I don't need Mr Yorke distracted, I can provide enough of a distraction for my own misdeeds!


  16. I.P.C. subeditors dictate our youth.

    1. halfwit


      Ay, Evil Bill.

  17. Surly sprockets.

    1. RJL


      Something to get the old cogs turning there.

    2. Ramblin Rich

      Ramblin Rich

      grumbling gearwheels, Gromit?

  18. Yes, they are axleboxes, as seen here. The diagonal struts are actually chain tensioners, 48 and 88DS Rustons are chain drive, chains are tensioned by turning the struts to move the axle backwards or forwards.
  19. They seem to be popular with overpaid bicycle mechanics, Park make a nice one, which seems expensive but its actually one of the cheaper ones... Paul.
  20. Me and my other half just had a barking mad mountain bike ride in the high wind. All her idea!

  21. I should really have mentioned them Jan, and they're not that easy to spot in the photos. There is a rear bonnet former supplied in the kit which butts up to the cab front, however its unnecessary (stated in the instructions) so I didn't use it. I should have mentioned that as well... Paul.
  22. Just take back the dvd, withdraw that extra money, tell mum I coudn't be back for tea, then grab my savings and hurry...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hippo


      Today I've achieved absolutely nought,

      In just being out of the house, I've lost out

    3. halfwit


      A grand don't come for free...

    4. Hippo


      Dry your eyes mate......

  23. Prieser did a snowman in a set including a Father Christmas and some children - bit expensive though! I reckon that a stooped figure struggling up the road towards the cottage looking decidedly miserable would be quite apt given the amount of snow on the ground! Paul.
  24. Rigid singlespeed 29ers rock!

    1. halfwit


      Even when fitted with shonky cable disc brakes and are geared a little too high!

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