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Andy M

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Status Updates posted by Andy M

  1. has come over all Lynton & Barnstapley!

  2. has just paid over £50 for a RTR coach for the first time. 😳

    In my defence it was on the way home from a Beer Festival so my immune system was compromised! Now going for a lie down in a darkened room.

  3. Is lamenting the annual pilgrimage to Scaleforum.

  4. is just finishing off a Spitfire PR IV, then it’s back to some serious railway modelling.

    1. 46444


      Think a blog entry is needed Andy...

    2. railroadbill


      Can't beat a spitfire as a model...

  5. All I wanted for Christmas was socks.....and the wife got me a Mitchell Castle....bah humbug!

    1. mike morley

      mike morley

      Well,if you don't want it . . .

    2. Tim V

      Tim V

      Some people are never satisfied ...

  6. has spent the day amassing some 125 mileage......whilst we still can!

  7. Passed the remains of 43125 & 43128 on a low loader this evening on the M42. Looks like the HST cull has begun!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Andy M

      Andy M

      It was full cab and roof sections heading West on the M42.

    3. Wild Boar Fell

      Wild Boar Fell

      Probably from Brush, Loughborough

    4. adb968008


      43125.. wasn’t that and 43126 the first into IC exec livery back in the mid 1980’s ? - I know it was Hornby and Lima’s first choice for that livery.

  8. Just passed a Class 309 EMU on the M54 at Telford. You don’t see that every day!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Didn't realise the M54 had 25kv overhead string...

    3. locoholic


      Thomas the Tank Engine was westbound on the M50 this evening.

    4. adb968008


      That’s nothing, my wife said she saw 3 mermaids in an Alfa Romeo, in the Pacific Ocean once... mind she’d had a few glasses of champagne at the time

  9. The Royal Air Force - Serving the nation with style and panache for 100 years.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chris p bacon

      chris p bacon

      Tally Ho Biffo....

    3. Welchester


      Don't forget the Brylcreem.

    4. rembrow


      While in Lincs last week, visited my nephew serving at RAF Coningsby and felt proud to see the BofB Lancaster doing circuits including passing over Woodhall Spa, home of the Dambusters. Also saw one of the new A400 craft doing circuits. Per ardua ad astra. RIP those who gave their lives

  10. has spent the day on the very spot my Great Grandfather fought during the Great War. A spiritual moment indeed.

  11. Dissertation submitted, Masters Degree completed. Now where's the soldering iron, it's time to get some proper work done!

    1. Miss Prism

      Miss Prism

      I wish I had such discipline.

    2. 46444


      Time to fire up the Antex!...

      Great stuff Andy. Well done and looking forwards to seeing your modelling once more...

  12. Dissertation nearly finished, the light at the end of the tunnel is visible!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bgman


      Best of luck with both of them !

    3. Andy M

      Andy M

      Thanks bgman. I love your avatar image by the way, where was that taken?

    4. Andy M

      Andy M

      Lol. Come now Dutch_Master, a Castle on the 'Torbay Express' I can cope with!

  13. is looking for an Austin Seven (not the LMS one).

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 2mmMark


      The upmarket version was known as the Austin Tatious.


    3. Horsetan


      ....or how about a BMW Dixi?

    4. RJS1977


      My grandfather buried a load of Austin 7 parts in his back garden when he dismantled his air raid shelter after WW2...

  14. I thought Brexit was what happens when a big lass from Barnsley sits on one of those plastic garden chairs.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Metr0Land


      To quote ColBols: "...and Scotland are living in DREAMLLAND"

    3. cromptonnut


      Ah yes, the fat lass from Yorkshire who liked to 'ave 'er 'uddersfield.

    4. Andy M

      Andy M

      Or the Fishmongers Daughter from Grimsby who showed me her plaice and taught me how to fillet!

  15. wishes the Royal Air Force a Happy Birthday. 98 years old today! Per Ardua Ad Astra.

    1. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      2 more years and the experiment is over......

    2. westerhamstation


      98 great years happy bithday

  16. is supposed to be working on a thesis, but is far more absorbed reading about Modified Halls! Wonder if I could do a PhD on Great Western locomotive design.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PhilEakins


      See your PM's

    3. Re6/6


      Priorities, priorities!

    4. Axlebox


      And why not...did mine on austerity tanks locos...

  17. has at last got a bit of time for modelling. Hornblock fitting or coach building, that is the question.

    1. 46444


      And hopefully an update too!

  18. is sat at Aberystwyth awaiting the 10:30 departure to Devils Bridge. Llewelyn up front simmering away nicely and the sun is shining. Life is good!

    1. Re6/6


      Have a nice time!"

    2. 46444


      Sounds great.

      Just need a Manor and Dukedog on the Cambrian Coast express.... ;)


      Look out for Margaret and Diana. Both recently restored.

  19. is studying the complexities of Great Western catering vehicles and think I can justify a few more.

    1. gwrrob
    2. Andy M

      Andy M

      H39/H40 combo in Chocolate & Cream for the Cornish Riviera Express and maybe a H55 Buffet car in maroon.

  20. has been reading about the Wolf of Badenoch. It pains me to say it but the LNER had some brilliant loco names, much better than a collection of stately homes or shipping companies!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ozexpatriate


      But the shipping company line also had knights of the round table and admirals.

    3. steve22


      Then they took those lovely bird names and replaced them with directors' names. I always thought that was sad.

    4. TheCuckoo


      The GWR 29xx had some belters, imho - Albion, Coeur de Lion, Ivanhoe, Lalla Rookh, and my personal favourite 2902 Lady of the Lake

  21. has fallen in love with Deltics all over again!

    1. bgman


      What's it like with another woman in ya life :)

    2. SHMD
  22. has just completed the Three Peaks Challenge in 9 hours 20 mins, and is now in tatters. Only Timothy Taylors Landlord can save me now!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 46444


      Gongrats Andy! Good choice of victuals too. Though surely a pint of Teignworthy's finist would be more appropriate!

    3. RJS1977


      Which three Class 45s/6s did you ride behind?


    4. Andy M

      Andy M

      D8 first then D6 and finally D7.

  23. is off to South Devon tomorrow, my spiritual home!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 46444


      Well enjoy and pop into Express Way Models. Sometimes a bargain to had!

    3. Andy M

      Andy M

      Unfortunately the 'War Chest' has been depleted with the recent purchase of a ScR Totem and a new Hornby Grange, so it will be viewing only for me!

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Hope you are enjoying yourself, the rain is just about holding off at the moment...!

  24. is on his way to Railex with an unusually small shopping list. This will probably only lead to impulse purchases!

  25. is discovering that the Collett 4000g Tender is not as standard a design as first thought!

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