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Everything posted by Welchester

  1. Would this be of any use as a basis (from Freestone Model Accessories): http://www.freestonemodel.co.uk/USERIMAGES/Photo0369%282%29.jpg
  2. When foreign travel ceased to be the preserve of the aristocracy, and ordinary people were able to visit the Continent, some of the strange foods they encountered came as quite a surprise: The March of the Men of Garlic Men of Garlic--large your numbers, Long indeed your conscience slumbers, Can't you change and eat cu-cumbers? Men of Garlic, say! They are sweet and tender, Short and thick or slender. Then, we know well your breath won't smell And sickness' pangs engender. Men of Garlic, stop your scorning, Change your food and hear our warning, See the day of Progress dawning, Give three cheers-- Hurray!
  3. According to this site (which tells you all you need to know about Rorke's Drift), they didn't become the South Wales Borderers until 1881: http://www.rorkesdriftvc.com/myths/myths.htm
  4. Yes. It was a magnificent action by the 2nd Warwickshires. Incidentally, Lt Col (formerly C/Sgt) Bourne, the last survivor of Rorke's Drift died on VE Day.
  5. I knew somebody who used to pour double cream onto quiche 'to make it less rich'. Surprisingly, he's no longer with us.
  6. I'm getting a Horse Guards poster from following that link.
  7. Welchester

    Hornby king

    As a rider to Coach Bogie's close-ups, the gap between the frame and the bogie looks pretty apparent here: http://www.warwickshirerailways.com/gwr/gwrt306.htm
  8. Please adjust your dress before leaving.
  9. Ah, Errol Flynn as Robin Hood - the film with the memorable line: "To the tables everybody, and stuff yourselves."
  10. Sorry to revert to an old post (from as long ago as yesterday), but I just thought you all might like to see a genuine picture of a submarine at Gloucester: http://www.visit-gloucestershire.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/1940Sub_WEB.jpg
  11. No. Diana Dors, whose real name was Fluck, was invited to open a church fête at St Mark's Church, Swindon (where she had been a Sunday school teacher) and introduced as 'the famous film star Diana Dors, whom many of you will remember as Diana Clunt'.
  12. To answer my own question: no. https://hattonsimages.blob.core.windows.net/products/R3222_3004814_Qty1_2.jpg
  13. Yesterday on the GCR: 7820 having recovered failed 1501 and train.
  14. Is the rear buffer beam number still on the wrong (left) side, or has it been moved to the right (in both senses) side?
  15. And I thought Lesbian was a very obscure dialect of Ancient Greek...
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